They went up to bed together as other couples have done for many, many years. It felt good, Willow realized. It felt good to be near him and do this normal activity, like pulling the bedsheets down and climbing inside.

He still wouldn’t meet her eyes for longer than a second, but Willow understood. She’d seen a side of him that he’d never shown her before and he was unsure about it. She wasn’t entirely sure how she knew that but she felt it deep inside. Women’s intuition or some shit like that.

As the heavy fog of sleep drifted over her, she opened her eyes one last time and whispered, “It’s okay.”

Then she closed her eyes and fell asleep with her arm around her Alpha.

* * *

Somewhere deep in the earth, below where any life dared to live, the demon cackled.

Its existence was simple but ambitious. It didn’t feel pain. It gave it. It didn’t feel fear, but thrived off its potent power.

It finished its spell and released the puny human from its grip. For too long the Bellum woman hadn’t feared and slowly its powers weakened, forcing it to take a victim to restore it. Someone for which the sister would feel fear. It had worked. Compassion was the demon’s greatest utility, easily used, easily manipulated. The demon could have taken anyone and the stupid succubus would have felt for it.

Its powers were nearly fully restored. Now the fear was back in the sister, stronger than ever, stronger than the demon had even hoped for.

Its plan was back on track now. The sister would die, then her end of the pact will be complete. Karr will rise again and together they will run the world.

Chapter 27

Jackie watched the scene between her Alpha and Willow with a combination of awe and jealousy. Amy deserved her banishment for daring to touch the Alpha’s mate in anger. Amy had always been a bit of a loose cannon but she must be out of her mind to attack Willow when her belly was obviously showing...and her mate was standing right next to her. Not so bright, Amy.

As the scene died out and Amy left in a wash of sobs, the conversations started back up like a radio being switched on. People sighed and went back to their booths, the sounds of laughter echoed through the air.

Jackie strolled along the booths, following the scents of juicy cooked meat and fresh mushrooms. This had always been her favorite part of the festival—the kebabs. Chunks of steak stuck between peppers and mushrooms. Already her mouth watered.

She hurried to the booth before anyone else got in line. She recognized Thomas on the grill. The son from a long line of chefs, Thomas worked at the pack’s restaurant and was capable of making the simplest things taste unbelievably amazing.

“Hey, Thomas. What’s crackin’?” Thomas looked over his shoulder and grinned at her.

“I was waiting for you to come by. Knew you couldn’t resist the smell.”

Jackie laughed. He was right. “Came here as soon as the drama was over, you know me. Can I get two of those?”

He flipped over the meat and vegetables to cook the other side and said, “What are you on some kind of diet now? Three or four minimum here, darlin’.”

“Well I guess I’ll have to suck it up and take three then.” Thomas let out a full belly laugh.

“Tara will help you as soon as she gets back.”

As Jackie’s mind searched through a list of faces with the name Tara, a youngish beauty with wavy brown hair came into the booth with a big smile. She turned to Thomas.

“Sorry about that, Chef. Had to wait in line to use the bathroom.” She turned back to Jackie and then it hit her. One of Thane’s flings. In fact, a recent one. Not even a month ago. Jackie’s gut tightened with a mixture of feelings she didn’t want to address. Instead of turning and walking away like she wanted to, she stood and managed a convincing smile.

“Three kebabs, please.”

Tara told her the charge and Jackie paid. Something as simple as a business exchange now seemed to take ten times longer than usual. Tara took her time as she tossed witty one-liners back and forth with Thomas.

Jackie was about to tell the girl to put a move on it but then she grabbed three skewers and a handful of napkins. Then she set them down and leaned towards Jackie on the booth.

Jackie leaned back. This woman had tasted Thane’s lips. Who was she kidding, she’d probably tasted every inch of him. What woman wouldn’t? You’d have to be stupid to waste being with him.

Tara smiled brightly, eyes glittering with excitement. “So is it true?”

“Is what true?” Jackie managed to keep her tone from biting—barely.

“That you and a special someone have learned you’re mates.” Even as Jackie’s cheeks flushed at hearing the words aloud, she inwardly grew cold.

That had always been how she dealt with things. Especially unexpected bad news. Unlike her hotheaded father whom she hadn’t, nor wanted to see in the past fifteen years, Jackie had learned to tightly control her anger. Sometimes that meant walking away and, yeah, she had no problem doing that.

Unless I’m running straight into the bathroom with Thane following me.

Even though she’d managed to avoid him since that incident, his words still haunted her. She found herself wondering crazy, wild things. The kind of thoughts she never used to have. How did one single kiss change her so much? It was like she was a different person now.

You won’t be able to resist me, Jackie! he’d yelled as she ran for the exit. The strong defensive wall she erected around herself crumbled when he neared. She used to hold that wall up tighter when he was around, when she’d see him smooching with some bitch by her car after a date. Ha! A date, more like a night of fucking.

She closed her eyes tightly to erase the vivid images of him thrusting between another woman’s legs. Heart thundering in her chest, her mind buzzing with interference, Jackie looked around wildly feeling as though the world was spinning much too fast for her to stand up straight.

Just as she was about to collapse, her gaze landed on Tara’s wide-eyed expression. The girl reached for her, grabbing onto her shoulders. Was the girl shouting? It looked like it but she sounded faraway like she was on the other side of a football field and a crowd was hollering behind her.

“What?” Jackie mumbled.

Tara gave her a strange look and then the fogginess was gone. “I asked if you’re all right. You don’t look so good.”

Jackie shook her head and gulped only to find her throat sorely in need of some water. “I’m fine,” she croaked.

Tara looked back at Thomas and they both watched her with concerned gazes.

“I’m sorry I didn’t think my question would get you all riled up.”

Jackie pressed a hand to her pounding forehead. “What question?”

She couldn’t recall any conversation with the girl, only kept seeing images of Thane naked, kissing other women. Her heart started pounding again so she forced her mental wall up, lining it with bricks, steel, titanium, a hundred layers of wood, anything.

“I asked you about being Thane’s mate. I was only teasing a bit. I didn’t mean to get you worked up. Here are your kebabs, they’re on the house.” She spoke softly, slowly as if she might spook Jackie. That had her snatching the kebabs and turning away without a goodbye.

How would anyone even know about her and Thane? She doubted anyone saw them kiss outside that club. Could it be...

Jaw cracking as she ground it side to side. Jackie heard a snap. Looking down she saw the three skewers split in half, the meat dangling down precariously. With a disgusted sigh, she dropped the food into a trash bin and got away from the pack.

She headed for the forest before she even realized it. As she crossed into the woods, her stress levels reduced instantly. It was like a soothing balm. The pounding at her forehead dissipated until she forgot about it as she trekked over fallen branches and loose soil covered with fallen leaves from the towering trees.

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