Suddenly, his mouth was no longer against hers. Chloe blinked in time to see Rayn in a crumbled, groaning heap at the bottom of the staircase. His legs twitched and then he was struggling to get up.

Chloe turned and her heart squeezed tight.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” asked the source of her pain.

She swallowed once and felt her throat close to working order again but not quite healed all the way yet. “Why, isn’t it Commander Tyrian en Kulev, leader of the Atal Warriors. You grace me with your incredible presence.” She tried to bow but ended up stumbling forward. He grabbed her to steady her then quickly withdrew his hands.

“You didn’t answer my question,” he said icily.

Rayn finally stood and wobbled up to them, favoring his right ankle. “She was dying. I kissed her. No tongue, I swear.” Chloe sensed the violence in Tyrian coming to a boil. She took an unsteady step towards him, putting Rayn behind her. Tyrian cocked a brow at her.

“Don’t hurt him for what he did. He helped while you did nothing.”

Chloe felt herself falling backward. She took a breath as air breezed around her, but then Tyrian caught her before she hit the ground, picking her up in his arms.

“What have you done to yourself?” he asked angrily. Chloe felt him moving but

struggled to make sense of the rooms now spinning around her. The kiss had helped, but she was three days starving. She needed more.

“You did it. You threw me out.” Her heart broke. God it hurt to say it aloud. To put sound to the words that cut so deep. A soft cushion met her back. She stared up into the ice blue eyes that she’d grown to love.

“Besides,” she added bitterly, “You told me to choose another warrior. I did your


Tyrian stalked away from her with a curse. “I know what I said, woman.” Finally, he came back to her and gave her no time to think before his mouth was on hers.

Chloe twisted, turning her head away. “No.”

“What do you mean no?”

“I told you what I felt and you threw me out like I’m nothing to you. Why would I want your kiss now? When it’s angry and hard and uncaring?”

His eyes darkened. “The way I kiss isn’t any different than it was before. Just let me help you.”

“Now you want to help? I swear that if I could throw something at you right now I

would. You’re a bastard who’s pushing away something that could make you so happy.” Don’t cry, Chloe.

He growled, then was at her side, her face in his hands. “I’m sorry, dammit. I’m sorry I can’t be who you need. I wish things were different. I’m even sorrier I hurt you. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I—”

His eyes clouded over and he looked so lost and confused that Chloe gave in once again, her arms wrapping around him. He didn’t even struggle. His arms came around her like it was the most natural thing in the world, pulling her close.

“You are what I need,” she whispered fiercely. “I just wish you’d realize it, Ty. I love you.”

“Chloe,” he said, his eyes wild, breathing hard. His eyes traced over her face, and then his mouth was on hers, tongue seeking.

The kiss was raw passion. His taste flooded her senses. Chloe lost herself in it, in him.

For timeless moments, the world consisted of only them and this one kiss.

That is, until an explosion ripped the room apart. Chloe screamed as ear-piercing wails ripped through the air. Tyrian didn’t hesitate, but scooped her up and sprinted out of the room.

Stone exploded, falling down from the ceiling and raining on the ground around them.

Chloe had only a moment to look behind her to see screeching, flying demons storming into the castle.

Chapter Twenty-nine

Chloe was handed off to Rayn.

“Sound the alert, we’re under attack!” Those words took Chloe a few seconds to


“What?” she said dumbly.

Tyrian turned to her, kissed her hard and quick. “Get into your room, barricade the door, and do not leave. The demon has finally come.”

Rayn started dragging her towards the stairs and she fought against him. “Wait. How do you know that? Don’t leave!”

The entire castle trembled, rocking everyone on their feet as if it was being torn out from below. Lily! Chloe thought frantically. I have to get to my sister.

A voice, eerily familiar in its deep, rumbling roar growled from the outside the castle.


All the blood left her face.

“Go now!” Tyrian roared. Doors flung open and out poured dozens and dozens of armed Atal Warriors. They stormed through the front door with fierce, battle-ready expressions.

Chloe went, half-dragged up the stairs by Rayn. He shoved her into her room and went to shut the door. “Wait! Get my sister and Lucinda, please! ” she begged.

The warrior hesitated then finally nodded. “Lock up and stay away from the walls. I’ll be right back.” The door slammed shut and Chloe closed the lock with shaking fingers. She turned around and wished her room had a window. The castle shook again and Chloe wished she could see what was happening. Don’t let him get hurt, she prayed silently.

A rapid knock sounded at the door. Chloe flung it open and grabbed a frantic Lily and Lucinda.

“Stay here,” Rayn said and did his disappearing act. Chloe shut the door and threw the lock.

“Oh my God, what’s happening?” Lily asked, for once sounding scared.

“The demon’s here and I think he brought his army.” Horrible sounds echoed through the castle. The clash of metal and steel, the battle cries of warriors, the screech of demons. Chloe went to her nightstand and grabbed the piece of paper with the spell on it and the potion Lily’d made her.

The outside wall suddenly shuddered.

“What was that?” Lucinda asked in a high voice.

Lily swallowed hard. “Get ready to run, ladies.” Lily threw the lock on the door waited like a marathoner for her queue.

Chloe stomach clenched painfully. This was what she’d been waiting for. Part of her had known it was coming. It had just been a matter of time.

The wall shuddered again and a blood-curling screech sounded from the other side of it.

Whatever it was was trying to break through the wall. And it was working.

Dust and stone debris spewed into the air and the stone cracked. Pieces of rock fell to the ground until finally one single stone fell and moonlight spilled in through the hole. She actually hoped it was her demon. She wanted to say the spell, throw the potion on it, and be done with it.

Before anyone got hurt.

Sharp taloned fingers swung through the stone, scratching against the stone.

“We need to get out of here, now.” Chloe said. She couldn’t risk Lily and Lucinda if this wasn’t her demon trying to break in. She’d meant for her voice to be firm but it came out as a stunned whisper as suddenly the entire wall crashed in, piles of stone and dusty debris filling the air.

Oh, shit. A dozen flying idummi demons soared into the room.

“Out now!” Chloe screamed and they all bolted for the door. Chloe made it last, had just gripped the doorframe and taken a step towards it when bony fingers gripped her arm.

“Lily!” Lily turned back to her, fear drenching her features. She ran back, her arm outstretched. But then Chloe was snapped backwards, flying in the air in the arms of a demon.

Chloe screamed from the top of her lungs, wind whipping sharply at her face, as she soared through the freezing night air and over the battle that raged below. Her hands opened as they swooped down like a diving bird and Chloe watched, in slow realization, as the potion and spell slipped from her fingers and fell into the crowd of fighters below.

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