Rose didn’t respond, but she’d stopped cheering and seemed to be listening intently despite refusing to look at him.

“We’ve all made mistakes. We’ve all got secrets. Believe me when I say that if I could go back, there are a couple of things I would do differently. The first would be letting you walk away from me all those years ago. It’s my biggest regret. But I’m not going to make the same mistake twice. I’m not going to let you push me away again.”

Xander reached out to caress her cheek and gently turn her to face him. “I know you’re scared, Rose. So am I. But these last few weeks I’ve realized that the reality of losing you is far worse than the fear of what might happen if I came back here and told you how I felt.

“I want to focus on my future. Our future. You and me and Joey together the way a family should be. I don’t want anything you and I did in the past to come in the way of that.” Xander reached into his pocket and grasped the small velvet box in his fist.

“Xander,” Rose began, but stopped when she saw the box.

“I had this made for you. There’s only one other ring like it in the whole world.” He held it out and opened the lid on the hinge. “My hope is that you will wear this one every day of the rest of your life.”

* * *

It couldn’t be. It just couldn’t be.

It was surreal enough to have Xander here, telling Rose that he loved her. Tori had told her as much was true, although she hadn’t believed her. Having him produce an engagement ring was beyond her most secret of fantasies. But then he opened the box and the world tilted sideways.

Her mother’s engagement ring. At least, it looked like her engagement ring. After the cancer claimed her, Rose’s mother had been buried with her wedding ring and engagement ring on her finger. Xander had had it re-created for her.

With her hand shaking, Rose reached out for the ring and then gripped the platinum band tightly to keep from dropping it under the bleachers. Upon closer inspection, she could tell it wasn’t a perfect replica. For one thing, her mother’s ring had been white gold, not platinum. And the sideways oval diamond inset into the band was much larger and sparkled brighter than any stone her father could ever afford.

But the band had the same intricate crisscrossed mount with cutaways that revealed more tiny diamonds, just as her mother’s ring had. “How did you ever find a ring like my mother’s?”

“Like I said, I had it made. With help from Craig, if you can believe it.”

Rose tore her gaze away from the sparkling ring to frown at Xander in disbelief. “Craig helped you?”

“He did.” Xander smiled. “He sent me pictures of the ring so I could have a jeweler in D.C. re-create it for you. Do you like it?”

Rose’s mouth dropped open to answer, but she couldn’t find the words. Of course she loved it. It was absolutely perfect. Beautiful, sentimental and thoughtful, as Xander always tried to be. The issue was whether or not she could accept it.

“Okay, now I have to ask you an important question. Two, actually. First,” he said, taking the ring from her fingers, “will you, Rosalyn Pierce, give me the honor of your hand in marriage?”

She had been beating herself up for weeks thinking about her last conversation with Xander. How she’d reacted but not listened. How she’d painted him with her father’s brush without giving him the chance to explain how they were different. Tori had been right. She would do anything for Joey. And she knew that Xander would do anything for his family, and that included her and their son. Her father had never cared about anyone but himself.

Saying yes was a risk. Things were still unresolved with the police. But she was more frightened by the idea of saying no and losing him again. She loved him. He accepted her past and the flaws in it. If she wanted to be happy, she needed to do the same.

“Yes,” Rose replied. The answer was barely audible with the cheering in the stands around them, but Xander pushed the ring onto her finger and smiled, so he’d heard her.

“The second question,” he said, “is will you come live with me in D.C.? That town house is so lonely since you left.”

She nodded, although the movement was barely visible before he scooped her into his arms and captured her mouth in a kiss. She melted against him, the heat of the late-summer ball game nowhere near as scorching as the desire building up inside of her.

“I love you, Rose,” he whispered against her lips.

Rose pulled away to look into his eyes. “I love you, too, Xander.”

A cheer went up and the crowd around them leaped to their feet. They both stood to try and figure out what they’d missed. It didn’t take long. It was the top of the sixth, two strikes, and the Lions were still ahead. If the other team didn’t score, the game was over and Joey’s team went to the championship.

Xander reached out for her hand with his own and his fingers entwined with hers. They both waited, barely breathing as the next boy came up to bat. He swung hard at the pitch and it was a pop fly heading straight for Joey in his position as shortstop.

“Oh no,” Rose said, covering her mouth with her other hand. “I hope he can catch that with the glove on the wrong hand.”

It seemed like forever for the ball to come down and when it did, it was nestled safely in Joey’s glove. The game was over. The roar from the surrounding spectators was near deafening. Parents anxiously waited for the teams to give high fives to one another and practice good sportsmanship and then poured onto the grass to celebrate with their kids.

Xander helped Rose down the steps and they found Joey still standing between second and third base, holding the winning ball. He seemed a little stunned.

“Congratulations, baby.” Rose let go of Xander’s hand to swoop in and gather her son in her arms. “You played an excellent game tonight. Best catch ever.”

“Thanks,” Joey said with a grin, and then his eyes widened as they looked over her shoulder. “Xander?”

Her son pulled away to rush Xander as he crouched in the dirt near third base. He caught the boy in his arms, still cautious of the sturdy black brace on his left arm. “Good job, kiddo.”

“I’m glad you made it, Dad.”

“I’m glad I made it, too.”

“Wait, what?” Rose said. They hadn’t had that discussion with him yet. Xander didn’t even flinch. He just smiled wide, his hazel eyes getting a touch glassy.

Xander patted Joey on the shoulder and stood, turning back to her. “He already knew, Rose. He’s more observant than we gave him credit for.”

“How did you know?”

“Joey left a gift for me in my luggage.”

“Did you like it?” Joey perked up.

Xander grinned. “It was the best macaroni-and-Popsicle-stick picture frame ever made in the history of camp.”

“I think we need to go get some ice cream to celebrate,” Rose said.

“Celebrate my win?” Joey asked.

“And some other things.” Rose wiggled her fingers and Joey’s eyes went to the diamond on her hand.

“You guys are getting married? That’s awesome! Are we moving to D.C.? Will I get to meet the president?”

“Whoa, kiddo,” Xander said with a smile. “One thing at a time. Let’s start with ice cream.”

“Xander James Langston!” A woman’s sharp voice cut through the crowd.


Rose, Xander and Joey all turned and found a red-faced Molly Eden standing a few feet away in a Litchfield Lions T-shirt and jeans. She was usually the spitting image of sweetness and Christmas spirit—a few years and a few pounds from being a walking, talking Mrs. Claus. She looked anything but sweet at the moment. She looked as if she’d caught them sneaking back in after curfew and was about to wear Xander’s rear end out.

Her hands were planted on her hips, her furious gaze shifting between Rose and Xander. Then it was interrupted by a smile curling her lips when she looked at Joey. Ken was behind her, a gentle, restraining hand on her shoulder and a smug grin on his face. Thank goodness for Ken.

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