I took Jose zooming down the one-way street, swerving in and out of traffic while trying to keep an eye on the roofs that whipped past us. Dust flew up in our wake, coating us through the windows and I narrowly missed smashing into a motorcycle. I was glad Violetta was in the back and whimpering softly, it made it easier to concentrate when the only screams you heard were in your head.

My stomach began to twist on itself when I realized I had no idea where Javier and Camden were, if they were still alive, still running. The houses in this barrio kept going on and on, family after family after family packed into these ramshackle dwellings like sweltering sardines.

I’d almost clipped a bus in front of me when I suddenly saw a dark figure running on the roof, his head disappearing behind the occasional awning and the back of the bus. It was one of the cartel men and he was chasing someone, which had to mean that Camden and Javier were up ahead.

I exhaled briefly with hope, before pushing the pedal to the floor and going up the shoulder, trying to get ahead of the bus. There was a stack of bicycles up ahead and I was either going to hit them, the bus, or the people on the dirt sidewalk.

I chose the bicycles. I gunned the car harder, the rear wheels spinning furiously and braced for impact.

“Hold on!” I yelled to Violetta and then screamed as Jose plowed into them. The bicycles flew up onto the hood, cracking the windshield in the corner, before clattering across the roof. “Sorry!”

Then I whipped the car in front of the bus to a round of angry honks from the driver and finally saw Camden and Javier on the roofs, still running for their lives. I grinned to myself, despite the severity of the situation, and let out a relieved laugh. Somewhere in the back of my masochistic head, I had been so certain that Camden would be done for. I hadn’t wanted to think about it but I was sure that Javier would have ditched him along the way. Or killed him.

“I see them,” I told Violetta.

“Camden’s still alive?” she asked weakly.

I wasn’t the only with that idea.

“So far,” I told her.

“I can tell my brother wants to kill him,” she said.

I rubbed my lips together, my hands gripping the wheel harder. “He hasn’t yet.” I shot her a look over my shoulder. “Just hang tight okay? I’m going to try and get their attention and pull up ahead.”

I drove a bit faster, trying to keep up in the traffic that was growing increasingly heavier, and was about to start honking my horn like crazy when I saw the unthinkable happen.

Javier and Camden both jumped from one roof to another, the gap not too wide, but when Camden landed, it looked like his weight broke through part of the roofing and he went down, sinking in until I could only see him from the shoulders up.

I gasped, slowing the car so I could watch, the bus behind me honking again.

The man in pursuit started firing at them, closer now.

Camden was fucked.

A sitting duck.

And Javier … Javier stopped.

He stopped and raised his gun and tried to fire off a few rounds at the man but I could see from the frustration in his face that he was out of ammo. He hastily tucked his gun back into his pants and then crouched down to help Camden up.

“What’s going on?” Violetta asked, trying to sit up. “Why are we slowing?”

“Javier is helping Camden,” I said absently. I wasn’t sure what to make of it, other than the fact that I was grateful. Cautiously grateful.

“How noble of him,” she said, her voice acidic.

It didn’t matter, soon Camden was on his feet again and they were back to sprinting. I took the car around a rickshaw and started honking the horn wildly. I didn’t care if everyone in the barrio looked over at me. I just wanted them to see me.

But they didn’t. And I could we were coming up to an intersection where the roofs would end and they’d have to come down. The intersection that had the street on a red light and cars were started to slow in front of me.

I had to act fast. I brought the GTO onto the dirt sidewalk to get past the traffic and kept laying on the horn, now to get Camden and Javier’s attention as much as the attention of the people I was about to run over. Fortunately, everyone got out of the way and there wasn’t another group of bikes to smash through. Unfortunately, because we were right up against the buildings, Camden and Javier wouldn’t be able to see the car.

I stuck my head out of the window and started yelling for Camden, shouting his name over and over again. I hoped he could hear me above the noise of the city. There wasn’t much time left. I was almost at the intersection and if they got off the block of roofs and started running, there was a chance I could never find them again in this city.

The light was still red when we came to it and I wasted no time.

I spun the car out, turning left onto oncoming traffic and kept another scream inside my burning lungs. Cars were honking as they came toward me. People were yelling and swearing, fists waving outside of windows.

And I slammed Jose into park and climbed out of the window onto the roof of the car. I stood up unsteadily, mindful that I was precariously perched in the middle of a rush of cars in all directions, some of them slamming their brakes dangerously close to me, and looked to the roof.

In seconds, Javier and Camden appeared, looking over the edge, trying to figure out a way down, before the commotion I had created caught their eye. I waved my arms over my head until they both spotted me.

“Get the fuck down here!” I yelled.

Camden squinted then nodded and I noticed he wasn’t wearing his glasses anymore, while Javier pointed at an awning that sat above a convenience store. They ran over until they were above it, Javier glancing nervously over his shoulder, then with one fluid leap they jumped down onto the awning.

It crashed and collapsed under their weight and brought them down over crates of fruit, but they were up quickly and running across the road to the car, all while the store owner was emerging from the wreckage and swearing his head off.

I jumped down from the roof and quickly pushed the seat back to make room for Javier. He could sit with his sister and comfort her.

Camden was going beside me.

“Get in,” I told them.

Javier’s eyes locked with mine briefly and he said, “Thanks” before slipping inside.

I slammed the seat back and got in just as Camden got in the passenger side. Two bullets exploded nearby, one hitting the street, the other hitting the trunk of the car. The man was firing at us from the roof. I had half a mind to fish out my gun again and finish him off, but we had an opportunity to escape and I wasn’t going to lose it.

I put Jose into drive and peeled out, avoiding the cars that were now making their way around me, zigging in and out until we were on the right side of the road and speeding through the city. The traffic was growing thicker by the moment, but still moving fast enough that I was able to keep up my speeds, as long as I paid close attention to the road.

“What happened?” I cried out at the same time that Camden did. He was missing his glasses – his big blue eyes looked startling - and covered in sweat but other than that he looked okay.

“What happened to your arm?” Javier asked Violetta. She whimpered in response.

I eyed him in the rear view mirror. “We were running and came to that first gap. She fell. I think her arm is broken. I jumped down and we ran back to the car.”

“Did you kill the rest of the men?” Javier asked, his eyes meeting mine. They danced, looking alive. If he was a lion, his tail would be twitching.

I swallowed hard and ignored the lump in my chest. “Yes. I had to.”

His lips curled in delight. “I’m impressed.”

I looked away and back at the road before I nearly took out a green and red taxi cab.

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