It felt incredible being inside her, so I wanted to take my sweet time.

I noticed her trembling lips and her flushed cheeks. “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” she strangled out. “I’m perfect. This is perfect. Please, I want you.”

I slid in farther, inch by inch, and she cried out as I filled her completely.

As soon as she became adjusted to the feel of me inside her, I began moving in and out at a solid pace, keeping eye contact with her. Everything in this moment felt so right, so amazingly fucking flawless. I didn’t want it to end.

I could feel her climax building slowly—her skin pulsing, her warm center squeezing more tightly—as I reached my thumb down to roll over her swollen nub.

She yelled out my name, trembling and grasping at my hair, and I stilled myself to watch her get her release, before pumping into her more firmly to chase my own.

We stayed wrapped in the blanket for a long time afterward, just gazing into each other’s eyes—talking, laughing, and stealing kisses. It was one of the most unforgettable nights of my life.

chapter twelve


Today was the day of the Made in the Arbor street fair and I had gotten an early start to prep for the long hours. I hadn’t seen Blake in a few days and was basically going out of my mind.

We’d never exchanged phone numbers, just always shown up at the space to work together. I figured his disappearing act had something to do with his mom, because of what he’d shared that last night we were together.

I squashed down the notion that he didn’t return because of me—that I’d given him what he’d wanted and he was done. Or maybe it didn’t live up to the fantasy he’d said he had of me. I wasn’t very skilled in that department, but he certainly made me feel like I’d been.

No matter how busy I made myself, I couldn’t get him out of my head—how his skin smelled like fresh linen or the way his lips fit so perfectly against mine.

Jaclyn seemed more than impressed with what we had accomplished at her other store. She said that it would be a shame to take it down and that she knew the sale would be a hit. She began officially calling the new space Fibers, which matched nicely with Threads.

I couldn’t help telling Jaclyn that I was concerned about Blake and that I hoped he was okay. I was sure she could see my feelings for him in my eyes, in the emotions I was trying desperately to rein in. It must have been obvious how close we’d grown over these past few weeks.

That was probably the reason why, despite her extreme privacy, she had given me a hint that his family was indeed in full-on crisis mode again. I stopped short of asking for his number—I figured when he was ready he might reach out to me. Every time the bell above the shop door jingled open, I prayed he’d step through it, but it never happened.

I was lost working at Fibers without him. There hadn’t been much left to do except attend to last-minute touches to prep for opening day, but in each corner I looked, he was there. From the filament strands wound around the pipes, the curtains that hung in the windows, to the shelves and the runway he’d built by hand, his presence was everywhere. I was lonely for him as I’d never been for any other guy.

Mom would’ve had a field day with that one. As it was, she’d been frustrated with me for being distant these past few weeks. I told her I was busy with the project and classes and felt bummed that I couldn’t confide in her about Blake—so I had my roommates to thank for trying to lift my spirits these past few days.

My mother had arrived to the sale early and was mingling with the other shop owners and Chamber of Commerce Committee members outside. She was poised and perfect and I’d always admired her natural charisma when it came to interacting with others. I usually had to work harder at it.

I’d admit it had felt good to see her utter astonishment about what I’d created, when she first stepped inside the store. And when she told me it looked incredible, my chest ballooned with pride.

She seemed hesitant around me today, though, as if we were navigating new territory together. One that didn’t include her knowing or commandeering every single facet of my life.

The fashion show was taking place at noon, when the street would be the most crowded from lunchtime traffic. Jaclyn was thrilled with my runway idea and I was able to secure some models from the School of Design. Jaclyn had called in all of her seasonal part-time help to work the sale, so there were more than enough hands to assist both inside and outside the shop.

Before I knew it, the morning had flown by and the models were showing up and heading to the back room to get instructions from the other classmates I’d roped into helping out with the show.

I’d been busy securing the edges of the runway with netting, but then I moved behind the desk to grab my notebook, which contained a running list of the day’s activities. I reached for my thin Sharpie to cross off the tasks I’d accomplished, and I noticed it lying uncapped on the counter.

I mentally scolded the person who had been so careless until I saw a yellow sticky note—fresh from my pack—sitting atop my pad. Words were scrawled across in red marker, and when I read them my chest constricted, my breaths faltering.

I’ve missed you.

I gazed toward the sidewalk, looking for the one person I’d hoped had written that note. But the street was only riddled with customers picking through the sales racks.

I lifted the notebook and paged through my event notes with shaky fingers. As I flipped the sheet over, I found another sticky note.

I’m sorry I’ve been gone. Things have been a mess at home. But I thought of you every minute of every day.

My bottom lip trembled in relief. I nearly burst into tears at his revelation.

But where in the hell was he now?

I felt something bulky on the next page and found yet another note.

I keep hoping you miss me just as much and that somehow—despite your very detailed life plans—we can make this work. Please say YES.

I closed my eyes as my chest practically burst open with emotion. I wanted so badly to make it work, and I’d only realized it at just that very moment. That what I’d been feeling so desperately these past few days was the yearning to be with him.

All the time.

Maybe Blake was outside waiting for the show to begin. I needed to find him immediately afterward. I hugged the notebook to my chest and heard Jaclyn’s voice ring out.

“Are we on schedule?” she said from the rear of the store. “The models and dressers need more direction back here.”

“Yes, of course,” I said, swallowing thickly. “It’s almost showtime.”

When I passed by her, I could’ve sworn I saw a glint in her eye.

The back room was bordering on chaos and I seized one moment to take a fortifying breath before stepping into the middle of the floor.

Despite my initial panic, I was feeling calmer in the center of this storm—thanks in part to Blake, for opening my eyes and daring me to see what was hidden inside myself.

“There you are,” Julie, one of my volunteer assistants, said. “I just wanted to double-check the order with you. Seems there’s been another change.” A model had bailed on us yesterday, but I was able to delete his number from the lineup.

“What kind of change?” The model in front of me was struggling with her shoe, so I bent down to help her adjust the strap. “I didn’t approve of anything.”

That was when I heard his voice. Low and throaty and raw. “Chloe.”

My head snapped up painfully as my heart battered in my chest.

Blake was as gorgeous as ever in his relaxed jeans with freshly washed hair.

His blue eyes bored into mine. “Can you tell me what I’ll be wearing?”

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