Lower lip quivering and eyes burning, Molly locked her legs around his hips, her hands on his shoulders. “I fall more in love with you each and every day,” she whispered. “I will hurt anyone who causes you pain.” If Lauren ever showed her face in front of Molly again, she’d better watch out.

Fox’s lips curved, one big hand spreading on her lower back, the other curling around her nape. “No one can, not when I’ve got my Molly-love armor.” Another kiss, his cock growing hard against her. “Enough of the bullshit. I want you.”

“I thought I wrung you dry?” she teased, letting the subject of his mother and sister go. Fox wasn’t the kind of man to worry things to death—what mattered was that he trusted her enough to tell her about something she had a feeling no one else knew. If he ever needed to talk about it again, he would.

Because she was his Molly.

“You did,” he now said, tipping her flat on the bed and straddling her body. “I’m a broken man.”

“Poor Foxie.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Someone wants to be in trouble.” Grabbing her wrists, he used his other hand to shake out a pillow from the case. She knew that case was going to be used to tie her wrists together before he shifted higher up her body and pinned her hands to the bed frame.

Excitement hot and dark under her skin, she looked down from his face as he knotted the fabric around her wrists… to realize his erection was within reach of her mouth. Since Molly Webster, good girl, was now Molly Webster, good girl with a naughty streak, she leaned up and sucked the blunt tip into her mouth.

“Christ!” Fox’s hands slammed into the bed frame, the entire bed shaking. “That was not in the plan,” he gritted out, one hand sliding down to cradle her head so she’d be in a better position to take more of him.

Unrepentant, she licked her tongue along the vein plump against her tongue. He thrust once, twice, each thrust shallow, before pulling out, his cock gleaming wet. “Your mouth should be illegal.” Shifting down, he spread her thighs wide and bent to give her a taste of her own medicine.

A single minute and Molly arched up off the bed and against his mouth, her skin glimmering with perspiration. He showed no mercy, holding her spread wide as he continued to lick and suck until she was whimpering. Only then did he release her throbbing clit to flick his tongue almost delicately around her entrance.

“So,” he said, lifting his head, “how should I punish you?” The lean dimple in his cheek invited her kiss, the ring in his lip her favorite plaything.

An ache in her heart, Molly didn’t want to continue the game all of a sudden. “Later,” she whispered, her breasts rising and falling in a choppy rhythm. “I need to feel you inside me.” Needed to hold him close. “I love you.”

Expression altering to raw tenderness, he rose above her and tugged the knot in the pillowcase open. “You are such a bad girl. That’s the second time you’ve messed with my plans.” He dipped his head. The taste on his tongue her own, an erotic intimacy between them, he put one hand on the inside of her thigh and pushed into her, slow and relentless.

It drew a sound of acute pleasure from within her throat, her fingers buried in his hair and her legs locked around his hips. Fox kissed her throughout the loving, his forearms braced on either side of her head, his tattoos familiar and unique.

“My Molly.” It was a guttural sound against her ear as he came in her arms.

When Molly got a message from Fox two days later to say he’d be out with Noah for a couple of hours, she didn’t think too much of it. If he wanted to go off and do manly stuff with Noah, she didn’t mind. Just like he didn’t mind if she spent an hour on the phone with Charlotte or went out with Thea when her sister flew in.

Now she decided to e-mail Charlotte before getting to work at the little desk Fox had found for her; it fit perfectly in one corner of the living area of the coach.

It turned out Charlotte was online, so they video-chatted. Her best friend’s life had become very interesting of late.

Molly ended the session with a smile on her face so wide it was probably blinding. “Go, T-Rex,” she said with a little fist bump before forcing herself to concentrate on her work. Her eye fell on the bowl of strawberries on the desk as she opened her laptop and her smile grew impossibly wider. Diamonds were one thing, but Fox had a way of remembering the small things she loved.

Eating a couple of the juicy strawberries, she knuckled down. The work did eventually engross her, and darkness had fallen by the time she looked up. She got up, stretched, then decided to see if anyone was up for dinner—Fox’s and Noah’s afternoon out had apparently been extended.

Not that she was surprised, given what the men got up to, and it wasn’t what people might expect. The last time Fox had disappeared—with David and Abe—they’d returned after drag racing around a special track built for speed. Gleeful as small boys, they’d been buzzed for hours.

The door opened in front of her at that second, Fox on the other side.

“Hey.” She smiled, noting he didn’t look any the worse for wear. “Dare I ask?”

A deep grin. “I got a tat,” he said, jumping into the coach and pulling the door shut. “Noah came along for moral support, but he ended up with one, too. Not as amazing as mine though.”

Proprietary of his body, Molly said, “Show me.”

He took off his T-shirt, leaning back against the coach wall as she gingerly lifted the edges of the gauze bandage taped partway down his chest, just slightly to the left of center. “Fox”—she scowled up at him—“this is right over your heart.” She knew a tattoo needle couldn’t penetrate through muscle and bone, but still. “What if you’d been hurt?”

He squeezed her hip. “Worth it.”

“It better be a work of sheer geni—” She froze as the gauze pad came off enough that she could see the ink, black against skin reddened from the recent work. It was shaped like a rectangular stamp, the kind businesses put on letters to say “Confidential.” This one said something else.

Molly’s Property.

Eyes burning, she pushed fisted hands against his abdomen as his arms came around her. “Idiot.”

A kiss, his lips curved.

“What happens if we break up?” she said, so overwhelmed her mind was a mess. “They’ll make fun of you, call you Folly’s Property.”

 “Guess you better not dump my ass then or there goes my entire image.” His dimple appeared. “Especially after I suffered hours of pain for you.”

She touched her fingers delicately to the ink, leaning forward to brush a featherlight kiss over it as tears rolled down her face. No, he might never be able to say “I love you,” those words yet hard for him, but he had other ways of making his point.

“Aw, hey baby, don’t.” Reaching down to cover the tat with the gauze again, he cuddled her close. “It doesn’t hurt. I was just messing with you.”

“Happy tears,” she managed to get out.

“You like it, then?”

“I love it.”

Chapter 40

When Fox ripped off his T-shirt in the middle of the concert the next night to throw it into the crowd, realization slammed into her. God, she’d been slow. Fox hadn’t just told her he loved her; he was telling the world.

Hugging her arms around her waist, she tried to hold the tidal wave of emotion inside, her breath rasping in her chest. Maxwell stopped on his way past her, patted her on the shoulder. “What did he do?”

“Be wonderful.”

“Huh.” Squeezing her into a hug, the crew boss said, “I thought you hadn’t heard it.”

“Heard what?”

He touched a finger to his earpiece. “Sorry, got to check out one of the speakers.”

Forgetting his words when Fox turned to shoot her a grin before facing the roaring crowd once more, Molly just stood there. The man was going to kill her. Never had she thought she’d be so loved, so wanted, so cherished and adored. Taking out her phone, she texted, “I’m stupid in love with you,” to his phone.

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