“Well, I’d planned on taking you out tonight and showing you the city, but there was too much work to be done. We’ll postpone it to another night, but I thought the least I could do was play with you.” He smiled at her, that one dimple popping up in his cheek.

“What do you mean play with me?” Willow looked anywhere but at him because every time she did, something tightened inside her.

“Well I thought I could show you how to wrestle.” Laughing, she walked away from him as he neared her. He began stalking her as a predator might a prey. He lunged towards her and she ducked to the side to evade him. A laugh floated out of her and his smile was infectious.

“See, this is how it starts. The maneuvering of two opponents around and around.” He made a grab for her but she laughed and skirted out of reach. “Until eventually one of them finally gets pounced.” He feinted left then tackled her. Willow’s back hit the soft blue mat and they fell into a fit of laughter.

He settled on top of her, his blue eye lighting up his face, making him look younger and happier than he had in the past few days. Willow felt the urge to trace her fingers over that face and memorize the features of him just like this.

“I have a feeling this isn’t how you wrestle with your other pack members.”

He arched a brow. “Only the women.” Willow’s snort turned into a case of belly laughter until she futilely started pushing him away.

“Get off me you big oaf.” His mouth opened in mock surprise.

“Willow, I think that’s the nicest thing you ever called me.” She rolled her eyes and slapped him on the shoulder.

“Not as good as ‘Oh Great Alpha’, I think.” His hands caught her wrists and slowly slid up her arms. The touch was gentle, soft even, yet it made her feel trapped under him.

“Let me go.” She bucked under him and tried to get away. His arms swooped around her back, bringing her flush against him. The strength of his chest crushed her breasts in a delicious way as he fitted his hips to hers.

“But Willow, today I realized I’ve made many promises to you since I met you.”

She snorted. “Promises of a sexual nature are for you, not for me; and they don’t count.”

“Of course they do. And tonight, I’m going to start making good on them,” he said darkly.

“What?” His smile was pure sin as he arched his hips against hers. She felt the rigid length of his cock brush against the needy part of her like a teasing caress.

“That’s right, starting right now I’m making good on some of my promises.”

Willow wanted to say something smart in retort but instead said, “Which one?”

Oh God, was that her breathless voice? Couldn’t be. All of his fantasies put her in every submissive way possible, which she wouldn’t allow. Heck, she already had the chains ready.

“I haven’t quite decided. I have so many choices. You’ll look beautiful in all of them; feel even better when I’m inside you.” His lips nuzzled her neck in a way she was becoming all too familiar with. As kisses pressed along her skin, Willow struggled to keep her denials at the tip of her tongue.

Steeling herself, she gave her voice no room for argument. “I told you last time, if we’re going to do this it’ll be my way or no way, and my way does not include being your bitch.” Lyonis snapped his teeth at her ear making her jump. She could hear the anger in his voice.

“I will not punish you for your language but you should know that it is not considered a bad thing to be a submissive where I come from. In my world, both positions are treasured and, most of all, respected for what they are. The bitch as you put it is an incredible position of power.”

“Yeah, right.” With a growl, he bit down on her neck. Willow whimpered as hot pleasure flushed through her body like a scalding wave; her hips undulated against his, rocking against his cock.

“That power comes from trust and love. The submissive is the sole focus of the dominant’s eyes and touch. You would be treated as a Goddess, my touch given only to give you as much pleasure as possible.” Willow jerked away from him, her jaw dropping at his audacity.

“You are full of shit! Everything you’ve ever told me is to have me on my knees before you, pleasuring you. To lift my ass for you. Don’t you remember any of that?”

He was just as angry as he stared back at her with unflinching eyes. “Yeah, that’s right, because in that situation you’re the Goddess giving a gift to me. You have the power, the control. I may be in charge, saying what happens, but you’re the one giving it, taking it.”

She clucked her tongue. “Yeah, that sounds like it’ll all be great for you as I’m on my chafed knees sucking your dick.” His eyes almost bulged in his anger, and then he tore himself away from her and stalked away. Willow struggled to sit up and went after him with angry strides. Two could play this game.

“Just where do you think you’re going? You’re the one who called me here, not the other way around.” Hell if he would have just come home like she’d wanted, she’d have him chained and already had her orgasm by now.

He stopped and turned around and that was when she realized just how angry she’d made him. His eyes were a swirling pool of dark, sweltering blues, his lips flat with distaste, body tight with unreleased rage.

He took a step towards her. Willow didn’t think. She backed the hell up. He kept coming towards her until finally Willow hit the wall and plastered herself against it like wallpaper.

“What are you doing?” she whispered. Surprisingly, she didn’t feel a lick of fear, at least not the scary kind. His big hands flattened against the wall on either side of her head, caging her.

“Don’t you ever reduce what happens between us like that. Like it’s some crude thing you’d rather spit on.” Willow blinked fast.

“I’m sorry,” she said, then she blinked. “No wait dammit. I’m not sorry. That’s the truth and that’s how it’d be if I let you have your way. Don’t you remember? I’ve already had a taste of it in that damn club in Germany. You tied me and just took me.” Willow’s breaths sawed unevenly, she hoped it wasn’t making her sound breathless because she needed every ounce of strength against him.

His eyes narrowed and fell across her eyes, her lips, her throat. Suddenly he pressed his chest flush against hers until they were breathing the same air. He laughed, short and harsh.

“You can’t lie to me, Willow. I can see everything about you. You talk and act so damn tough, but what you’re really feeling is shown here,” he said trailing a finger from her temple to jaw, “and here,” he gently rested his hand over her heart.

“I’m not lying,” she said through her teeth. His eyelids drooped to a sexy half-mast. His voice was as rich and dark as chocolate as he spoke.

“Let me remind you of something, Willow. That night in the club when I took you near all those people, your breast in my hand, my cock sliding easily with how wet you were.” He bent close to her ear and whispered, “I’ve never felt you come so hard since. Your pussy gripped me like it never wanted to let me go, like it needed me more than your next breath.”

Willow’s face turned dark red as mortification set in. “That’s not true!” She heard a strange noise then looked left and right to see it was his hands curling into tight, twisting fists.

Suddenly he threw back his head and roared a sound that was no longer human. In the next second, he grabbed her and threw her down onto the soft blue mat. Willow gasped and crab walked away from him. His chest moved rapidly, his eyes were wild, and he was stalking straight for her.

* * *

Willow didn’t make it far before he reached her. He grabbed the hem of his shirt and tore it from his body. In the next instant he had his shoes off and his shorts left in a heap on the floor.

Clothed the man was utterly sexy, deliciously lickable; naked he was irresistible.

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