She pulled away. In a ragged whisper said, “Do this for me, please.” Then she claimed him whole again, wet sucking heat.

For her. Yes, he’d do it for her. Before he exploded, he fisted her hair and pulled her away, forcing her to meet his eyes.

With a fierce, possessive look he said, “Anything for you.”

For a moment she looked as though she’d cry, but then she gave him a smile that he felt all the way to his soul.

Then she took him deep again and didn’t let up until he gave a hoarse shout and shot his hot release in her mouth. She swallowed over him, her fist pumping his cock to wring him dry. She climbed over him afterward and held him.

Somewhere in the back of his foggy mind, he knew he’d just given her complete control over him. And strangely, he trusted her with it...

Chapter 36

Willow was still staring at the clock when he finally came through the door at four-thirty in the morning.

To say she was pissed was the understatement of the century. She was able to forgive the first night he didn’t come home—because she was super nice. But she was not able to forgive excluding her from a meeting about a demon stalking her. And she was so not able to forgive being ignored for two days. Like she was some kind of breeding mare and now that she was mated to him with his child, he could just lock her up here and come visit her when it fancied him.

“Fuck that!” she shouted coming to a stand.

Lyonis paused in the doorway, then shut it with a soft click. Embarrassment threatened to make her blush, but she was too mad for that now. God, it felt good. Anger she knew, anger she loved.

“Fuck what?”

“You! You can’t treat me like this.”

For a moment he looked as though he’d pretend he didn’t know what she was talking about but then he shrugged.

“Yes I can. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you and our young safe.”

He went up the stairs and she followed him. “By locking me up here? By not telling me there was a meeting about the demon after me! Oh, or maybe you’re protecting me by not telling me my sisters were here!”

He started tearing his clothes off as he headed for the bathroom. “Let it go Willow. It doesn’t matter.”

She saw red. Count to ten, she thought, and calm down. She made it to two before she was ready to pull her hair out.

“Maybe it doesn’t matter to you, but this is my life and it matters very fucking much, thank you.”

Naked, he turned to her and nearly bumped into her. “You got to see your family. You should be happy I let you do that.”

Her heart stopped beating.

“What?” she said, her voice dangerously quiet.

His expression tightened. “You heard me. Be happy I let you see your sisters. I can’t trust them not to help you escape.”

“This can’t be happening,” she muttered. All the anger wiped out of her in an instant.

She fell against the door and for whatever reason he was there to catch her from sliding down it. He held her up and for a moment, she thought she saw concern there. No, he didn’t love her. People who loved didn’t do these kinds of things. Monsters did.

“Are you a monster?”

He looked away from her, when he turned back his expression was controlled. What was he hiding from her? That thought had anger spiking sharply inside her. She pushed his hands off her shoulders and stepped away from him.

“You’re just like him!”

Willow’s eyes shot wide the moment the words slid from her lips.

Dark eyes narrowed to a dangerous glint. “Who?”

Realizing what she’d just done, Willow clamped her mouth shut and spun from the room. But he followed her, grabbed her arm, and spun her around.

“I’m like who, Willow?” His voice was hard, his eyes angry and a little sad. It was on the tip of her tongue to ignore him, to tell him to fuck off because he didn’t deserve to know...but it was that hint of sadness that pulled at her heart. She couldn’t deny him anything when he asked like that. Or maybe she just finally wanted someone to know. Though why she’d ever want that she didn’t know.


He straightened, his face guarded. She watched the light of recognition turn on his eyes. She hadn’t been a virgin when she met him.

“He was the one...”

A clipped nod.

“Tell me his name.”

“David Co—” she stopped, eyes narrowing. He’d asked it so deceptively soft, like a simple inquiry. Angry or not with him, she knew what he’d do if she told him. Even she didn’t wish that on the bastard. “No.”

“Tell me what he did and tell me his name.” His voice was stiff like he had a hard time controlling it.

Willow sighed. Her heart feeling like it was breaking all over again. “Just forget it. I shouldn’t have said anything. This isn’t what I wanted.” She wanted to rail at him with all her pent-up anger not discuss her previous, failed, fucked-up relationship.

She turned from him and when he made to grab her arm, she dodged it and fled down the stairs. Her foot caught near the last step and she went soaring through the air.

A choked scream left her throat, panic immobilized her as she flew towards the hard ground. My baby! At the last second she tried to push her arms out in front of her to break the fall but it all happened so fast. She wasn’t going to make it in time.

Her knees slammed hard into the wood floor and then she was caught, thrust back against Lyonis’ hard chest.

He turned her to face him, breathing wild, eyes wide with fear. He clutched her to him and she latched onto him with all her might. A choked cry left her, and she couldn’t stop the rush when it came. She broke down like an old, beat up car. He held her tight as she cried every tear of worry and pain and frustration.

He spoke soft words to her, his hands creating warm comforting strokes around her back. It made her feel safe, like everything was okay, like he’d always be there to protect her. She’d only ever felt that with Papa, but this was still a bit different. This wasn’t the paternal comfort from father to daughter, but the loving comfort between a man and woman.

Tears stopping, Willow pulled back at the thought. When his arms refused to let her go, she pushed hard at him. Love. Loving comfort. He didn’t love her.

“Don’t touch me,” she said coldly.

Jaw clenching, he did as she said. Something dark and spiteful built inside her. She was just so angry at him. Her body burned like a fever, her hands shook with the need to clench and hit something. She’d always thought she’d loved David. That’s why she let him do the things he did and how, in her mind, she excused his actions with reason after reason. But she couldn’t have loved David, because she was head over heels for Lyonis and his betrayal hurt so much worse. What David did had hurt her emotionally, maybe even mentally, but Lyonis’ actions broke her damn heart.

“I’m asking you once more. Please, don’t do this,” she pleaded with him. His mouth opened, closed, and finally he looked away from her. With one shake of his head, she had her answer.

Suddenly, all the anger went out of her. Her body turned cold, body unfeeling, numb like the dentist had just novacained her entire body. The only thing she felt was her heart, so tight in her chest, it was almost unbearable.

“Until the baby’s born and this demon is dead, I can’t do that. I won’t take any chances.”

“Somehow going out in the pack is dangerous?”

“We already know that Stephanie has been used by the demon for whatever purpose. Is it really that far-fetched that she, if not others, may be under the demon’s control and want to hurt you, Willow?”

“Yes it is,” she said simply. He looked like he was about to shout but then he took a deep breath.

“Lily already told me that Stephanie spoke to you at the festival that the demon was...inside her. Is that true?”

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