“Always available to play my part.”

“I love you, Asa.”

He cupped her cheek. “I love you too. So rest up, because you’re going to need your energy for round two.”

She started laughing and he joined her.

“Come on downstairs. We’ll crack open a bottle of wine and drink it out on the deck. I got some of those anti-mosquito candles you love,” he said.

“You did? You hate citronella.”

“You love it. Now come on. There’s something for you hanging on the back of the closet door.”

She got up quickly and headed to look. He smiled at the happy sound she made and got up to receive her hug as she pulled on the deep purple robe he’d bought.

“I love it. So soft.”

“I was walking by a shop and it was hanging just inside the door. I saw it and wanted it to be yours. Wanted to see it against your skin.”

“It has a lotus on it. You didn’t just find this at all. You went looking for it.”


He tried to stay gruff, but she saw right through him, so he shrugged. She petted his beard, which they both loved though he pretended to tolerate when he really wanted to preen around when she was done.

You like me.” She said this in a singsong voice, making him laugh.

He pulled on a pair of sleep pants. “I do. How can I not like a woman who can quote Arthur C. Clarke while having sex?”

They headed downstairs and she pulled down two glasses while he opened a bottle of wine.

“I’m what they call a Renaissance woman, Asa.”

“So that’s what it means? Saying no to anal with literary quotes?”


“I’m a lucky, lucky man.”

She put the glasses down and lit the candles. “That so?”

He wanted to pat her ass, but he figured he’d give it a break after the caning. Instead he sat back, satisfied with his life, and poured two glasses of wine. “That’s totally so.”

Chapter Twenty-three

She opened her front door to find her sister standing on her porch.

“Hey, come in. I wasn’t expecting to see you.” PJ hugged Julie on her way past.

“I was in the neighborhood. I had to deal with the Department of Licensing and as it’s just a few minutes away, I thought I’d take a chance and see if you were around.”

“I just got home about ten minutes ago.”

“I won’t stay long. I know you have dinner at Asa’s mom’s tonight.”

“Yes. She’s making tamales. From scratch. I didn’t eat any lunch today so I can have extra. Well, if I can manage it without looking like a hog.”

“I have faith in you and your ability to eat a lot of what is going to be really good food.”

“Apparently they’re fantastic and legendary. Which are two things I love when it comes to food. She used to bring in extra money at the holidays making them by special order for people. Asa says she used to take orders for them months in advance for Christmas and New Year, so he’s really leading me to expect some pretty awesome stuff.”

“Try to put one in your purse for me. Or maybe not. Wouldn’t that be a great way to introduce yourself to his mom? She finds a tamale in your purse, but you can say, ‘Ma’am, this is so good I knew my sister had to taste it. I’m only human.’ ”

“Did you have drinks with lunch today?”

“I’m just naturally hilarious, Penelope.”

Julie clearly had something to tell PJ. Her big sister wanted to share, so PJ needed to pay close attention.

“You actually are. What are you up to? Come through and help me look for something to wear. If you’re thirsty there’s juice and stuff in the fridge.”

“I’m having dinner with Shawn in about an hour, so I’ll last until then.”

PJ pulled out two dresses. “So a dress is obviously in order. I need to look nice when I meet her. She’s very important in Asa’s life, so I really want to make a good impression.”

“I like that. It says good things about him. I’m jealous, and happy for you too.”

PJ smiled. “He has a marshmallow center. He thinks no one knows.”

“Well, you look at him and before he says a word you’re a little wary and then you see his eyes. He’s intense, yes. But he’s got kind eyes.”

“He does, doesn’t he?”

“You’re in love.”

PJ nodded. “Yes. Get this, I told him in the car on the way home from Salty’s last week. But he loves me too, Julie. I know it’s improbable, but he’s someone special. He’s everything I never knew I was missing until I had him.”

“I like that. I like him, actually. He’s insightful and deliciously alpha male. Mom has a crush too. And if he can love you after having looked that mess at the restaurant in the face for two hours, he’s a keeper. So, I have to know. Does it get in the way? The piercing, I mean. When he’s downstairs?”

“His nose piercing or the cock one?”

“These are words I just never expected to be saying in my day-to-day life, you know? My goodness. You’re a thrill a minute, Penelope Jean.”

“Neither piercing does a single negative thing when he gets up to any sort of sexing.” PJ waggled her brows at her sister, who gave her a face. “Maybe Gavin can get something pierced when he gets back. Maybe he already did. Maybe you can get something pierced!”

“I’ve had all the piercing I plan to, but thanks. And stop with the Gavin talk. Maybe.”

Ah! That was it. Something about Gavin. PJ grinned at her sister. “Have you heard from him?”

“No. I was thinking this last week that maybe I should just send him an e-mail. It’s been a while. I send him birthday cards. Christmas cards. It’s not like I just dropped off the planet, you know. Anyway, we’re done with this topic now. We were just talking about your clothing options.”

She let Julie off the hook and held the dresses up again. “Preferences?”

“The black-and-white one is super cute with the fit-and-flare thing. Plus you have those spectator pumps that’ll match perfectly.”

“Thanks!” PJ started changing. “You’re coming to the show, right?”

“There’s nothing that could make me miss it. I’m so excited to see your work on display.”

A trade show had chosen cars with PJ’s paint work to fill two of their slots on their custom floor. It was a huge deal with great exposure not just to the locals, but the trade show people, which got her work in front of even more potential clients.

“I’m proud of you.” Julie handed her two Lucite bracelets, one black and one white. A smile bloomed over her face as Julie realized where they’d come from. “These were Gran Colman’s.”

“She used to let me play dress-up all the time. I had a little box at their house. We all did, remember? Anyway, after she died all that stuff went into storage. My box of dress-up stuff was in the trunk of the Z28 when it came to me. These were inside it. I love them. If you ever want to wear them just say so. They’re meant to be shared.”

Julie hugged her. “Come to think of it, after the will was read, a box of books came. All my mysteries were in it. I bet Grandpa stored each one of our boxes. I like that.” She kissed PJ’s cheek. “Anyway, I love the bracelets but they’d look wrong on me. On you they’re perfect. Just like it’s perfect that you’re having so much success with work.”

That meant a lot. “Thanks for being so supportive.”

“Of course. I’m your sister. We need to meet, though. All of us. Shawn and I are having dinner tonight, like I said. He had a meeting with Fee today and wanted to talk about it. We’ll loop Jay in once I hear what Shawn has to say. He’s really upset right now. He and Dad are at odds.”

“Fee must be in heaven.”

“He is extra smug. But Dad has been keeping a low profile since the dinner. I think Mom is still punishing him. Which she should be. What he said was wrong. I told you this that night and I’ll say it again. You aren’t a failure. He was cruel to have said that.”

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