Mick blushed hard enough that Asa could see it even in the dim light.

“I’ve never hid that I like women too. She just reminded me of someone for a moment. That’s all. She’s pretty, no lie. Great body. She’s just not your usual. Young. I jumped to conclusions and got protective and weird.”

Mick slid a palm over his head. That sound, the scratch of skin on the stubble of the scalp their friend shaved regularly, was so normal, something Asa had heard during every situation imaginable.

This was Asa, Duke, and Mick. Like it had been for years.

“Jesus. I bet she’s going to make me pay. She seems the type,” Mick said.

Young and crazy, she’d teased him. Asa’d had his share of crazy women, and she really wasn’t in that category. Which was a very good thing. But she had enough of that energy, enough sass and sense of self that she embodied the things he dug about those sorts of intense people without the restraining-order parts.

“She’s not a pushover. And you were an asshole. Also, I should have told you this up front, but she’s got a temper, which you’ve seen a bit of. That middle finger was just the tip of that iceberg. Wear a cup.”

Chapter Fourteen

She’d just settled into bed and had started to drift off when the knock came at her door.

Asa had texted her earlier to see if she was still up, but she’d just wanted to go to sleep, so she’d ignored it. Also, she was annoyed at him and his friend and she didn’t want to deal with any more foolery from them that night.

She pulled on a robe and headed out, looking through the peephole to be sure it was him. And it was.

Seeing him sent all her annoyance skittering away. He looked so good out there on her porch. He’d smell good too. And make her come at least once. But since he’d be feeling guilty she could probably count on a minimum of two orgasms.

She opened up.

He gave her a smile but stayed outside. He held up a couple of shopping bags. “I come bearing gifts. Chocolates. Caramels. Some wine. Me.”

PJ put a hand at her hip. “You’re trouble.” Which was why she would let him in, of course.

“I know. But I’m usually worth it in the end. Can I come in?”

She stepped to the side, locking up once he’d come in.

“Mick is going to be calling you this week to apologize. I feel like I should tell you a little about him. Not to make excuses for what he’s done, but maybe to help you understand some.”

“Come in. I was in bed. Bring the chocolates, caramel, and you.”

He snorted, getting rid of his boots and then following her to her room.

She slid the robe over the top of her door and got back in bed.

“Am I safe getting in there with you?”

She grinned. “You’re an adrenaline junkie, Asa. Take your chances.”

Laughing, he pulled off every last stitch of clothing and jumped in bed with her.

“Mick was in the army with me and Duke, as you know. We met early on. He and Duke were in the same company, and I came along after one of their buddies got killed.”

He shook his head, his gaze going far away for a moment, and she realized how little he spoke about this stuff.

“He’s the youngest of seven kids. They’re very religious and he’s bi. They didn’t kick him out or send him to therapy, but they have quietly and gravely judged him for being gay since he came out.

“He’s my brother, like Duke is my brother. He’s protective and he saw you as a threat because you’re young and pretty. He thought you were out to use me. But we hashed it out. Duke and I both talked with him about you. He’s a hothead, but he’s also got honor. He’s not used to fitting anywhere. But he does with us, and you came into that space and he freaked. I hope you’ll give him a chance once he apologizes, but if you don’t I get that too.”

Well, how could she not give the guy a chance after that story? “I’m not a heartless brute.” She snuggled down under the covers and he spooned her from behind.

“I have an idea. Something to help you sleep,” he said, nuzzling the back of her neck.

“Stop talking, that works best,” she muttered and he laughed.

“I’m sorry.” He said it quietly, his lips against her pulse on her neck.

“For what?” She turned to face him.

“I invited you somewhere and then you got treated poorly by my best friend. That’s a shitty thing to have to deal with. It shouldn’t have happened. I’m sorry you had to.”

She sighed. “It’s all right. I mean, it’s not cool that he was such an insulting dickbag. But if he’s sorry, truly, and he apologizes, and it was because he wanted to protect you, I can get past it. Shit happens. Wait till you meet my family. It’ll be so much fun.”

He guffawed. “I’ve met your oldest brother and your sister.”

She rested her chin on his chest, closing her eyes a moment when he played his fingers through her hair.

“I’m still sorry.”

He wanted to protect her. It hit her hard, so she turned her face to kiss his chest over his heart as she tried to get her head around what it was that Asa had just shown her such a private side of himself.

He’d made himself vulnerable, and she wasn’t sure he’d even realized to what extent he’d done it.

She breathed him in, kissing his skin once more before raising her face to his. “It wasn’t the first time there’s been some sort of drunken shoving thing at a race. Or a party. Or any gathering of our friends. I’ve seen you in a few of them. At the time I didn’t know it was you.”

One of his brows rose. “Really?”

“Once up at Mukilteo I saw this brawl. Fifteen, twenty dudes. Fists flying. People flying.” It had been epic, even for the knockdown, drag-out guys there. And then they’d all sat down – or lain down, in some cases – and drunk beers together as they bled. It was so weird and yet oddly endearing.

He groaned, putting a hand over his eyes. “Yeah, that was me.”

She laughed. “I know. Your hair was different. But I remember the swinging fists. Tonight when you tossed Mick back after picking him up I realized it was you.”

Asa was a man who had a great deal of creative talent. He was a smart businessperson as well. But he wasn’t above a fistfight when he thought it necessary.

She’d never dated anyone like him before, but that he was so rough and hard but never touched her with anything less than great care only made him hotter. That he wanted to protect her and shield her from hurt was a powerful thing. It made her feel so beautiful.

“You’re not kicking me out the door?”

She sat, confused. “Why? Do you think I expected you to punch Mick or something?”

Asa snorted. “He’s got the hardest fucking head I’ve ever punched. It really would have hurt, so I’m glad he saw reason.”

“You’ve already punched him? In the past? Was it about me?”

Asa sat and she exhaled hard at the sight of his abdominal muscles bunching as he did. And of course the cock. And the bar.

He stole a hard, fast kiss. “When you look at me like that I want to fuck you and cuddle you all at once. It’s confusing. Anyway. It wasn’t about you. Some guys need to be punched in the face from time to time. He’s one of them. I’m probably one of them too. But I wasn’t asking if you wanted me to leave because I didn’t punch Mick. You just admitted you know I’ve brawled around. You’re not the going-out-with-a-brawler type. Aren’t you turned off by that?”

“You’re not the first person to say I’m confusing. It’s a flaw.” She laughed when he stole another kiss. “I know who you are to me. And that’s what counts. If you used all that to threaten or harm me it’d be different. But you don’t. You like to punch people who appear to be okay with punching and being punched, and while I admit to being totally confused by it, it’s who you are. I like the Asa I’ve come to know over the last seven months.”

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