Andy rolls his eyes and pops a couple antacids in his mouth. “Talk on your own time, then. Get back to work.”

Quinn begins to turn away, but the moment Andy is out of earshot Alice growls, “This isn’t over, bitch.”

Quinn, never the one to back down from speaking her mind turns in her direction with a heated expression. “Bring it. Any. Time. I’m not scared of you.”

With a huff, Alice spins away from us and returns to her position behind the bar, flirting with every male customer in sight.

“Are you the only person that ever stands up to her around here?” I ask Quinn, still feeling intimidated.

She shrugs. “I’ve been here longer. From day one I didn’t tolerate her shit, and she’s been threatening to have me fired since then.”

“I thought you said Alice always gets her way?”

“Her bully tactics work on a lot of people, but I always stand up to her. I don’t allow her to walk all over me. Threats from her mean very little to me anymore because as you can see…I’m still here.” She winks at me before scurrying off to check on her tables.

I stop dead in my tracks on the way back to my section the moment I spot Xavier sitting at a table in my section. For a moment I debate running to hide in the kitchen and begging Quinn to take over my tables, but I know on a busy night like tonight she’d hunt me down if I tried to double her work.

Xavier is just as sexy as always. His hair, styled into a wild, sexy mess, frames his ruggedly handsome face while his tight black t-shirt and jeans hug his chiseled muscles, reminding me of how solid they felt beneath my fingers last night. He absently taps his thumbs on the tabletop as he waits for me.

I swallow hard and force my legs forward toward his table. I might as well face him and get it over with. He’s here for a reason, so I need to find out why.

The moment our eyes meet, Xavier stiffens a bit in his seat. I can tell he’s nervous and he’s probably here to apologize, which is a start, but it doesn’t change the fact that I’ve learned my lesson about him. We are friends, nothing more. Well, if we can salvage what’s left of our friendship, that is.

I pull the order pad from the back pocket of my shorts as I approach him, planning to keep it strictly business. “Hey, what can I get you?”

Xavier frowns. “Can we talk?”

I sigh heavily and shake my head. “We’re slammed tonight, and I just took my last break.”

“Come on, Anna. Don’t be like that. Talk to me, please?”

I don’t get it. After last night, I thought I’d never see him again. He’s leaving tonight to go back on the road, so rehashing the events from yesterday isn’t something I thought I’d have to go through today. I’m not ready to have this conversation with him. It’s hard to even look at him knowing that he’s been with someone else. It hurts too much and I don’t want to keep getting my heart broken. I have to push him away.

“I think we said enough last night, don’t you?” I turn to walk away from him.

“Hey.” He reaches out and grabs my wrist, halting me in place. “Stay. Talk. Hear me out.”

I can’t allow more lies to fill my head. There needs to be space between us. “No. As a matter of fact, I would appreciate you moving out of my section. I refuse to deal with this at work.”


Xavier shoves himself out of the booth but doesn’t head for the door like I expect. Instead he stalks off toward the bar. Alice dries her hands on a dishtowel and smirks at me as he sits down at the bar.

Damn him.

Alice leans across the bar to take Xavier’s drink order. He makes no attempt to hide the fact that he’s staring at her breasts as she gives him an eyeful with her v-neck, fitted t-shirt. A flirty smile plays along his lips as Alice reaches into the cooler and hands him a beer.

“Are you going to kill him, or should I?” I don’t even realize I’m clenching my jaw and staring intently at the situation unfolding in front of me until Quinn snaps me out of my daze.

Anger continues to bubble through me as I witness Xavier blatantly flirt with Alice in front of me. “Ugh. He infuriates me.”

Quinn puts her arms around my shoulders. “It’s for the best, Anna. He’s playing games and you don’t need that. No more crying over him. Ignore him, and he’ll eventually get the hint and leave.”

I close my eyes and a couple of tears stream down my face. I bat them away and pray for the power to be strong in his presence. I just have to get through this shift and then I’ll never have to see him again.

“You’re right.”

“That’s my girl. Pretend he’s one of Alice’s regulars and steer clear. He’ll get bored and be gone before you know it. Come on, we have orders waiting on us.”

I follow Quinn to the pick-up window and without even turning around, I know Xavier is watching me. The weight of his stare sends a tingle down my spine and I question if I’ll be able to really ignore him all night. The pull to him is still pretty damn strong.

Brock sets a couple more plates on the ledge and winks at Quinn. “Ladies.”

A blush fills Quinn’s cheeks, and it’s so adorable, I can’t help but smile.

I arrange the plates on my tray and turn around just in time to see Alice giggle at something Xavier said while resting her fingers on his forearm. The overwhelming desire to snatch her hand off him hits me, but I beat it away, remembering quickly that he’s not mine. He made that very clear.

Xavier takes a long pull from his beer, and his eyes flit over to mine, halting me for a beat before I straighten by back and march past him.

Alice doesn’t miss Xavier’s attention on me either. Her icy glare would freeze me in place if I wasn’t already so heated.

For the next hour or so things continue the same way—Xavier sitting at the bar drinking, while Alice does her best to entice him. All evening his eyes never leave me. Every time I glance in his direction, he’s openly watching me.

On my way to enter a food order, Xavier reaches out and snags my wrist as I walk by. “You ready to stop ignoring me yet?”

I tilt my head to the side. “Why? Don’t have enough company already?”

Out of the corner of my eye I see Alice cross her arms over her chest. She makes no attempt to pretend like she’s not watching our little exchange intensely, which irks me. What’s going on between me and Xavier is none of her business.

He doesn’t take his eyes away from mine. “You mean the bitchy bartender? That’s nothing. I’m sitting here killing time—waiting for you to get over yourself and talk to me.”

Get over myself? Is he serious right now? I did nothing to him. He needs to remember the reason I’m not speaking to him.

“Just like Deena was nothing?” I fire back.

“Exactly,” he says, his voice agitated. “Don’t you get it? Other women don’t mean a thing to me. You matter.”

I furrow my brow, confused by how he can make such a statement about me when it became quite clear last night that we barely know each other.


He sighs. “You’re sincere.”

I shake my head. “You can’t possibly know that about me. Not after a week.”

“Sometimes time is irrelevant in understanding the beauty of another person’s soul.” He pulls closer until my hip touches his outstretched knee. “Can you get off early? I would really like to spend some time with you before I have to leave. I don’t want us parting on bad terms. Your friendship means a lot to me. I don’t want to ruin it.”

Although I still don’t forgive him for lying to me about Deena, it would be nice to salvage our friendship. He was my first real friend in Detroit, after all. “I wish I could, but we’re still open for another two hours.”

Xavier’s lips push down into a frown, and he releases my wrist. “I understand.”

He closes his eyes and grimaces just for a moment like he’s in pain. The expression on his face almost makes me change my mind. I don’t want to hurt him, but I have to protect myself. We need a clean break.

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