“What do you have going on tonight?” she mumbles with her head on my chest.

“I’ve got a date myself.”

“Really? With who?”

“This guy named Mark. We’ve had a few classes together. He plays guitar in the band that Kimber and I went to go see last night.”

“That’s hot,” she says with a giggle.

“I know.”

Just like Candace, I’m a serial dater too. Hookups are kinda my thing. I’ve never even brought a guy around Candace. It’s one thing for her to know I’m gay, but I feel weird having her see me that way. I know this is who I am, but in a way, I still don’t think I’ve completely accepted it.

“So what are you guys doing?”

“Just grabbing a bite at Eastlake,” I say.

Shifting herself tightly against me, she laughs a little when she says, “So, tell me how hot he is.”

“Hot enough that you’d take a second date with him if he were straight.” I turn into her before saying, “Now shut up, and let’s take a quick nap before you have to go.”

“Fine,” she whines, and I lean down to give her a quick kiss on the head.

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Hopping out of the shower, I feel that pang of excitement again. I sling my towel around my waist and head into the kitchen to get a beer to try and settle what’s going on inside of me.

I throw a little gel into my hair and grab a pair of jeans and an old UW t-shirt. I down the rest of my beer, take my keys, and head out towards the elevator. I shoot Candace a quick text.

Call me when you get home tonight.

It doesn’t take her long to reply.

Okay. Have fun. I love you.

Love you too.

On the drive to the restaurant, I can’t get the images of Mark last night out of my head. Normally, I would have gone in for a kiss, but something about him made me nervous. I try not to think about it too much when I walk in and spot Mark already sitting at a table. I make my way over and take a seat.

“Hey. Been here long?” I say.

“Nah, just got here. I ordered a couple beers.”

“Thanks.” God, he looks good in an old, worn Mudhoney shirt that fits snug across his chest.

“So, what did you do today?”

“Not much, man.” The waiter comes by and drops off our beers as I continue, “Just hung out with one of my friends. That’s all. You?”

“About the same. Hit the gym and hung out.”

“What gym do you go to?”

“I’m doing Crossfit at The Rock right now,” he says before taking a swig of his beer.

“Yeah, I’ve heard about that place. I’m a member at the Athletic Club. It’s a little closer to me.”

“I need to check that place out now that the summer is winding down. I usually workout on campus during the school year, but always do Crossfit in the summer.”

Knowing that I already want to see him again, I offer, “You should tag along with me Monday morning.”

“Really?” he asks as he sets his beer down.

“Yeah, I’m normally up there by seven.”

He nods his head and says with a slight grin, “I’ll meet you there.”

Conversation with him is comfortable as we continue to talk about school and what our plans are after we graduate this next year. I never really care to chat too much with the guys I see, but Mark is pretty cool.

“Did you have a busy summer?” I ask after the waiter drops off our food.

“Not too bad. We’ve been playing a lot more gigs, so it keeps me busy. What about you?”

Setting my beer down, I say, “I pretty much hung low. Took some day trips down to Westport to do some surfing.”

“How long have you surfed?”

“My whole life. I grew up next to the beach, so it has always been a part of me. I don’t do much of it anymore though since it takes almost three hours to get to a decent spot to paddle out,” I tell him and then ask, “You ever been?”

“Surfing? No,” he laughs. “I’m from Ohio, remember? The only thing we do in the water is sail and fish.”

He has a beautiful smile, and I can’t help the one that crosses my face when he looks the way he does right now. “Well, maybe one day I’ll get you on a board.”

“Don’t get your hopes up,” he chuckles.

We eat a long dinner and take our time getting to know each other.

After paying the tab, we walk out into the misty night, and I follow Mark to his car. Before he opens his door, he turns around, and says, “So, I guess I’ll see you Monday.”

“Yeah,” I respond as I step closer to him and brace my hand on the car next to his shoulder. I wanted to kiss him last night, but fuck if I don’t feel those same nerves again right now. Nerves I never feel when I’m with a guy. Shoving them down, I lean in, and I’m relieved when Mark wraps his hand around my neck and pulls me into him, pressing his lips against mine. We stand there in the light rain and kiss, all the while, the anxiety that rushes through me has me on edge. He crushes his mouth against mine, and I thrust my tongue past his lips and slide it against his. My body is pressed firmly against him, and I’m getting myself too worked up, so I pull back.

Not releasing his grip on my neck, I stare at him, and he gives me a slight grin when he brings me back to him and kisses me again. This time, soft. Our lips just rest on each other’s for a moment before he drags his off of mine.

“See you Monday?” he says in a low voice.

Stepping back, I nod and respond, “I’ll call you.”

He smiles and then turns as he opens his door and hops into his SUV.

The intensity that’s rolling through my body makes me want to drive straight to his house and continue what we just started here in this parking lot. I get in my car and am knocked out of my indecent thoughts when I hear my phone chime. I take it out of my pocket and read a text from Candace.

Just got home. How was your date?

Usually I tell her about my dates, but there’s never been much to say because I haven’t ever clicked with anyone before. But this is different, and I’m nervous to tell her. I wish that I wasn’t, but I am, and I’m not entirely sure why.

Good. Heading home now.

That’s all I get? No dirty details? ; )

Nothing to tell. We ate. We kissed. What are your dirty details?

I laugh as I hit send because Candace never has dirty details. She’s pretty straight-laced, but I love to tease her nonetheless.

Went to The Bar Method. It was weird. He tried kissing me, but I dodged it. Awkward!

Poor guy.

Whatever. I’m going to bed.

Night, sweetie.

Driving home, my mind starts to consume itself with Mark again, and for the first time, I think that maybe I could give this a chance.

Maybe it’s time.


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After lifting weights for the past hour with Mark, I desperately need a cold shower, but instead, he suggested a run, and I somehow agreed. So now we are making our way through the streets of a neighborhood that is not too far from the gym, and I’m dying ‘cause running with a semi is not all that fun. God, I have to get these thoughts out of my head, and fast.

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