He was so damned deep and she still pushed back, using her grip on his bed to leverage herself against him each time he thrust. The backs of her thighs stung as they brushed against the hairs on his thighs. It didn’t matter.

She wanted him. All of him. Every intense thing he made her feel.

And he gave it.

This was making love. It didn’t have to be sweet in a traditional sense. It was sweet for Asa and PJ. He loved her and cherished her, and the way he touched her, like he’d never get enough, humbled her to her toes.

Love did that. Laid you bare. Broke you open and opened you up. It made you want to be better.

He reached around her body, molding his body to her back, the heat of him against the skin he’d flogged, his fingers finding her wet and ready to come again.

And she did. Around him as he came too.

He pulled out and they both made their way to the mattress, her on her belly, him splayed out at her side, their fingers tangled as they got their breath again.

Chapter Twenty-five

“You’ve got like eleven billion roses out here,” Julie called out.

PJ had been in her bedroom trying to figure out what to wear to the car show that night when the doorbell had rung and her sister went out to deal with it.

PJ pulled on her lotus robe and headed into the living room. “I think eleven billion might be an exaggeration.”

She skidded to a halt as she took it all in.

Julie said, “Probably. But five dozen. That’s close enough.”

“Sixty and eleven billion? Not so close if you meant tacos or people, but roses? Yeah, that’s close enough.”

Her sister handed PJ two cards. “I think it’s safe to say these are from Asa. But open the cards before I pass out from not knowing.”

“I’m really glad you don’t overstate things or exaggerate.”

“Me too. God, what a drag that would be.” Julie motioned to the cards. “Open.”

They were in Asa’s handwriting, which made her smile. He’d gone into the florist to do this himself that morning. “How lucky am I?”

She opened the card he’d marked with a 1 in the lower right corner.

My wild rose, you’re going to wow everyone tonight. I love you, Asa.

She read it to herself before she tucked it back in the envelope. “They’re from Asa.”

“No lie.”

The second card said, There’s some language of flowers stuff that says what color roses mean what things. So I got you all the colors of roses they had because you’re everything.

Julie poked her arm. “Oh my god, you’re blushing and you look a little sniffly. What does it say?”

“I can’t. He’d… It’s so sweet and lovely, but I don’t want to expose him like that.”

Julie hugged her. “Really? I love that. Yay to that.”

Before she went back to get changed, PJ headed into the kitchen, pulling out smaller containers and spreading flowers all over her apartment, letting herself be happy about them and the lovely things he’d written.

“He frowns a lot. How does he make it hot? It’s like a weird superpower,” Julie said as PJ stepped into the red dress she’d decided to wear because she wanted to tuck red roses in her hair and the color was so similar.

PJ met her sister’s gaze in the mirror. “I know. Zip me, please.” Julie zipped and hooked the back of her dress.

“You’re not going to protest that he’s just misunderstood?”

PJ rolled her eyes and then trimmed some of the red roses to tuck into her hair. “He totally frowns a lot. He’s grumpy. But it’s adorable. Which must mean I love him. He ranges around being all grrr and Hey you kids get off my lawn all while he races cars and bikes he built or restored and has a piercing in his ween.”

They both dissolved into giggles. “I’m never going to be able to look at him again without blushing.”

“Whatever. Where is Asa?” PJ looked at her watch.

“Call him. I’m going to run over to Shawn’s to pick him up. I’ll see you soon. Love you.”

PJ hugged her sister back. “Love you too. See you guys soon.”

It wasn’t more than five minutes later when Asa rolled up in a sleek black Jag. A paint job she’d finished not too very long ago.

He added to the wow factor when he stepped out wearing a suit and looking so ridiculously gorgeous she pressed her hand to her throat. At dinner with her parents he’d worn a tie and dress pants. But this. Shew. Gunmetal-gray suit with a dark blue shirt and a dark tie. Hair tied back. Intense gaze. Damn. He was hers.

She took in the long prowl of a walk as he headed up the steps and paused, looking her over slowly before he let himself reach her.

There she was, the lamp from her place backlighting her like an angel. If angels wore snug red dresses and roses in their hair.

He bent to brush his lips against her neck. “You look fucking delicious.”

Just a few weeks before, he’d complimented her on a red blouse she’d been wearing. It had looked so pretty against the pale porcelain of her skin with those delightful freckles.

She’d been wearing red more often ever since. Including the auburn streaks throughout her golden-blond hair.

PJ did it because he liked it.

“Thank you.” She smoothed down the front of his shirt and the tie. “I’ve never seen you in a suit before. I’m fully in support of you doing this again. I want to rumple you and muss you and lick you up and down like an ice cream cone.”

Desire tugged him closer to her. Always. “My favorite.”

“Going to keep me on my toes tonight, huh?”

He brought her to him, closing that small space left keeping them apart. After a breath, he led and they began to sway through the living room. She felt so good, the bounty of her body in his arms where she fit just right. “Only if that’s where I need you so I can fuck you deeper.”

She blinked up at him, her smile easy. Not at all weirded out by the stuff he said. “Romantical. Speaking of that, thank you for the roses and the cards. I love you.”

“I love you too.” He kissed her and stepped back before he got any harder.

“Are we waiting on Audra and Tom?”

As usual. Asa was used to what he called Duke-time. Which meant you had to add fifteen minutes to any time Duke said he’d be somewhere. But Audra was a thousand times worse. He had no idea how PJ could handle it on a regular basis.

“They’re going to meet us there. As will Julie and Shawn. No reason to hang around here getting agitated as you wait for people who are perpetually late.”

He snorted. “It’s a little chilly out. Do you want a coat or something?”

She paused to grab a wrap and turn off all the lights.

“Where’s your overnight bag?”

She pointed to the bag she used when she stayed over and he hefted it, holding the door for her and then waiting as she locked up.

“Why are you driving this? Did you get the client to loan it to you?” she asked as he tossed the duffel in the trunk and then opened her door.

“I’m the client.”

He closed her door and went around to the driver’s side.

PJ blinked, sure she’d heard him wrong. “What do you mean you’re the client? I met the client. He looked at my tits for the entire exchange. I charged him extra for that!”

Asa burst out laughing. “I’m going to pop Henry the next time I see him. Asshole. I’m sorry he was a jerk, but it makes me laugh that you charged him extra for being a dick.”

“I charged you extra. Why did you do that?”

“Because I wanted something that would be extra work and thus would be expensive and I knew you’d try to do it for your materials or some shit, so I wanted you to do a job like you would for any other client. Henry – he’s an army friend too – might have been an ass to you, but this paint job is fantastic and worth every penny.”

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