Holly notices me staring at her as she slides her eyes towards me. “What are you looking at?”

I smirk as I think about telling her the truth and trying one more time to get in her pants, but then remember I love my balls far too much to push her much more. So, I do what any respectable guy caught in my position would do, lie. “Just wondering why someone like you doesn’t have a boyfriend?”

Her brow furrows and her pretty pink lips twist. “Who says I don’t have one?”

I chuckle. “No one has to tell me. It’s obvious you don’t.”

Her heads whips to the right. “Yes…I mean no. Yes, someone had to tell you because no, it’s not obvious.”

I’ve flustered her. Maybe I can actually tap into what makes this girl tick. It would be nice to find common ground and make my relationship with her a little more pleasant. After all, if I have to deal with her indefinitely, I’d at least like us to be friendly.

I shrug. “I know you don’t for two reasons. Number one, I’ve been with you most of the day and you haven’t gotten one phone call or text from a guy.” She opens her mouth to argue with me, but I cut her off. “Believe me, if I had a girl like you, I’d be calling all the time. And the second thing, no guy in their right mind would be okay letting his girl go anywhere with me. Women are defenseless against my sexiness. You should know that.”

She laughs. “Oh. My. God. You are so full of yourself. I’ve never met anyone like you. If I hadn’t been drunk last night, you wouldn’t have got that far with me.”

“Kid yourself all you want, sweetness. You liked it.” I grin. “As for the comment about meeting anyone like me, I’ll take it as a compliment.”

“You shouldn’t, because I didn’t mean it as one.”

“Well, however you meant it, I like standing out. You’re talking to a guy who dyes his hair to do just that, remember?”

She smiles and nods. “Touché. Very true.”

We ride in silence for a few more minutes and my mind drifts back to the topic of Holly and a boyfriend. I know she’s kind of a bitch, or at least likes to come off as one, but I can’t imagine one of these local yahoos couldn’t overlook that to tap her fine ass on a regular basis. It’s driving me nuts. “Really, I have to know. Why don’t you have a boyfriend?”

She sighs. “I had one until recently, but he turned into kind of an asshole. So now I’m waiting until I find a guy who meets all the requirements on my checklist.”

“Oh, God. You’re not one of those crazy chicks that have a dream man in mind and turn away every decent guy that approaches you because he’s not a doctor, lawyer or famous with lots of money are you?” Those kinds of women are the worst and a few of them have tried to get their hooks into me. I’ll be damned if I ever let that happen.

“Absolutely not. I just want a real man that isn’t a complete jackass and who appreciates me. I don’t care about money and as far as fame is concerned, I would never date a famous person.”

“What’s wrong with famous people?”

“What’s not wrong with them?” She lets out a sarcastic laugh. “They’re egotistical, beautiful and they know it. Cheat on you any chance they get. You know, the real full of themselves types.” She gives me a pointed look. “Kind of like you.”

I don’t know why, but my heart drops into my stomach. It’s not like I’d ever date her, but hearing her confirm there’d be no way she’d date a celebrity like me is crushing.

I laugh nervously and do my best to throw her off my rock star scent. “Well, I can promise you that I’m just a regular guy. But I won’t argue with you about me being beautiful. The ladies do love me, especially the cougars. They’re all over this shit.” I make a show of grabbing my junk.

“Eww. You are so gross,” she mumbles.

I laugh at her salty reaction. “Don’t knock it. There’s something to be said about experience. I’m total cougar bait and I appreciate a woman who rides cock well.”

She shakes her head. “You have no couth.”

A deep laugh rumbles out of my chest. “Couth? Who uses that word anymore?

She shrugs. “I do. I don’t see how you do it. Have sex with people like it means nothing, especially with someone who’s a lot older than you. You know most of those kinds of relationships are just about sex, right? That’s why I can’t ever see myself dating an older man.”

“What do you consider older?”

“Oh, I don’t know, like ten years older than me.”

“Do you think I’m too old for you?” I question.

Holly raises her right eyebrow and examines my face. “You can’t be more than, what, twenty four? That’s not too bad.”

I clear my throat. “I’m twenty-five, actually.”


“Why does that surprise you?”

“I don’t know. I thought I was being generous with saying twenty-five. You act so much younger sometimes.”

My lips pull into a tight line. “I should be deeply offended, but I’m not. I can be serious if I need to. Life’s too short. I choose to have fun with it.”

She nods. “I guess I can understand that philosophy.”

Holly turns in to one of those chain steakhouses and asks if this place is okay. After I tell her it’s fine, she whips into a parking spot and throws the manual transmission into neutral.

She grins as she revs the engine one last time before shutting it down. “I’ve never met a girl who’s into cars before.”

“That’s because most girls are pampered princesses who don’t understand the rush of going fast.” She opens the car door and gets out, while I do the same.

I lean on the car and rest my arms on the roof to stare at her on the other side. “You’re an adrenaline junkie?”

The twinkle in her blue eyes gives her away before she even admits it. “Totally.”

I love anything that’s fast and dangerous. It’s what drew me to the motocross business. This hot little minx is kind of like the female version of me—apart from the fact she doesn’t seem to be into casual sex. That’s where we differ. “So, you ride on the track?”

“I used to.” She nods towards the door of the restaurant we’re parked in front of and we shut the car doors at the same time.

“Did you just get tired of it, or what?” I ask as I fall into step beside her.

“The passion for it isn’t there anymore.”

I hold the door open for her. “That doesn’t make any sense. If you’re so into the whole speed thing, I would think it’s hard to walk away from riding if that’s what you love. I mean, you’re around it everyday. Don’t you get the urge to hop on a bike and go?”

There’s no answer from her, she only shrugs. She passes through the door and I can’t help staring at her ass in those tight jean shorts. The temptation to smack it causes my hand to itch and I grip the door handle tighter.

The hostess wearing jeans and a purple t-shirts tosses her brown hair over her shoulder and smiles at me. “How many?”

I hold up two fingers. “Two.”

The brunette gives Holly the once over and curls her lip. Holly doesn’t miss the girl’s reaction and raises her eyebrows, daring the girl to say something to her. The girl doesn’t, she simply flips her hair again and says, “Follow me.”

Holly turns towards me. “What a bitch. If we’d actually been together on a date, I would’ve been offended.”

I can’t help but to chuckle at the entire situation. “This can be a date if you want.”

She shakes her head. “Um, no.”

The hostess leads us to a corner booth and sets a couple of menus on the table. “Your server will be right with you.” She turns her gaze to me and winks as I slide into the booth across from Holly. “Let me know if you need anything.”

“Okay”—I lean in, staring at her nametag and perfectly round tits—“Julie. Will do.”

I break out my crooked grin—the one that drives the ladies mad and return the wink. She giggles and plays with her hair as she spins on her heel to go back the direction she brought us.

“Ugh,” Holly says. “Could you be any sleazier? You might as well have had sex with her right in front of me.”

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