A four-hour nap sounded like heaven.

“You know, I have to say this,” he said as he slid into the bed beside her. He had stripped out of his clothes too. “You don’t have to come with me. You could sleep longer. God only knows you need the rest.”

“Fuck you,” she mumbled into her pillow. “Fuck that.” We’ve already discussed this. “I’m good to go, soldier. Just lemme.” Take the nap first.

“You’re so tired, you’re switching back and forth from telepathy.” He pulled her into his arms, and she curled around his body.

She had been trying to figure out which method of speech took the least effort, but she couldn’t decide. Meanwhile, the long, physical bulk of his presence was so soothing, and her head fit onto his shoulder so perfectly.

Yes, exactly there. That was home.

She plummeted to sleep.

Four and a half hours later, she and Julian walked hand-in-hand into the empty council assembly hall, accompanied by Xavier, Tess and Shane. Three more Light Fae guards stopped outside the doors.

The smaller assembly hall had been designed with classic simplicity, much like the great hall. Although Melly knew that chairs and tables were sometimes added for long meetings, currently it was devoid of furniture.

Melly had slept like the dead until Julian’s alarm had gone off. Coming awake had been painful, but a hot shower had helped, along with gulping a cup of piping-hot coffee and eating a croissant.

Someone had left clothes for her in the living room, along with the food and coffee. They were simple, black trousers and a black sweater, but they fit well enough. After braiding her hair, she wound it into a knot at the nape of her neck again.

Julian had already risen and dressed by the time she got up, and he was meeting with various people. When she walked into the living room, his office door was closed. She had eaten while listening to the muffled sounds of his and Yolanthe’s voices. There had been no more time to talk privately with him.

Now, nerves jumped underneath her skin again. She felt like she was about to go into another battle. Except what came next wasn’t her battle. It was Julian’s.

With a clang, the doors shut behind them. The next time they opened, it would be to let in the council.

She said in his head, I’m okay with whatever you decide. When it comes down to it, if you feel like you need to stay, I’ll support you no matter what. You get to have a real choice, Julian.

He came to a stop. The expression in his eyes was so vulnerable, it made her want to throw her arms around him and never let go.

He said, I don’t deserve you.

Well, that’s true, she told him gently, smiling. The important thing is that you recognize it.

His hand tightened on hers. I had the Harley delivered. It’s waiting for us in the public parking lot, just inside the gate.

It took a moment for his words to sink in. Then she remembered their conversation from earlier in his office, and a burst of pure joy filled her chest.

He pulled out his phone and made a call. He said, “We’re here.”

Almost immediately the whirling Power of a Djinn filled the empty space. Three figures solidified. Melly recognized all of them.

One was a tall, imperious-looking male with long black hair and diamond-like eyes. He was Soren’s son, Khalil.

The other two were a man and a woman. The man was Wyr, handsome and also tall, with tawny hair. He had once been Dragos’s First sentinel, and now he was Carling’s mate, Rune.

The woman was Carling. She was beautiful, with almond-shaped eyes, warm brown skin and short dark hair. The last time Melly had seen her, Carling’s hair had been long and flowed down her back.

“Ah, Evenfall,” said Carling. “It holds such memories.” She murmured to Rune, “I could take it all back, you know.”

“You love your new life too much,” Rune said. He gave his mate a sleepy-looking smile.

Carling turned to Julian and Melly. “There, you see? I can’t even tease him. Hello, Melly. Julian.” She gave the others a nod.

While Carling appeared to be relaxed and Rune remained smiling, Melly noticed neither one stepped forward. Khalil didn’t even pretend to smile. Instead the Djinn folded his arms and watched everyone with a raised eyebrow.

Melly didn’t realize she was gripping Julian’s hand so hard until he said telepathically to her, It’s all right. Broken trust can’t be rebuilt in a day. Aloud, he said, “Thank you for coming.”

“You’re welcome,” said Carling. “Truth be told, while I’d love to stay and watch what happens next, I would be too tempted to get involved. As my Rune so wisely pointed out, I love my new life too much. So, Julian Regillus, I will say it again. You’re free of any obligation to the Nightkind demesne save those you choose for yourself. Your future is no longer what I order.”

“Unless you try to hurt my mate again,” said Rune, still with that sleepy smile. In contrast to his lazy, handsome expression, his gaze was sharp as a drawn blade. “Then your future ass becomes mine.” As Carling raised her eyebrows at him, he shrugged. “What? I had to say it.”

At Carling’s words, Melly had felt a tremor run through Julian’s big body. She whispered, “Are you all right?”

Squeezing her fingers reassuringly, he nodded. He said to Carling, “I won’t forget that you were willing to come here and do this.” He looked at Rune. “Either of you.”

“I hope you find the path that makes you happy, Julian.” Carling paused. Then she nodded at Khalil, who put his hands on her and Rune’s shoulders, and the Djinn’s Power swept them away.

Did Carling’s pause go on a heartbeat too long?

Melly spun around to face Julian. What did she do? What did she say? She didn’t take it back and order you to do something else, did she?

He took hold of her arms reassuringly. No. It’s all right. She just advised me about something I already knew I needed to do.

What’s that? Melly searched his expression.

He said, I have to kill Darius.

Councilman Darius?

Yes. Dominic was a bad surprise, but we’ve known for a long time that Justine and Darius were co-conspirators. He said aloud to Xavier, “Open the doors.”

It was hard to step away from Julian, but she forced herself to do it. Beckoning to Tess and Shane, Melly led them to one side, while she murmured in Shane’s head, This meeting may get a little touchy.

It’s a good thing you warned me. Shane’s mental voice sounded comfortably dry. I was in danger of relaxing.

She rolled her eyes at him. If things go the way I think they will, you can take the troops home afterward.

He nodded in acknowledgement. This was a good outing. It’s been a good day.

As Xavier opened the doors, the surviving ten members of the Nightkind council poured in. Although she wasn’t acquainted with any of them very well, Melly knew all their names.

Marged, Connor and Nicholas. Dylan, Leopold and Annis.

Trey, Jaylinn and Gustave.

And of course Darius.

Danger entered the hall on quiet cat feet along with the council. These Vampyres were some of the most deadly of the Nightkind.

Julian strode to the center of the room. The other Vampyres grouped loosely around him. After the last one had entered, Xavier closed the doors again. With his customary erect posture and quiet dignity, he made his way around the edge of the room to Tess, Melly and Shane.

Melly noticed how Leopold and Annis positioned themselves in front of her, Shane and Tess. She didn’t know who had prompted that, whether it had been Julian or Xavier, or if Leopold and Annis had volunteered to do it on their own, but she knew it hadn’t happened by accident.

As Leopold glanced over his shoulder at Melly, he inclined his head. Thank you for what you did earlier.

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