For the first time in a long time, she felt truly content...and happy. Lyonis surprised her by having all of her snow globes brought up from her home in Florida. She hadn’t been strong enough not to cry at the sight of them. They reminded her too much of Papa. Now Lyonis’ home felt a lot more like hers.

When the doctor told her the baby was alive, she couldn’t believe it. Not after everything that happened in the rift. But somehow, her baby still lived and was strong and healthy. Lyonis had just smiled confidently at her and said, “She’s strong like her mother.”

To which, she’d gaped. “Girl?” He’d nodded at her with a sly smile.

She was still getting used to this whole large belly thing. In one’s month time she’d nearly doubled in size it seemed. Though she couldn’t complain when Lyonis treated her like a queen. Who knew she’d like having a man’s attention like that?

As the dance neared to an end, Lyonis and Willow made their way through the crowded dance floor saying their goodbyes. Willow kissed her sister’s goodbye, then Thane and Jackie as she passed them. With a final goodbye, the pack waved back at them with smiles as they ducked out the door.

“You finally plan on telling me about this David fella?”

Willow sighed. “I promised you I would, but only ‘cause you almost died buddy.”

He laughed at her as he drove them home. He came around to her and carried her inside and up the stairs to the bedroom.

“Begin,” he commanded.

With a dramatic sigh, she began her story. “David and I started dating when I was 22. I fell in love with him, hard. I didn’t know it at the time but he was emotionally abusive, manipulative.”

He tensed as he set her on the bed and she kissed him until he sat down next to her.

“I still plan on killing him,” he promised with deadly sincerity.

“No,” she said. “I was young and not as strong as I am now. I thought he loved me even when he made me change the clothes I was wearing cause he didn’t like them or put makeup on, little things like that.”

“But it wasn’t always smaller things like that...”

“No,” she agreed. Surprisingly, she didn’t mind talking about this now. The past with David seemed like ages ago since the night with the demon. She was so grateful to be alive with her mate that she honestly didn’t care about that anymore.

“I started to get uncomfortable when he’d make his friends watch us have sex.”

He stiffed around her like a brick. She petted his arm and curled into him the best she could with her belly.

“I know baby, but I don’t care anymore. Really, I let him because I loved him and so on. So anyways, I was humiliated more and more and when he finally offered to share me with one of his buddies, I left him. I knew then that if he loved me he wouldn’t be trying to share me. I know I’m stupid and that it took me that long to realize that, but hey I’m not perfect.”

He kissed her on the mouth. “Yes you are.”

“I love you,” she whispered.

“And I love you, sica tawicue.”

“Wicked wife, huh? I’ll show you wicked.”

Smiling, she crawled over him and did just that.


Telal Demuzi, Demon Lord and Warrior,

I know you don’t want to open my letters, but I also happen to know you can’t resist. If I told you I was happy about that would you be pleased? I expect not but maybe a small, teeny part of you is.

I’ve seen you in my dreams. I’ve watched you open my letters, that fierce scowl on your face, as you unhappily read my words. I know you crumble them and toss them in the fire—normally I might be mad about that but I forgive you. -wink-

I know what you did for Willow. I can’t tell you how much it means to me. I promise to repay you for that. I don’t know how yet, but I’ll think of something. I always do. It helps to have a bestie like Rosa el Blanco too.

I had a dream about you last night. Not like the others of course. It’s the kind I look forward to when I lay my head on my pillow at night. Do you think about me? You should. You should relax and let a little Lily into your life. I’ve heard it does wondrous things! 

We were bathed in the most beautiful, golden light. It’s how I picture utopia might look. The sky was streaked with lovely blue the color of your hair, and I remember it with such vividness that even now I can still remember the taste...the feel. You looked down at me with that frustrated scowl you usually have when looking at me, but then you leaned down and kissed me. The kiss was so breathtaking, so wonderful; I woke up still feeling the press of your warm lips against mine. Crazy isn’t it? I look forward to when this day happens, because it will, Telal. I think you know this already.

I know something big is coming. I think you know that, too. Of course you think you know everything. Don’t be scared though, ‘cause I’ll be there to protect you. This will happen soon. Sooner than you want, I expect.

My birthday arrives in nine months. What say you to a little birthday gift? A kiss, maybe? Yeah, I didn’t think so.

Very soon,


~Lily Bellum~


Don’t think I haven’t wondered why Papa gave me to you, gave all of my sisters away. I know you know, Telal and I plan to find out.

About the Author

I love to write the kind of stories that will keep you up late at night and make your heart pound. It’s my goal in writing to make each new book better, more exciting, more action-packed, not only to test myself as a writer but to keep thrilling you. I’m always trying to push the boundaries with my imagination, and yours, to create something new and different.

If you’re a fan of paranormal romance novels then you’ll love my Bellum Sisters Trilogy. This isn’t your typical romance story, so be prepared for a kick of heat and tons of action. The Bellum Sisters Trilogy has received excellent reviews from paranormal bloggers and two of the three books are Top Picks from Night Owl Reviews.

Now, if you like shorter books with quite a bit of heat, humor, and action then I’d recommend the Kategan Alphas series. This erotic series features the sexy Kategan family and all the lucky men and women who get to meet them and complete their lives.

Visit my website to learn more about me and my books at

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