I tell him a little bit about my mom and my stepfather, chuckling as I admit to my complete lack of knowledge about anything poker related and how when they’re telling me what’s happening during the tournaments, I’m completely lost by all the lingo. He tells me that he tagged along with a professional poker player for one crazy weekend in Vegas while doing research for a script, but that he had to but it on the back burner because he just couldn’t connect with the game.

By the time the entrees have been taken, I’m in food heaven. Every time there’s been something new to try, Exton serves the first bite to me. I’ve never had a man feed me before—hell, if I had to guess the last time anyone fed me anything, I’d say it was probably my mom feeding me baby food. The first few times he did it I felt nervous about it, but now I have to admit that I’m getting used to it, and I have to admit that it’s sweet. There’s something sensual about it, but it’s also very gentlemanly of him—which I wasn’t expecting.

After all the courses are served and we’ve sampled everything that we possibly could—including the most amazing Italian cream cake in the history of the world—we’re enjoying espressos.

Staring at me across the table, he reaches his hand out and slides it over mine. “Will you come out with me again?” He asks.

I’ve been calm this whole time, but now there are butterflies in my stomach. Mentally yelling at myself to keep it together, I’m silent as I get my thoughts together and assure myself that I can actually do this. Finally, I nod my agreement.


His responding smile is in no way cocky—instead, he just looks genuinely happy, and perhaps a bit relieved, something that immediately triggers something in my head.

“You’ve never had to work this hard for a date before, have you?”

Embarrassed that I’ve just said that out loud, I yank my hand back and cover my eyes. “Sorry, sorry—I was thinking it, I didn’t mean to actually say it!”

“Stop, beautiful. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. If you want to know anything about me, you just ask. To answer your question, I’m going to shoot straight and give you the complete truth. I’ve never actually taken anyone on a date before, ever.”

Dropping my hand from my eyes, I gape at him. “That’s impossible! I’ve seen a bazillion pictures of you out with the Victoria’s Secret model du jour.”

As he rubs at his neck, I definitely notice a flush on his cheeks. “Well, that sounds fucking awful, and now I get why you assumed that I’m some kind of asshole player. To be blunt, those weren’t dates. They wanted to be seen with me and have a good time, and I wanted—well, I’m sure you can imagine. It was never serious on either end and no one ever got hurt. We would go places together, but it wasn’t like this. I’ve never asked a woman out on a date and to be honest, I’ve never wanted to. Not until I found you.”

What does he mean when he says until I found you, I wonder to myself.

“It means that when I saw you, I immediately knew.”

Wide eyed I stare at him. “Did I just think that out loud?”

He smiles at me, and then winks. “You did. I like the way you just blurt things out.”

“The fact that around you I seem to have some kind of Tourette’s issue doesn’t make me seem . . . weird?”

“No, Beautiful. It makes you perfect. You’re exactly what I need. In fact, I think you were created just for me.”

Before I can respond to that, Lazarus Charles is walking toward our table. I live in LA and I see celebrities often enough, but knowing that I’m about to meet Chef Lazarus—and be able to tell him how amazing his food is—is actually really cool.

Coming to a stop next to the table, he claps a hand down on Exton’s shoulder. “I see my fine cooking saved your ass, Ex.”

Throwing his head back, Exton laughs. “That it did, man. That it did. Laz, this is Arden. Arden, this is my best friend, Lazarus.”

Turning to me, Lazarus holds out his arm to shake my hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet the woman that finally brought this moron to his knees. You’re as beautiful as he described.”

I know that I’m flushing, but I can’t help it. Completely glossing over what he said I say, “I can’t tell you how delicious dinner was. This was the best meal I’ve ever had.”

Lazarus stays and talks to us for a few minutes. After he leaves, Exton and I prepare to make our own exit. I’m shocked when he immediately gets to his feet and helps me from my chair.

I go into some kind of shock when he takes my hand in his and links our fingers together. When we get to my car, I’m struggling not to fidget. I’m basically struck dumb when he reaches up with his free hand and runs his fingers through my hair. “Can I see you tomorrow?”

I want to say yes, I really do, but I know that I can’t, not if I want to stay emotionally unattached. With a shake of my head I say, “Not tomorrow. Maybe next week?”

Blowing out a breath, Exton looks at me with confusion. “What the hell is this about?”

Looking away from him as I pull my hand out of his, I take a deep breath. “Look, I’m not stupid. I know that this is going to be strictly temporary and I’m fine with that. You’re you and I’m, well—not meant to be a part of your kind of lifestyle for long. Let’s not overdo it by pretending that it’s anything else. We don’t need to spend a ton of time together to do what it is that we both want to do.”

His harsh inhalation suggests that he’s not thrilled with my answer. Sliding two of his fingers under my chin, he gently tips my face up so that I’m looking at him.

“I can’t tell if you really believe the shit you’re saying or if you’re saying the words in the hopes that you will. For starters, anything you know about my lifestyle is bullshit. My last big mistake was being dumb enough to go home with a girl who forgot to tell me that in addition to wanting to fuck like she was a cheap porn star, she was looking to get her fifteen minutes of fame for doing it. Other than that, everything else you see is garbage. If you’ve got questions or concerns, straight up ask me and I’ll tell you the truth. As for the rest of that nonsense you spewed—that’s a bunch of crap. Strictly temporary, Beautiful? That’s what you think this is?”

Swallowing past my anxiety, I nod. “That’s what I know it is, and I’m fine with that. I don’t want anything more so it’s easier just to say that straight away. Everything I hear about you might not be a hundred percent true, but where there’s smoke there’s usually—”

He cuts me off before I can finish, covering my lips with his. I gasp involuntarily, which gives him the opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth. My arms immediately go around his shoulders as I lean into him and meet his tongue with mine. As soon as I do, he slides one of his hands down to my hip and pulls me closer to him while at the same time backing me up against the car so that we’re right up against each other.

He smells and tastes amazing and I can’t help the moan that escapes my throat as he deepens the kiss. I lose track of everything as he kisses me damn near stupid. I’m wetter than I’ve ever been before in my life and I can’t stop myself from rubbing against him suggestively. Holy hell, this man can kiss.

When he takes his mouth off mine, I groan and slide my hand into the back of his hair and try to bring him back to me. I want more—I want everything. After dropping a soft kiss on my lips, he smiles down at me.

“There’s smoke and fire here, baby. If you can look me in the eye and tell me that you’ve ever felt anything like that, you’d be lying to both of us. This isn’t some bullshit temporary thing, beautiful.”

I’m getting into this too fast. Shaking my head, I push him away. “Don’t crowd me, Exton. Give me space and call me next week. We’ll take it from there.”

He opens his mouth to say something else, but I quickly cover it with my hand so that he can’t speak. “It’s been a great night, please don’t ruin it.”

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