Fee was their father’s far younger brother. One of those Hey oops I’m pregnant at forty! moments for their grandmother. He and Jay were a lot alike, which made Colman Enterprises doubly annoying at big meetings.

Though to be fair, she also knew part of it was that Jay understood Fee was the doorway to their father. For whatever reason, their father looked to Fee for his opinions more than he did anyone else. Jay was smarter than Fee, but not craftier. Julie would have been way better at Fee’s job, but he’d hold that seat on the board until he was ready to scamper off and chase women full-time.

“I don’t like to play golf. They should try making decisions at business meetings set up just for that. Ugh. What’s for dinner?”

“Citrus-infused chicken. Farro salad with feta and tomatoes as a side.”


Julie’s expression said she knew exactly how yum that was. The Colman women might have opinions the men in the family didn’t care about. But that didn’t mean the women weren’t confident, hard-as-nails people in their own way.

“How did the shoot go?”

After refilling both their glasses, PJ sat up at the kitchen island and gave her sister a general overview of her interactions with Asa that day.

“I think my car impressed him more than my body, my face, or my painting.”

“Considering how much you love cars, I think that’s a compliment. You’re beautiful, even when you pierce your face.” Julie shuddered. “And other parts. But pretty isn’t rare. Anyway, that’s nice. You two having shared passions is a good thing.”

“He’s got this… ugh, I can’t even describe it right. He’s so much. He doesn’t just look at me, it’s like he looks right into me. He makes me fluttery and blushy. I’ve never met anyone like him. He’s like turned to twenty-five on the one-to-ten dial. Know what I mean?”

“Yeah. I do. What’s your next move then?”

“Well, I gave him the photos of my work. He said he was going to talk to his partner about it. I’ll give him until Friday before I check in. I’d be happy if he called first, but I get the feeling it’s going to take some more poking to get him to move on anything. I’m assuming he’s stubborn. He’s definitely got that I do what I want vibe going on.”

“You should be used to that by now, so you already have a leg up. Get some plates and stuff out and I’ll handle the food.” Julie pointed to the table and PJ moved to obey.

She and her sister talked about the fight PJ had with Jay, Julie frowning the whole time.

“I can’t believe he said all that. He doesn’t mean it. He just said it because he knows it pushes your buttons.”

“But he said it. And it’s not the first time. I’m trying to contribute! I’m trying to bring my ideas to the table so I can be an active participant in Colman’s future.”

“You hate hearing this, I know, but you have to prove yourself.”

“For how long? I dropped out of college three years ago. I’ve been trying to show everyone how serious I am ever since.”

“You’re twenty-five. No one takes twenty-five-year-old women seriously. No one takes pretty women seriously. No one takes women with hoops in their eyebrows seriously. No one takes women with boobs like yours seriously. You dropped out of college, you pierced your face, and you’re telling one of the most uptight guys on the planet that you have ideas. Jay and Fee and Dad already think women are best at adding shit up and looking pretty.”

“So the only way to get anyone to take me seriously is to be an old man?”

Julie thought this was hilarious. “Well, since that’s probably not going to happen, I’m telling you to remember your struggle. You’re different. They can’t even deal with the vagina part. You add blue or purple hair and face piercings and they just lose their shit. But don’t let that stop you. Penelope Jean, you are a badass. That comes with a price tag. You know it. You’ve chosen this path. Understand its strengths and limitations. You have to be twice as good as any man your age. Whether that’s fair or not, that’s reality.”

“Can I tell Jay you said he was uptight?”

Julie’s mouth fought a battle with a smile.

“Go on. You know you want to.”

Julie waved a hand, laughing. “You’re a bad influence.”

“I know. It’s a gift. But you’re a good one. So there’s hope for one of us.”

“Just keep being PJ. This is a male-dominated business. Our company is male dominated too. I have faith in your ability to never let anyone ignore you for very long. Jay is testy because he knows you have a point but he’s scared of new things.” Julie shrugged.

“You always know what to say.”

Her sister smiled. “All my facial piercings are on the inside, but I’ve got your back on this. You have good ideas. Colman should be listening to you. Keep talking, baby sister, keep talking. You’re good at that too.”

“Har. Enough about me. How was your date?”

Julie exhaled long and slow. “It was okay. He’s nice. Maybe too nice? I don’t know.”

“Did he kiss you?”

“At the door. Which he walked me to like a total gentleman.”


“Meh. It was proficient.”

“Proficient?” PJ curled her lip. “I wouldn’t even want a car that was ‘proficient,’ much less a kisser.”

“It wasn’t bad. He had some technique. We just didn’t have any energy as a couple. If he calls again I’m going to say no.”

“Or you can say yes, fuck him, and see if he can top proficient. And if not, then you say no. Because if you fuck him on the second date he’ll definitely call again.”

“You should write a dating advice column in the Stranger.” Julie raised a brow. “I don’t fuck on the second date.”

“Two words for you, Julie. Gavin Suarez.”

Her sister blushed madly at the mention of her ex. “Well, that’s different.” Julie had been engaged when she’d met Gavin, who was sitting next to her on an airplane headed from Seattle to Washington DC.

A week later she came back home, broke her engagement, and banged Gavin like a gong until he left six months later to spend three years working for an international aid organization based in Belgium.

“The guy was worth you breaking an engagement over. You let him into your underpants while he was still a relative stranger. I don’t know why you don’t see these things are the hugely important exclamation points on you needing to run this dude to the ground and claim him before someone else does.”

“It’s been two years. Someone else probably has.”

“None of them are you. You said he told you he wasn’t seeing anyone and that he was coming back here to the Northwest when he finished things up. For you.”

“I guess I need to see what happens next year then, huh?”

“Honestly, you’re so smart and awesome at stuff I’m just shocked at the depth of I don’t want to over this issue. This guy means something to you. Why are you running from him?”

“Nothing can happen between us right now. He’s half a world away. I could visit him and then what? Love him but from here? Where I can’t even touch him?”

Frowning, PJ took her sister’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “You love him.”

Julie nodded. “But it does me no good. Because he’s there and I’m here. He told me I should see other people. I guess that means he wants to.”

PJ shook her head. “Or maybe he thinks you want to and he’s trying to be nice because he loves you too. In any case, scrap plans to bang proficient kisser and save your ladygarden for Gavin.”

“Ladygarden?” At least the sadness had eased around Julie’s eyes at the joke.

“You got really mad the last time I said ‘pussy.’ I could say ‘vagina,’ but that’s boring. ‘Flesh pocket’? Do you like that better?”

Horrified, Julie recoiled, her eyes widening to the point that all PJ could do was laugh.

“What? I’d rather have a flesh pocket than a Hot Pocket. At least my stomach won’t cramp with the former.”

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