I roll my eyes and feel my face heat up, revealing a blush. There’s no way I want to repeat the things Xavier said to me. I shouldn’t have allowed him to speak that way to me. I should’ve stopped him, but I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t liked it. “You’re ridiculous.”

Quinn gasps, making a big show of being shocked before nudging Aunt Dee’s arm again. “He’s hot, isn’t he? I know that look.”

I raise my eyebrows. “What look?”

She smirks. “The one that says I-just-met-a-really-hot-rich-man-that-totally-wants-to-jump-my-bones-and-I-just-might-let-him. Trust me, Anna, I’ve had that look a few times myself.” She laughs. “So tell me all about him.”

“Quinn, I don’t really know him,” I say.

“You spent four hours next to the man chatting. That’s longer than most first dates, so spill, sister.”

I laugh at her forwardness. “I hate to disappoint you, but I slept most of the way.”

She twists her lips. “You must be one hell of a sleeper to get a man that sprung without much conversation. Come on, Anna. At least tell me his name.”

I lick my lips as his face pops into my mind. “Xavier.”

“Oh, rawr. That’s a definite hot guy name. Tell me more. What’s he look like? Details, girl. De-tails.”

I chew on my bottom lip. “He’s really tall, has really broad shoulders, tattoos and he’s sort of…”

“Oh my God, what? The suspense is killing me,” Quinn whines.

“He’s famous,” I blurt out.

Quinn’s eyes widen. “Who is he? If you say Xavier is Ryan Reynolds’ real name I will wrestle you for his phone number.”

I chuckle. “No, it’s not Ryan Reynolds. I would’ve probably freaked if I sat by a celebrity I actually recognized.”

She frowns. “So he’s not super famous, just a little famous?”

I shake my head. “Oh no, he’s popular. I’m just not sure what for. He signed autographs the entire flight.”

She tilts her head to the side and her eyes drift up toward the ceiling. “Hmm. I don’t know anyone famous by the name Xavier and I study the tabloids proficiently, so he must be known by something else.”

“Does Phenomenal X ring a bell?”

“Ring it? It fucking smashes it! I can’t believe you didn’t know who he was! He’s only the hottest man in wrestling, and the newest playboy to grace the cover of all the magazines.” She tsks. “You really are the most sheltered human on the planet. This needs to be rectified immediately.”

“And how do you plan on making me worldlier?” I tease.

“Easy.” She grins and the wicked twinkle in her eye scares me a bit. “You’re going to start by sleeping with a known bad-boy.”

I shake my head. “Oh, no. No way, Quinn. I don’t do things like that.”

“Maybe old Anna didn’t, but new Anna will. You came out here to live a little and be free. What better way to experience true rebellion than messing around with a guy who’s the exact opposite of everything you’re used to. Plus, as a bonus, Uncle Simon will hate it. It’s a total win-win for you.” The confidence in her tone tells me she believes what she’s saying down to her soul.

“I don’t know, Quinn. That’s a huge step for me. I’m not sure I can sleep with some guy I barely know. That’s crazy.” I glance over at Aunt Dee who is shaking her head at Quinn’s evil-genius plan.

I sigh. “How about we compromise? I’ll call Xavier and ask him to meet us somewhere so I can get my stuff back. I’m not promising to sleep with him though.”

“As long as we can meet him in a bar or something, it’s a deal. I’ll need some liquid courage to speak to that beast of a man.” She claps her hands together and then digs through her Coach bag to find her phone. “Get his number out. We’re setting this up before you have a chance to talk yourself out of it.”

If I didn’t desperately need my phone back, I’d never call Xavier. Just the memory of the way he made me feel without really touching me on that plane is enough to make me nearly combust. I’m in way over my head here, but Quinn’s right. I need to do the exact opposite of what I would normally do. I hope I know enough to keep me afloat once Quinn shoves me into the shark tank.

The folded paper is still in my back pocket, so I lean forward and retrieve it. “Can I borrow your phone?”

She hands me her phone wrapped in its sparkly diamond case. “Be assertive. Tell him to meet you at Gibby’s Bar on Third tonight at nine o’clock. Don’t give him a chance to gain the upper hand. With a man like Phenomenal X, you have to take control and show him you aren’t the kind of girl who will take his shit. You call the shots and he’ll be eating out of the palm of your hand in no time.”

A lump builds in my throat as I dial his number. After three rings a distinctly male voice answers the phone. “Speak.”

The cold way he answers the phone throws me off guard. I open my mouth to speak, but no words will fall from my lips. All of the witty things I wanted to say to him fly completely out the window.

Quinn nudges my leg, pushing me to say something so I just blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. “I want my phone back.”

Xavier chuckles into the phone. “Is that any way to say thank you after I rescued your belongings? Ask me a little nicer and I might just give you what you want.”

“I, um…”

God, what is wrong with me? He has me stuttering like an idiot. This man is infuriating. I wish I wasn’t at his mercy, but until I get my things back it looks like I have to play nice with him. “Is there any way you can,”—Quinn nudges me again and again mouths to have him meet us tonight—”meet me at Gibby’s on Third tonight and bring my things?”

“That’s a really public place, beautiful. I was hoping the next time I saw you, we’d be somewhere a little more secluded, if you know what I mean,” he says, amusement lacing his voice.

“No way,” I fire back.

“What’s wrong, Anna, don’t trust yourself to be alone with me? Would it really be so bad if I found my way into those panties of yours?” he teases and the tingle that rippled through me on the plane comes back with full force.

“Please,” I say with a chuckle, attempting to make a show that he’s not getting to me. “I don’t know where you get off believing for one second that you’d be able to get inside my underwear. It’s not happening, X.”

Quinn’s mouth drops open and her eyes widen as she gets the gist of the conversation I’m having with this absurdly sexy man.

“So it’s ‘X’ now, is it? I thought I told you to call me Xavier. X is reserved for people who don’t know me.” All traces of the playful tone have been erased from his voice.

“I don’t know you,” I answer without any hesitation, because other than the fact he makes my body crazy, I know absolutely nothing about him.

“Not yet.” His reply is simple, but confident. “But you will. I’ll see you tonight, beautiful.”

Before I have a chance to say anything else, the line goes dead. I pull the cell away from my ear and stare down at it.


Why do I get the feeling that I’m in for it? I run my hands through my hair as I hand the phone to Quinn. The knowing grin on her face only adds to the gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach that Xavier Cold is about to be the tornado that flips my world upside down.



Up or down? That’s the classic debate most women face when trying to get ready for a night out. I thread my fingers through my brown hair and pull it up off my neck as I stare at myself in the mirror. I twist my head from side to side. Of course I want to look sexy, but I don’t want to give Xavier the impression that I’m easy. I’m far from that.

“Oh, my God, Anna. I can’t believe you were sitting next to professional wrestling’s resident badass. Not to mention one of world’s sexiest men alive—according to the last magazine I read. You got to sit next to this tasty treat of a man for nearly four hours…how did you keep from spontaneously combusting right there on the plane?” Quinn wonders out loud as she lies on her belly, scouring the Internet for information on Phenomenal X. “I don’t think the guy takes a bad picture, ever. He does the whole ‘fuck me’ vibe without even trying. Since you’re so adamant you aren’t into him, you might have to stop me from jumping his bones in public.”

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