Nothing what she’d expected, but everything she loved.

She felt his hands on her head, smoothing back her hair, kissing and kissing her, his body growing heavier and heavier. Then his fingers drifted away from her head and slid across the bedspread to take her waiting hands. Fingers intertwined, palm to palm, they clenched each other. Held on to one another. Kissed like the Earth had stopped rotating and the moon would hang forever where it was and the sun would wait patiently for them to finish before rising.

He pulled away with a groan and a great gasp. She exhaled with loss as his body lifted off hers, silently crying for his return. He was looking at her, his gaze dropping to her jaw and chin, then shoulders and chest. He dragged his hands down her arms, finally—finally—to her breasts. But it was a tease, just a light scrape across her nipples that had her arching up like she’d been zapped with beautiful electricity. Then he did the most incredible thing . . . he turned his touch to water.

A cool, delicate, sharp, wet drag of liquid, up and around and down and across her sensitive, heated flesh. Her body responded immediately, igniting her fire magic. Steam rose off her, circling him, enveloping him.

She knew she was wet before, but with their magic mixed, she got absolutely soaked. She felt almost too swollen and tuned up to be touched, gone shaking in her need for him.

The water swirled over her nipples again, and this time, with the shock gone, there was only intense pleasure. She cried out, chin thrown back. She thought she heard him chuckle, triumphant, and then the water was gone. He eased off her, the absence almost hurting, until she felt his hands at her jeans. Pulling them off, under her hips, sliding them down her legs.

Barely a second passed after the last piece of her clothes disappeared before he was on her again, this time with his knees pushing hers apart, and this time with him whispering against her mouth in light teases, “So beautiful. So fucking beautiful.”

Her arms came away from the bed to wrap around his neck. Her legs lifted and entwined around his lower back. Her heels shoved at the loose waistband of his baggy shorts, and then they were off, too, his body twisting, his hands scrabbling to make himself naked. It was a short burst of energy, all frantic and desperate like so much of their sex had been before, but then, as he leaned back and she caught a glimpse of his hard stomach, tense thighs, and raging erection, he slowed. Covered her body again.


Who had said that? Him? Her? Some ghost in the room or the very energy between them?

“What do you want?” His voice against her lips, tugging at the softness.

So it had been her to speak, to beg like that. How wonderfully freeing, to be able to do that and not to be judged or thought weak. On the contrary, energy raced through her, exploding out of her skin in ways the fire never had. The fire was part of her, yes, but the magic was something inside her body, something given to her, something she could manipulate. This desire that was making her crazy and blind and deaf . . . that was hers. She owned it. And she would give it all to Griffin of her own volition.

“Touch me,” she whispered. “Make me come. Please.”

With a low animalistic sound, he slid down her body. All that friction blazed through her from the outside in. An entirely new, reverse kind of heat—his heat, and he was giving it to her.

On a delay, she realized that he hadn’t moved in order to penetrate her. Instead his head was between her legs, his eyes focused on where she was desperate for him, his intent so very clear.

“The fire . . .” she began.

He shook his head, his eyes flipping up to meet hers. “I want to feel it. On my lips, in my mouth. I’m not worried. You won’t hurt me.”

But you’ll hurt me, she thought. And not physically.

He licked her, right there where all emotion and sensation had spiraled and made her aware of the entire universe. Her hips bucked off the bed, but he clamped his hands around her thighs. Held her down. She had no strength, no fight left. Had she ever truly had any when it came to him?

His mouth closed over her, a soft fastening of the lips and a deliberate swirl of the tongue. She got lost in it, in its aching pace, in the shivers he was drawing out from her again.

Then she did a dumb thing. She opened her eyes, lifted her head and looked down. Looked at the roll of his mouth over her flesh, the way he ate her as though he were savoring his last meal, the smooth, even bob of his head between her legs. It was dumb because she’d never be able to forget the squeeze of his eyelids, or the appearance of his tongue as he dragged it up the sensitive seam of her body. Dumb because she knew she would think of and want this every day up until the moment she died, and she had no idea what was going to happen to either of them after tomorrow.

A sob wracked out of her as she came. She was crying and coming, her chest heaving with sorrow and pleasure, and she didn’t know which to trust in more.

When she came down, when her body ceased its tremors and there were paths of wetness from the corners of her eyes to the bedspread, Griffin still had his mouth on her, only this time it was everywhere: her inner thighs, her hip bones, the divots between her stomach muscles. When he clamped his lips over her nipple again, a strange heat coated his tongue. Spicy, zinging. Her own.

He rose up to fill her vision again. “Your fire is delicious.”

On his elbows above her, staring into her face, he nudged his cock inside her at last. Her vision winked and blurred, and she blamed the look in his eyes, that pure bliss shooting back at her, that something she was so afraid to voice but could name with the snap of her fingers.

And then he was fully inside her. Griffin Aames was inside her. Filling her from spirit to heart, soul to mind. She felt she might split apart from all that consumed her, and she had no idea what to do about that. As his forehead came down to touch hers, she gripped his short hair. Right before she closed her eyes against the intensity of his nearness, she knew she was lost. And this new place—a state of mind she’d never known before and was wandering through with little to no direction—was truly blissful.

Then he withdrew and pushed back into her with renewed power. Somehow larger, somehow deeper. The sounds that flowed up and out of their throats gave voice to indescribable feeling. Fire and water, combining inside her body.

They’d done this before, but the frenzied nature of their previous sexual encounters had masked the intensity of the two elements truly coming together. Now, with every centimeter of movement creating a mile of sensation, she was wholly aware of how warm her body was growing, how it was taking him in and wrapping around his element, combining with it. Intensifying it. He was water and ice and steam, and she could almost see that steam rising from the mountains of his shoulders, trickling through the lines made by his flexing muscles.

Another thrust, slow and hard. She discovered she did not want to demand speed this time. She did not want a fuck like they’d already had. No, she wanted more of this—this protective, intense, claiming penetration that locked their eyes as firmly as it joined their bodies.

His hips were heavenly, the way they scooped up and into her. He moved like water itself, smooth and flowing, its power deceptively beautiful and innocent looking. And then . . . suddenly . . . just for a moment . . . it seemed like he was water.

His whole body went translucent and shimmering at the edges, like he was losing control of who he was and who his body longed to be. Then he was back again, his olive skin as solid and lovely and taut as it had always been. The thought that she might have sparked that in him made her insane with lust.

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