Rex wastes no time sliding back out of the ring and walking backwards up the ramp while Xavier stares him down.

There’s a cocky smile on Rex’s face like he’s just rained on Xavier’s parade and enjoyed it immensely.

“Winner of this match due to disqualification, and still the heavy-weight champion…Brian ‘Razor’ Rollins!” the same announcer calls out.

“I don’t understand. What just happened?”

Liv frowns. “Xavier was supposed to win the belt from Brian tonight.”

I gasp as my eyes flick back up to the ring where Xavier is kneeling beside Brian talking to him along with a doctor.

“Can Assassin do that?”

Liv shrugs. “He just did. Now the shit is gonna hit the fan. That asshole had better not have hurt Brian. We need to get backstage so I can check on him when he goes back there.”

I follow Liv to the backstage area and instantly we’re surrounded by loud chatter as the other wrestlers are trying to figure out what in the hell just happened. Rex is nowhere to be seen, but his is the name on everyone’s lips.

What will all this mean for Xavier? I know how much he wanted to win that belt. I don’t know who Rex thinks he is, but he just started a war—and Xavier isn’t the type to back down.



I lean against the brick wall and chew on my thumbnail as I wait for Xavier to come out of the locker room. As yet, there’s no word on how Brian is doing or if any damage was done.

The door across from me opens, and Rex comes strolling out. His dark hair is slicked back, and the t-shirt he’s wearing appears three sizes too small as the fabric strains against his chest. A huge grin spreads across his face the moment he spots me.

I shake my head. This man is a disgusting human being. I don’t understand how someone can be so happy after hurting someone like that.


There’s a slick tone in Rex’s voice that reminds me of a slithering snake. It’s enough to make my skin crawl.

Rex leans his shoulder against the wall so he faces my side. I fold my arms across my chest and turn my head the other way, doing my best to pretend he’s not there.

“I’ve seen you around today. You’re the new X girl, right?”

I flinch. I don’t like that he’s implying I’m just some passing fad for Xavier. “Leave me alone.”

Rex chuckles darkly. “I can see Deena was right about you.”

I whip my head in his direction and stare at him while wrinkling my nose. “She knows nothing about me.”

He shrugs. “Maybe so, but she does know X and his track record when it comes to women. She says you’re not seeing your relationship with him for what it really is.”

I roll my eyes. “She knows nothing about our relationship. What Xavier and I have is—”

“Special?” I don’t appreciate the smirk on his face. “Don’t you think he makes all his women feel that way?”

“He doesn’t have women,” I fire back. “There’s only me.”

He shakes his head and sighs. “When he breaks your heart, Princess, you can come to me.” He leans in, but I move further away to keep him from actually touching me. “I don’t mind X’s sloppy seconds. He’s got great taste in whores.”

Before I can stop myself, I smack Rex across the face with as much power as I can muster. “Screw you. Don’t ever call me that.”

He grins as he rubs his face, completely unfazed by my actions.

I turn on my heel and storm away from him, refusing to stand there and listen to any more of his ridiculous attempts to get under my skin. A few feet away, I spot Xavier coming down the hallway toward me.

I run to him and throw my arms around him, willing myself not to cry.

He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls back to gaze at my face. “Everything okay?”

I shake my head. “I just smacked Rex across the face for calling me one of your ‘whores.’”

Xavier’s eyes darken. “Where is he?”

I grip his arms, attempting to hold him in place. I shouldn’t have told him, and had it not been for him catching me while I was still heated over the situation, I probably would’ve opted to tell him later, when Rex wasn’t around.

“Let it go, Xavier. I handled it.”

He shakes his head. “The fucker has it coming.”

He steps back, peeling me off of him in the process, and heads in the direction I just came from. I trail behind him, but his legs are so damn long it takes me twice as many steps to keep up.

Rex is still leaning against the wall in the same spot he was in when I left him, only now he’s talking on his cell phone. Xavier doesn’t say a word as he charges Rex and grabs him by the shirt, pulling him away from the wall and then slamming him back, causing Rex to let out a grunt. Rex’s phone falls to the concrete floor and shatters next to his feet.

Rex laughs darkly. “Do it, knock yourself out of your title shot—for the second time tonight.”

“That’s not what this is about,” Xavier growls.

Rex’s eyes flick over to me and then back to Xavier. “Her? She’s what’s got you so riled? This isn’t like you, X. That pussy must be something else.”

My mouth drops open, and my heart pounds against my ribs. Rex has no clue what he’s asking for.

Xavier rolls his fingers tighter into Rex’s shirt as he draws his fist back. Rex’s eyes widen as the growl emanating from Xavier’s throat echoes down the hall. Before Xavier can deliver the blow, Freddy comes up behind him and hooks his arms under Xavier’s, halting him from swinging, and yanks back.

“Don’t do it, X. He’s not worth it, bro. Settle it in the ring,” Freddy says trying to calm Xavier down. “Pull your shit together. Think about your fucking job.”

Xavier’s chest moves rapidly as he sucks in air through flared nostrils, his murderous stare fixed on Rex.

Rex shoves himself off the wall and pulls at his shirt casually, adjusting it back into place. “Yes, X, we’ll settle this in the ring. I’ve already had a chat with the writers. They’re going to make it happen. Save all that rage to give the fans a good show, yeah?”

“I don’t give a fuck about the about the show,” Xavier growls while fighting against Freddy’s hold.

“Then do us all a favor and quit. You know I’m the rightful champ.”

“You’re fucking delusional,” Xavier retorts.

“You’re the one who can’t see the big picture around here, friend. Throwing everything you’ve worked for away on a piece of ass…that’s delusional.” Rex laughs as he turns and stalks down the hallway, not giving Xavier any chance to reply this time.

Xavier fights even harder against Freddy, attempting to go free so he can go after Rex, but Freddy doesn’t loosen his grip. “Chill the fuck out or I’m not letting go.”

I take in the nearly seven-foot man who, even with arms the size of most people’s thighs, is struggling to keep Xavier still. There’s no way I would’ve been able to break up a fight between those two. I’m glad he came along when he did.

Xavier closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. “All right. I’m good.”

“You sure?”

Xavier holds his hands up in surrender. “Yes.”

Freddy slowly releases Xavier and then stands, blocking the hallway in the direction Rex retreated while Xavier readjusts his shirt.

Freddy points his gaze at me. “Get him out of here before he does something he will regret. This company isn’t big on second chances.”

I take Xavier’s hand, and his eyes soften a bit when he glances down at me.

“Let’s get out of here.”

As I pull him toward the exit, he doesn’t resist me like I expect. Outside, there is a driver standing by the open door of an awaiting car. Fans scream from the other side of the fence the moment they catch a glimpse of Xavier, and he waves without smiling before following behind me into the vehicle.

He’s quiet on the way back to the hotel. I keep glancing in his direction, but his face remains unreadable. I imagine he’s trying to decompress after all that, so I sit silently at his side and reach over and take his hand. I want him to know I’m here for him no matter what.

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