I understand how that feels. I feel the same way.

I wrap my arms around him and press my face to his back, letting my weary eyes close as the weight of the world seems to rest on my eyelids.

The silence grows and grows, until eventually Dominic falls asleep. I stay with him for the longest time, holding him tightly. If anyone deserves the oblivion that sleeps brings, he does.

He only wakes once, after I have Chinese delivered. He stays awake long enough to eat with me and then he suggests that I sleep in the guest room so that I can get some rest.

“I’ll be tossing and turning,” he says wryly. “You’ve already been patient enough with me today. You deserve a break.”

I don’t want a break, but I don’t argue.

Dominic slips back into the darkened master suite and I close the door to the guest room. If he wants to be alone, I’ll let him be alone.

Whatever it takes for him to process this.

Chapter Thirty-Two


I try to sleep alone.

But strangely, after years of seeking out solitude, it’s the last thing I want now.

And I don’t just want anyone… I want Jacey.

I look at the clock. Two seventeen A.M. I squeeze my tired eyes closed, then open them again, throwing the covers back as I get out of bed. I pad down to Jacey’s room.

She’s sleeping peacefully, her hand curled under her chin. Her eyelids flutter when I climb in beside her, and she turns into me when I wrap my arms around her.

Her warmth envelops me, soaking into the cold that has surrounded me for so long.

“Thank you for being so good to me,” I whisper to her. For the life of me, I can’t figure out why she would be. I haven’t done anything to deserve it.

She sighs sleepily, not answering. Her hands flutter across my chest and down to my waist. It’s answer enough, and just like that, because of the brush of her fingertips, I want her.

She lifts her hips and I pull off her underwear. Her mouth meets mine sleepily, hotly. And I slip into her.

Her warmth surrounds me and I groan, throwing my head back and losing myself in the sensations… in her.

I feel her hands on my back, her fingernails. I hear her moans, her breath. I feel the world exploding, then I fall limply onto her, rolling over so I don’t hurt her.

Then we sleep.

When I wake, sunshine is pouring into the bedroom, and I blearily look around, trying to see what woke me. My phone buzzes again.

My phone.

I pick it up and focus on it, finding a text from Sin.

You’re my brother and there’s nothing more important than that. I love you. I’ll love you forever. I’m sorry I fucked up.

I put the phone back down and close my eyes.

Chapter Thirty-Three


I get off the phone with Joe, smiling as I think about how badass he always tries to act, but how soft his heart actually is.

I’d explained the situation, in very vague terms, and said that we wouldn’t be back to work until Monday. He was perfectly fine with that. We won’t be in trouble. That’s a relief, because that’s the last thing we need on top of everything else.

I tiptoe back into the bedroom and stare at Dom.

In sleep, he’s peaceful. Nothing can hurt him when he sleeps, and that’s the reason I’ve let him sleep for two straight days. It’s almost as if his body needed it to absorb the emotional shock that it’s undergone the last few days.

At night, I climb into bed and he wraps his arms around me, holding me close. During the day I get up, but I check in on him from time to time. He’s woken up a couple of times for water, but nothing else.

As I stand over him, I feel the intense need to protect him from anything else that might hurt him.

That’s why when Sin shows up on the doorstep a couple hours later, I’m hesitant to let him in.

“I know you’re sorry,” I tell him hesitantly. “I know. But he’s messed up, Sin. He’s been sleeping for two days. I don’t think he’s in a place where he’s ready to talk to you.”

Sin stares at me with his doleful rocker stare. “You know, I was right when I told you that you were good for Dominic. Wasn’t I?”

I swallow. “Yeah. And if it were up to me, I’d invite you in and you could talk to Dom. But…”

“It’s all right.” Dominic’s voice comes from behind me. “Let him in.”

I turn around to find Dom sitting on the bottom step, staring at his brother. His hair is mussed, but other than that, you’d never guess he’d just slept for two days.

“Are you okay?” I ask softly. He glances at me, and there’s something so potent in his eyes… something powerful and shining.

He loves me. He hasn’t said it, but I know it’s true. I swallow as he nods.

“Yeah, I’m fine, babe.” He glances at his brother. “I ignored your texts for a reason, Sin. I didn’t want to talk to you.”

Sin swallows, then nods. “I figured. But I take no for an answer as well as you do. Dom, this shit happened six years ago. Think of everything that happened over the past six years. Now think of who has been with you that whole time. Me. I swear on my life that I will never fuck up like that again.”

Dom sighs, rubbing his face, then looking up at his brother. “I know. I know, Sin.”

I exhale the breath I’d been holding, and Sin stares at him.

“You know?”

Dom nods. “Yeah. I know. I’m still pissed at you, but I know.”

Sin stares at him hesitantly. “When you say you know, what do you mean?”

Dominic sighs. “I know that it was one night. You were both drunk and she wasn’t thinking clearly. You were nineteen and you were thinking with your cock. You didn’t know she got pregnant. You didn’t know that I made her get an abortion. You didn’t know any of it. It was a huge, fucked-up mess, but I can’t dwell on it any longer. I’ll get over it. I’m not over it yet, but I’ll get over it.”

“You will?” Sin sounds hopeful, yet nervous. Dom nods.

“Yeah. Eventually. I can’t believe you fucking did it, but I’ll try to get over it. We’re brothers, and I know you’d never do it now. Right?”

Sin immediately shakes his head. “Fuck no. I’ve grown up, Dom. I would never try to take what’s yours. I didn’t try to take what was yours then, I was just too young and stupid to rein in my hormones. I won’t make that same mistake twice.”

Sin lifts Dom to his feet and pulls him into a hug. He practically clings to Dom as he murmurs into Dom’s hair.

“I didn’t know, dude. I swear to Christ I didn’t know that I was to blame for fucking you up. I swear to Christ. If I knew, I would’ve told you long ago.”

Dom doesn’t respond for a minute, but then wraps his arms around his brother, hugging him back. He’s reluctant, but it’s still a hug. It’s something.

“I’m sorry, man,” Sin tells him again, and I can honestly hear the sadness in his voice. “You know I loved Emma… but not like that. That night was just a mistake. Neither of us meant it.”

“I know,” Dominic nods. “I know.”

I can see from his face that he means it. He does know. And that’s a far cry from the Dominic that I saw two days ago. As we wind our way out to the veranda, I turn to him.

“That must’ve been some sleep you had.”

He smiles ever so slightly. “I don’t think I’ve slept a full night since Emma died. So, yeah. It was pretty good. I’m thinking more clearly now.”

Sin stops and turns to Dom, his dark blue eyes unsure. “Dom. I didn’t come alone. Cris is in the car. He’s in a bad way. Can you talk to him?”

I freeze, watching Dom. He knows that Cris was trying to protect his relationship with Sin, but knowing it and knowing it are two different things, because he also knows that Cris could’ve spoken up years ago.

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