I smile, just a little, and shake my head.

“If by ‘something’ you mean an earth-shattering breakthrough for me, then yeah. It was something.

Jacey smiles and reaches for me, pulling me down to her.

“Last night was intense,” she rephrases.

My heart feels oddly numb, but beneath the numb layers it feels happy for the first time in years. I feel Jacey’s lips curve into a smile against my skin.

“Where do we go from here?” Jacey asks quietly, her face still buried against me.

“I don’t know,” I answer honestly. “This is all new ground for me.”

“We’ll figure it out,” she says confidently. “Don’t worry.”

“I’m not,” I tell her. And I find that I mean it. It’s such a good fucking feeling. “I don’t know how I’m going to work through what happened, but I was able to talk about it for the first time last night. You and I are… a step in the right direction. That’s got to mean something.”

“I know it does. We’ll figure it out. And you don’t have to stay with me today,” she says with her lips against my neck. “I feel fine. I have a headache, but that’s it.”

“Oh, really,” I drawl, running my hands up her back, trying to lighten the situation. “You’ve been wanting me in your bed for a month, and now I’m here and you want me gone?”

Jacey pulls away and looks at me, her expression serious. “I do want you in my bed,” she confirms. “But I want a lot of things. We’re going to have to talk about it, Dominic. Last night was amazing, but it’s only the beginning. I want you, Dom. And we’re going to have to talk about how much of you you’re willing to give.”

I stare at her, at her wide brown eyes, her slender shoulders, her full lips. “You can have all of me,” I tell her simply. “I don’t know why you want it, but you can have it.”

She stares at me, her lip quivering, then she dives into my arms, burying her head next to my chest.

“Then I’ll take it,” she announces. “But it’s going to be work, Dom. It will be a process. You’re hurting inside. And you’re not going to heal overnight. You know that, right?”

I sigh and nod. “I know. For now, I’ll be satisfied with just being with you. Is that fine with you?”

She nods, then hesitates. “Yes. But there’s something else. Cris said that there’s things you don’t know. I really think that in order to really start moving forward, you need to know everything there is to know. Don’t you?”

I roll my eyes, unable to contain my disgust.

“I never want to look at Cris again,” I tell her truthfully. “I’m not transferring my blame to him, trust me. I blame myself plenty. But he’s just as at fault. And he won’t admit it. I don’t want to talk to him.”

“But he knows something you need to know,” Jacey points out. “And you need to heal. Please, Dom. I want to be with you. I do. But I need for you to start out with an open mind, ready to be in a relationship with me. To do that, you need to put your relationship with Emma to bed once and for all.”

Her words float in the room around us, on the sun, on the air, and I know she’s right. But that doesn’t mean I can do it.

Because I can’t.

I throw back the covers and stand up, pulling on my clothes.

“I can’t,” I tell her simply. “I’m willing to try with you, but I can’t do that. Not yet.”

I walk out, leaving her alone in her bedroom as I slide into my car and drive away.

I feel empty and crushed as I drive, oddly disjointed from the situation. But I’ve always been good at that, at detaching myself when I have to. It’s what I’ve always had to do to survive.

I haven’t even reached the end of the street when Jacey texts me.

Don’t throw this away, Dom. You deserve to be happy. Don’t run from me.

The words stop me in my tracks, right in the middle of the road. I don’t care that someone is honking behind me.

Don’t run.

That’s what I’ve been doing for years. I’ve been running from what happened, hoping I could hide from it, hoping to never deal with it.


Only a fucking pussy does that.

I turn my car around and go back, striding up the walk, not even bothering to knock on her door. I just walk directly into Jacey’s house. She freezes in the doorway of her bedroom, standing there in just a T-shirt and panties. She doesn’t look surprised to see me.

“Fine,” I tell her curtly. “I’ll listen to Cris, but I can’t promise that I won’t punch him in the throat.”

Jacey smiles, a wide and beatific smile.

“I can’t ask for everything,” she sighs. “But this is good, Dom. Seriously. Should we call him and have him here, or should we go to your parents’? Where should we meet with him?”

“Sin’s,” I say automatically. “I don’t want the drama of doing it at my parents. And I don’t want him stepping one foot into your house. We’ll do it at Sin’s. He won’t mind.”

“Okay,” Jacey says quietly. “Thank you for doing this for me, Dominic. I hope you see that we’re really doing this for you, too.” I nod, and my gut clenches at the look on her face. It’s genuine and real and she loves me.

She loves me.

Sin’s house is quiet when we arrive, and Jacey turns to me in surprise.

“I’ve never seen it this empty,” she observes as we walk in the front door. “Is there anyone downstairs?”

By “downstairs,” I know what she means and I shake my head.

“No. Sin’s parties aren’t ongoing, although they seem like it. There’s usually not anyone down there during the day. Besides, he knows we’re coming to talk to Cris. I’m sure he’ll want to sit in. He’s been curious about what happened for years.”

Jacey slips her hand in mine, and for the first time in a long time I feel comfortable leaving it there. I don’t know why. All I know is that I want to touch her, and for the first time it seems okay.

We make our way to the living room, where Sin’s already waiting. He’s even got a shirt on.

“You’re up early,” I observe. Sin grins.

“Since when is four in the afternoon early?”

“It’s early for you,” I amend.

“What’s going on?” Sin looks at me curiously. “Why the change of heart about Cris?”

I shake my head. “I didn’t say I had a change of heart. I said I want to talk to him. Jacey talked me into it. It’s a good idea to know everything so that I can put everything surrounding Emma to bed.”

Sin nods in surprised approval. “It’s time, Dom. It really is.”

“I know,” I answer simply. “And Sin, if you’re going to be here today, there’s going to be some stuff you didn’t know… I should probably just go ahead and tell you. Emma got pregnant back in high school. And it wasn’t mine.”

“What?” Sin asks stiltedly, his face suddenly deathly pale. But I don’t have time to answer, because Cris clears his throat in the doorway.

“I’m here,” he announces. Jacey squeezes my hand in encouragement, to calm me down, to prevent me from punching Cris’s face in right off the bat. I glance down at her, and she stares at me in support.

“You can do this,” she tells me quietly.

I nod. I know I can. I have a brief moment of clarity. This whole mess originated with Cris, with what Cris did with my girlfriend. The pressure should be on him, not me.

I motion for Cris to come in, and Sin, of course, pours him a drink, shoving it into his hands.

“I’m guessing you’ll need that,” Sin tells him. “Sit anywhere you’d like.”

Cris chooses a chair across from me and sits, wildly banging his foot against the chair leg. When he sees me looking at it, he stops moving.

“Fiona didn’t come?” I ask curiously. “That doesn’t seem like her.”

Cris shrugs. “She felt that this was between you and me. She didn’t want to choose a side.”

Oh, really? Now she decides that? She didn’t feel that way the last time she was here at Sin’s, screaming at me about what a lunatic I am. Interesting.

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