The pack erupted into smiles and cheers. All except for one woman. Willow’s eyes narrowed on her because she stared at her like she was some disgusting insect she wanted to squash. She didn’t clap nor cheer at her Alpha. Willow smirked and went to flip her the bird when Lyonis grabbed her hand and raised her arm into the air.

“I’ve brought back something special,” he said to the quieting crowd. “Much to my surprise, on my hunt to find the succubus that my dear friend Francis Bellum left to me, I have in fact found something much greater.”

All cheers ceased completely. The Alpha grinned, his eyes nearly bursting with happiness. Willow yanked on her hand to pull it back, but he held tighter.

“Everyone, I would like you to meet your new queen. Willow Marie Bellum.”

The crowd glanced at one another, then slowly, awkwardly started clapping.

“See, I told you they wouldn’t be happy about this,” she hissed. Lyonis smiled at her.

“It will take time. They will want to get to know you. This is the first step to full acceptance.”

“But she isn’t a shifter,” argued the blond-haired female who stared nails into her head.

Lyonis nodded. “It’s true. She is a succubus. But as all of you who are mated know, once you find your mate there is no changing it. There is no denying it, and it cannot be resisted.” The last part he said straight to her, in a low, husky voice. A shiver raced up her spine. Her face threatened to burst with a blush, and she prayed no one noticed her reaction. It won’t really help her escape plans if people thought she actually liked the Alpha.

“Why doesn’t she speak?” yelled someone in the audience.

“He’s been keeping her mouth too busy,” another man yelled out. The audience burst into laughter and Willow glared at Lyonis who laughed along with them. He shrugged at her and winked.

“They like you already. Willow and I have had a long trip. Tomorrow, first thing, we’ll get caught up. Jackie and Thane...” he said searching the crowd. Two people stepped forward. They had a look about them that said they could easily fight in a brawl and come out on top.

“Yes, Sir?” the one named Jackie said. She wore her ginger hair pulled back into a tight ponytail with a black tank top, shorts, and sneakers. Willow liked her already.

“You two in my office first thing. We have a lot to do discuss.”

“Yes, Sir,” the one named Thane said. He had long hair too; it was dark as night and complemented his tanned skin and hawkish nose perfectly.

“Goodnight, everyone. It is good to be home!” The crowd erupted in cheers as he led her away. “Time to go home.” He pushed her into the SUB when she didn’t get in on her own.

“Great idea. I happen to live in Florida, not that you’d care about that, and I’d like to go home now. So if you could just pull back over. I’ll happily get out of your hair.”

Lyonis’ mouth pulled into a hard line. For once he didn’t laugh or smile at her. “You put me in a difficult spot, Willow.” She turned slowly to him as her jaw fell open.

“I put you in a difficult spot. You have kidnapped me, which is against the law. You have taken my body when I didn’t want it—”

He slammed on the breaks. She flung forward in her seat. He faced her in a flash of anger. “Don’t you dare lie. You wanted me just as badly as I wanted you, maybe even more with that new moon affecting your body. Don’t you dare twist what happened between us into something else.” Willow slowly peeled herself off the air bag. It was on the verge of her tongue to apologize. He was right. She didn’t like it but he was right. She could have said a stern no to him back in Europe and she knew he’d back away, but she’d wanted him so badly.

“I—okay.” He tilted his head at her.

“That’s it? ‘Okay?’”

She gave him a tight smile and nodded once. Slowly, his lips pulled up until a broad smile that covered his face, popping that cute little dimple on his left cheek.

“Is it that hard for you?”

“Is what hard for me?”

“Apologizing,” he said simply. Willow gave him a disgusted look and turned her back on him. His laughter flowed over her like a caress. “You are one interesting woman, Willow. You and I will have great times together. I look forward to it,” he said softly.

Willow wrapped her arms around herself as a wave of sadness came over her. She wasn’t going to have a life with him. Even though a small part of her was slightly curious to know more about this male and his pack. She couldn’t do it, though. She couldn’t live the submissive lifestyle he required. She’d already tried it with David. Not no, but hell no. She learned her lesson in pain and humiliation already.

He pulled onto the road and soon they were at a rustic log cabin at the end of all the homes. His house sat back from everyone else’s as if he could watch over the others if he wanted to. It also sat near the edge of the forest. If she was lucky she might be able to escape through there. Already her spirits were lifting.

She grabbed her backpack from the back seat, followed him inside, and was surprised to find that his home was...nice. It was clean but with comfortable touches and lots of sofas and couches as if he was used to having people over.

“Shall I take you on the tour of the house?” She nodded because she was curious to see the rest of it. He led her into the kitchen and her brows rose to her hairline.

She let out a whistle. “This is nice. You do a lot of cooking?” He practically puffed up at the comment. The kitchen was filled with stainless steel appliances, a large island with a granite countertop, and a hanging potholder above it. There were cabinets lining three of the walls with glass windows on the front of them. She saw an arrangement of plates, glasses, and bowls that looked brand new.

“Yeah, we have a lot of gatherings and everyone does their share of cooking for it. After you become my wife, you can help me out in the kitchen.”

Willow snorted. “I don’t cook.” She crossed her arms at his laughter. “And I’m not going to be your wife.” His laughter died, then he was coming towards her. Willow refused to step back and show any sign of fear even though her heart was suddenly in her throat.

“Then I look forward to proving you wrong.” He loomed over her, a sensual presence that reminded her of the way his lips felt against hers, the way her body melted when he sunk his teeth into her neck. His eyes turned dark and erotic. She didn’t see him move but suddenly her back was pressed into the kitchen wall; his hands holding her hips.

Slowly, he bent towards her as he pulled her body into his. Her lips felt dry and in need of something. Her breasts pushed against his chest and tightened almost painfully in need. His hand came up to her chin, fingers trailing up her jaw in a gentle caress. Then his lips caught hers.

Willow let him because for those few precious seconds, she didn’t want anything more in life. His warm tongue teased the seam of her lips and coaxed them as if he was asking for permission. A part of her struggled to recall her wills, her strength.

She pulled back, mere inches separating their ragged breathing. The warm, wet heat of him lingered on her cooling lips.

As his eyes flickered over her eyes and lips with a hunger she was starting to understand all too well, he suddenly pulled back. Willow blinked, stunned.

“Come on,” he said gruffly and pulled her up the stairs and into a bedroom. Willow froze.

“I’m not sleeping with you.” She started out of the room but he grabbed her hand and in a dance-like move, spun her into his arms. Then his lips were at her neck, scalding her as he kissed along her pulse. Please don’t let him feel how fast it is, she prayed.

“Yes, you are, my Willow. Every night for the rest of your life. Whether you accept it or not, you’re mine. I have extra guards stationed outside. You will not get away from me now.” Her eyes snapped open and she pushed hard against his chest. He moved away with that damn grin on his face.

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