My family tolerates me, and I love them so much. D-Sleepy, A-Bomb, Lady Nono.

Have you read the Songs of Submission?


Gracious me. Because Theresa's brother, Jonathan has this whole thing happening with Monica, that singer with the short-circuiting mouth, and it's all kinds of epic length.

Links and reading order below:

Songs of Submission, Sequence One

1) Beg (usually free on Amazon) 2) Tease

3) Submit

Songs of Dominance

Very short, optional read

3.5) Jessica/Sharon

Songs of Submission, Sequence Two

4) Control

5) Burn

6) Resist

Songs of Dominance

Very short, optional read between Burn and Resist

5.5) Rachel

Songs of Submission, Sequence Three

7) Sing

Songs of Dominance

7.5) MONICA - a very short story, is the last of it, and you might need it after Sing.

If you prefer saving a couple of dollars, and feel ok committing to a few books at a time, the bundles might work for you.

Sequence One - books 1-3 Beg/Tease/Submit

Sequence Two - books 4-6 Control/Burn/Resist

Sing, and all the Songs of Dominance, are still separate as of this moment.

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