“I mean no offence, Alpha Lyonis. What can they do that we can’t?”

Jackie took a step towards Thane. “Since when do we call on help for our problems?”

Lyonis knew this was unheard of. It wasn’t like he was happy with the idea but something in his gut told him he might need them.

“Since now. We have an ancient demon that wants to kill our Queen. I’m not about to let that happen. Whatever’s happened to Stephanie is happening to Danny. If we take care of the demon, then this all stops,” he said.

He watched the hard expressions on his lieutenant’s faces. Slowly they nodded.

“Good. Now prepare for guests, I’m calling the Atal Warriors.”

* * *

It wasn’t until the next day that Tyrian came to meet with him. Along with him he brought his mate, her sister Lily, and two guards named Henry and Rayn. The last to teleport in was the demon Telal Demuzi. His unnatural demonic presence unsettled Lyonis like bugs crawling along his legs.

They each took a seat in the conference room. The air in the room crackled with tension so thick only lightning could break it.

“Where’s our sister?” Chloe demanded. She looked like she was about to leap across the table and shake him until he told her. Her mate wrapped his arm around her, which seemed to calm her.

“She’s at home. I’m sure she’ll be excited to see you both,” he said.

“Why isn’t she here with us?” Lily said softly.

Lyonis looked sharply at her. For once the youngest Bellum sister wasn’t bouncing in her seat or vying for the demon Telal’s attention. A soft frown pulled at her mouth as she sat there quietly.

“She’s with child. I’ve asked her to stay at home to rest.” Inwardly he flinched at the lie.

The Bellum sister’s exchanged jaw-dropping gapes then leapt to a stand at the same time.

“A baby!” Lily said with astonishment.

“A baby!” Chloe said threateningly.

“Yes, a baby. I’m sure she’ll tell you all about it. We’re mated now.”

I’m sure she’ll tell you that I ordered her at home. He had a brief flare of panic that he quickly quelled. She wouldn’t escape him; she wouldn’t be leaving with her sisters. He wouldn’t allow it.

Telal leaned back casually but his words were anything but. “I hope you didn’t send for me to talk about throwing you a bachelor party.”

Lyonis didn’t laugh. “We’ve had two incidents,” he began then related the missing occurrences of Stephanie and Danny to them. By time he was finished the room sat in silence.

“Well the demon’s using them to get to Willow,” Lily said simply.

“What are you talking about? Since Stephanie’s been back her parents say she’s been back to normal. Doesn’t even remember her whereabouts of that night.”

Lily nodded then said, “Sure but then she met with Willow in the bathroom and the demon showed itself.” She said the words as easily as if she were reciting her favorite colors.

Lyonis leaned forward in his seat, blood beginning to boil. “What are you talking about?”

All eyes turned to her. She only shrugged. “I had a dream of a young girl standing before Willow in a bathroom. The girl wasn’t herself though. The words she spoke were demonic.”

Before Lyonis could say anything, Chloe spoke up. “What did it say?”

Lily shrugged. “I don’t know. It was a dream. Things were blurry as they usually are. I didn’t hear any words. Only had impressions of the demon inside the girl. Willow was scared.”

Lyonis’ hands curled into fists. His mate had been scared and he didn’t know about it?

“I haven’t heard anything about this. Why wouldn’t she have told me?” The thought that Stephanie had been walking amongst his pack while a demon possible sat inside her sent his hair standing on end. The thought that she might have gotten close to Willow with that thing inside her nearly sent him into a rage.

“Ask her that,” Lily replied.

“I intend to.”

Telal sighed as if bored. “Again, why did you send for me?”

Lyonis looked Telal and Tyrian in the eye. “I need your help. Something’s coming.”

“Unless you require a load of guns then I’m afraid I can’t help you,” Telal said, coming to a stand.

Lily came to a stand too and walked around to face him. “You can too. You know more about this demon after my sister than anyone here.”

The demon sent her a withering stare. “I already told you everything I know.”

Lily clamped her mouth shut and stared him down with a withering glare. “You’re staying.”

He cocked a condescending brow.

“I’d like the assistance of the Atal Warriors.” It pained Lyonis to say that so much that he couldn’t hide his grimace.

Tyrian readily nodded. “Agreed. I will have them stationed here immediately.”

He answered so readily that Lyonis wasn’t prepared for it. He’d been expecting to coerce the vampire commander into it. The knot in his shoulders eased a fraction.

“You need to keep Stephanie away from Willow. Probably away from the whole pack,” Lily insisted. She hadn’t returned to her seat but stood close to the demon who made a pointed interest in ignoring her.

“I can’t do that. Too many questions will be raised. Her parents will be furious. I can’t betray their trust like that.” He thought about how happy the McLannhan’s were to have their daughter back. No way could he steal their daughter away.

“You have to. The demon’s using her,” Lily said.

“It’s easy to say that but I can’t take the girl away from her family. Hell they’d thought she was dead before!”

“What can we do?” Chloe asked the helpless question. She directed it at Telal. The demon only rolled his eyes and moved away from the youngest sister.

“I should let you all dig yourselves out of your own grave,” he muttered to himself. He turned back around to glare at all of them, especially the sisters. “This is all your fault. Your foolishness has put people in danger.”

“Oh and I thought you didn’t care about anyone but yourself,” Lily said innocently.

The demon took a threatening step towards her then growled and turned away.

“All of my resources have been silent. That tells me something. The demon is keeping quiet, hidden, biding its time.”

“For what?” Lyonis said, afraid of the answer.

“As if I know. The only thing I know is that you can’t let Willow get into Dura’s hands.”

“Why? What would happen?” said Chloe, her features pinched.

“Aside from her death? Dura made a demonic pact, a revargen, with the demon Karr that you ‘killed.’ If she finishes her end of the deal then Karr will be brought back to life again and then there will be two ancient demons to terrorize the world.”

“How are you certain it made the revargen?” Lyonis said.

“Deadly certain. This demon Dura would not be alive if not for Karr resurrecting her. The revargen would ensure that if he died he’d come back. If I had to make a pact, I’d do the same thing.”

“Then why’s it after Willow and not me?” said Chloe.

Telal shrugged. “Each of you casted the spell. Probably in order to gain all of his powers back he’ll need to kill all of you. Or attempt to anyways.”

There was silence for a moment as everyone contemplated the mess they were in.

Then softly Telal looked at Lily and said, “Whether your sister lives or dies, it will not stop until you are dead next. There is a pattern to these attacks. Eldest to youngest.”

Lily grimaced. “Bummer.”

Telal took a threatening step towards her, then another. “Bummer? Your life is in danger and all you have to say is ‘bummer?’”

Her lips curled into a slow smile as she looked up at him. She fluttered her eyelashes at him. “And here I thought you didn’t care about me, Telal.”

His body stiffened then he stepped away from her. “I don’t.” The ice in his voice could freeze the desert. Lily smiled happily as if he’d just said something magical.

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