I can’t help but chuckle now, at both the thought of this tiny chick with a pink gun by her bed and at the look on Jake’s face.

“No worries,” he tells her quickly. “I don’t have any plans to break into your house. No need to threaten me with your pink gun.”

I hear chuckling around me from the kids, and Jacey relaxes.

“Good. I just thought I’d let you know.”

“Jake!” Joe’s voice booms through the gym, and I glance over to find him standing in his office doorway, a pissed look on his face. “Get in here.”

Jake turns slowly and Joe looks at Jacey.

“You okay?” he calls to her.

She nods and so does he. “Good. And nice rotation on that kick, young lady.”

Jacey smiles now, a real smile that spreads to her eyes. “Thanks.”

Jake disappears reluctantly into Joe’s office, his shoulders slumped, and the door closes behind them. Jacey stands limply for a minute, probably trying to decide what to do now… now that she’s shown the entire gym that she’s an unlikely badass. Noise resumes around us as everyone goes back to their business.

I look at her.

“That was impressive,” I admit quietly, because it’s the truth. “You looked like a stuntwoman. Or a ninja.”

Jacey laughs a warm laugh, real and husky, as she walks toward me, closing the three-foot gap between us.

“Thanks,” she tells me. “I guess those endless self-defense classes with my brother paid off. I used to think that he just wanted to inflict pain on me, but maybe there was rhyme to his reason.”

She’s unflustered now, once again sure of herself. She tucks a stray lock of her blond hair behind her ear, and I can’t help but notice her plump lips. They’re just the right size to nip at. The tip of her tongue pokes out, licking her lips, and I swallow.

Must distract myself.

“Your brother’s really a Ranger?” I ask, refocusing myself. “Because that’s badass shit. If he trained you, it’s no wonder you can take down a guy twice your size.”

Jacey smiles, hovering near my elbow. Close enough to touch, but I don’t. Close enough to inhale, so I do, filling my lungs with the scent of apples.

She’s a breath of fresh air, whether I want to admit it or not.

“Yeah, he is. Or he was until a year or so ago. He is pretty badass.”

I’m getting ready to reply when a group of guys headed for the locker room stop off beside us.

“Dude, are you really Dominic Kinkaide?” one of them asks, his face dubious. I smile what I hope is a patient smile.

“Yeah, that’s me,” I answer. I can feel Jacey watching the exchange with interest, but she remains silent. The kid grins.

“Dude. I loved Annihilated. That was some crazy shit! Did you do your own stunts?”

I nod, and the kids start chattering eagerly, asking me questions about leaping from a helicopter and how I’d managed to flip my jet ski over backward. One of them runs to Joe’s office to get paper for autographs, and the group grows from three guys to fifteen.

The kid runs back and hands me a stack of scratch paper, and I start scrawling my name, handing an autograph to each boy surrounding me. As I do, I see Jacey slip away from the ruckus. A part of me is disappointed by that. I’m fascinated by the Jacey that just laid Jake out flat on his back.

I want to know more about her, because she seems different from the Jacey who works at Saffron.

After five minutes or so, Joe sticks his head out of his office and barks at the boys.

“Hey! You’re not here to get autographs. Let the man do his job and you guys get back to work!”

The kids sheepishly disperse, going back to their punching bags or to the locker room, and I head to the weight room to wipe down the seats. When I get there, I find Jacey already crouched by a machine, cleaning it. When I walk in, she glances up at me and smiles.

“So that’s your life?”

I shrug. “Most of the time. It’s why I don’t go out much. It’s just part of it.”

I grab a rag and help her, cleaning the other side of the machine she’s working on.

“Well, I think it’s awesome,” she answers. “Everyone loves you. That must be an amazing feeling.”

I snort. “Yeah. Everyone loves me. Jacey, no one knows me. Not really. They know my face. They know the roles that I play. But they don’t know me. That’s okay, though. It’s how I like it.”

Jacey shakes her head. “That’s depressingly lonely, Dominic.”

“Not really,” I mutter, bending next to her to grab the bottle of sanitizer. As I do, she wrinkles up her nose.

“Jesus. You smell like sex. Did you come straight from a whorehouse?”

I feel myself flush, just a bit, because she caught me dead to rights.

Visions of the girl-on-girl action I was a part of just before I came here flash through my head. I hadn’t taken the time for a shower because I was late enough already.


Jacey shakes her head in… what? Disappointment? Disgust?

Before I can figure out her reaction, she walks away, breaking whatever moment we’d been having and leaving me staring after her in astonishment as she exits the room. No one ever walks away from me like that.

But she just did.

Not only that, but she’s not looking back, either. She’s not so impressed with who I am that she’ll overlook any fault that I might have. Interesting… and unusual.

As I stare at her shoulder blades, I realize it’s possible that there might be more to this girl than I thought.

Yeah… no, there’s probably not.

I decide this a few hours later as I walk into the parking lot at the end of my shift, after scrubbing toilets, refilling ice packs, and wiping graffiti off the wall.

It’s clear that she’s exactly like I thought she was.

Kaylie, the girl from the party the other night, is dressed in her tiny server’s uniform, and she tosses a bag at Jacey as Jacey piles into Kaylie’s little convertible.

Then, right in the parking lot, Jacey hunches down in the seat and changes her clothes.


I can’t see anything, but I know what she’s doing. And so would the boys in the gym, if any of them happened to look outside. What the fuck is she thinking? One leg extends high into the air, her toes pointed to the sky, as Jacey slips her workout shorts off and her tiny uniform shorts on. The flimsy material sliding over her long legs leaves little to the imagination.

Does she want to invite trouble? A boy’s imagination is as good as the real thing, often times better. So to give them a glimpse like this is only going to make them want to see more.

But maybe that’s what she wants. And maybe that’s why she’s exactly the kind of girl I thought she was. An attention-whore and a tease, which makes total sense given her job.

I stop for a second and watch.

Because that’s what I like to do.

Her shirt comes off, and I get a hint of a slender shoulder, the top of her bra, the curve of her arm. Then she’s busy fastening the hooks of her skimpy corset, which pushes her tits upward and together, before she adjusts her yellow bow tie.

Something about the situation… the fact that Jacey is undressing in a very public place, the fact that I like to watch… and the fact that Jacey has a smoking-hot body incites a reaction from my dick and it hardens against my leg.

I hate that I react at all, physical or otherwise, because I wouldn’t touch this girl with Sin’s dick, let alone mine. There’s trouble in the way she so clearly needs so much attention. I mean, she works a job where she is half-dressed for the pleasure of men, for god’s sake. I want nothing to do with her, or anyone like her. Yet here I am with a stiff dick.

It’s at this moment that she turns and tosses her bag into the tiny backseat and her eyes meet mine. She pauses, and I can almost hear the breath as it rushes over her lips with surprise. I can almost see the question in her dark eyes as they widen. Did he just see me undress?

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