I beam at him like a lovesick teenager as we walk hand in hand to his car, a beautiful black Tesla that looks like a sexy dream. When he opens the passenger door and helps me in, I damn near swoon. Who knew that there were still gentleman alive and well in today’s world?

Once he’s got me settled in he shuts the door and walks around the car to get in himself. I let out a little moan as he does for two reasons: one, he looks like a god of sex in his suit and two, his car smells like him. Whatever cologne he wears has to have a pheromone or something in it because it goes right to my core and makes me crazy.

It doesn’t help that I’m replaying what he said to me in my apartment on a loop. The idea of his mouth on my sex is enough to make me wetter than I’ve ever been in my life. Shifting in my seat, I try to think of things that don’t make me want to climb into his lap and ride him like an insane woman.

Reaching out, Exton picks my left hand up from my lap and entwines our fingers. “What’re you thinking about, Beautiful?”

Thank goodness we’re in a darkened car because I know my face is flushing. “I was just thinking about dinner,” I answer.

Lifting our hands, he kisses the back of mine and then draws some kind of pattern on it with his tongue. Holding in a gasp I clench my inner muscles as I feel myself go from just wet to soaked.

“I’m thinking about eating too,” he growls. “Tonight I’m going to spread those sweet legs and eat your pussy like I’ve been desperate to do since the night we met. I’m dying to taste you, Beautiful. Are you ready to let me fuck you with my tongue?”

Squeezing his hand, I let out a helpless sound as I nod.

“Are you wet right now, baby?”

I let out a little gasp that ends with, “Yes.”

Letting go of my hand, he sets his hand on my knee and starts sliding his finger slowly—so incredibly slowly—up my thigh. “Can I taste?”

Gasping, I look over at him in shock. “Here?”

Pushing my dress up just enough to grant access, he slides his fingers over my panties.

“Fuck, you’re so wet,” he says huskily. “Say yes. Let me make you come.”

I’d tell him he could have all of my worldly goods right now if he asked.

“Yesss,” I sigh out on a moan.

A strangled cry escapes me as he pushes my panties aside and slides his fingers over my clit. “Oh shit,” he groans. “I didn’t think you could get sexier but feeling this little bit of hair makes me want you more. Fuck! I want to see it, need to taste it. I want to know every fucking inch of your tight, hot pussy.”

Arching my back, I push myself against his fingers.

There’s something about being in this small enclosed space, his fingers on my pussy as other cars fly by, that is making me so hot that I feel I might just combust. Spreading my legs as wide as I can, I cry out when he slides a finger inside of me and starts gliding it in and out while his thumb continues to work my clit. I never make myself feel as good when I do this myself, ever.

Letting out a yell of impatience, I damn near cry as he pulls his hand away. Turning to ask why he’s stopped, I almost stop breathing when he sucks the finger that was just inside of me.

“Goddammit it,” he growls. Bringing his finger out of his mouth, he grabs the steering wheel in a death grip with both hands.

I let out a little “Oh,” sound as he floors it, then lose the ability to think when he pulls over to the side of the road with a squeal of brakes and tires.

There isn’t even time to ask him what he’s doing. Unbuckling his seatbelt he reaches out his left arm and then guides my face to his. His mouth meets mine in a kiss that is pure sex at the same moment that his hand pushes my panties back to the side so that he can start using his fingers on me again.

The taste of me on his lips is like an aphrodisiac and I thrust against his hand frantically as our tongues duel. Pulling out the one finger he’s been working inside of me, he slides back in with two and starts working my pussy hard. His thumb is hitting just the right spot and I’m so close I can barely breathe.

Curling his fingers inside of me, he rubs against a spot that I’ve never found myself. Pulling my mouth away from his, I let out a strangled sound as my orgasm slams into me. “Exton, Exton, Exton,” I chant as my head rocks back and forth and his fingers just keep plunging in and out of me.

“Again, baby. Again.”

Shaking my head frantically I cry out. “I can’t! I can never—”

“You do now. Fuck my fingers, Arden. Think about how my cock is going to stretch this pussy so fucking good. I’m going to go hard, baby. You’ll scream so fucking loud and you’ll beg for me to stop, then not to stop, as you come over and over again. You’re so fucking wet, I know you need to come again. Feel that pussy clenching so tight—”

I come again on a wave of pleasure that is so extreme it almost hurts. This time I scream, and he groans so loud at the sound that I would have to be an idiot not to know how turned on he is right now. I shiver as he pulls his fingers out and watch in some kind of haze as he opens his glove compartment and digs around for a minute.

“Ah ha,” he says triumphantly as he holds up a travel size tissue pack. I’m completely stunned as he takes care of me before pulling my panties over so that they’re back in place. Dropping soft kisses around my face, he lets me come down in silence.

“Thank you for that, Beautiful. That was amazing.”

Leaning into him, I laugh softly. “It was, but I feel like I should take care of—”

Cutting me off he growls, “I wouldn’t be able to stop if you put your hands on me. Don’t worry baby. I’ll be fine by the time we get to the restaurant. Later tonight, though . . . fuck. If I think about it I’ll probably break the goddamn steering wheel.”

“You’re hilarious,” I laugh.

“I’m serious. You have no idea what you do to me.”

Cupping my face, he turns me so that we’re face to face. “I’ve never wanted anyone as much I as want you—not even close. I’ve never needed anyone at all, but I need you. Someday soon you’ll understand that.”

Dropping a soft kiss on my lips, he pulls away and turns the car back on, leaving me in a stunned silence as he merges back into traffic. Is it really possible that he feels the way that I do? I just don’t know if I can let down my guard enough to really let him in. I’m infatuated and very interested in him—clearly he gets to me sexually in a way no one ever has—but does he see this going somewhere serious? Or is he playing me to get what he wants?

Grabbing my small makeup kit from my clutch, I quickly fix my lipstick and make sure that my hair is still okay. Opening the side pocket of my bag I let out a sound of victory when I pull out a plastic baggy with a few makeup removing towelettes. Opening one, I pass it to Exton.

“What’s this for?”

It’s slightly embarrassing but totally necessary. “You need to wipe your hand . . . after what just happened.”

Chuckling softly he says, “Hold the wheel for a second and I’ll take care of it.”

The Tesla drives so smoothly that it’s almost like I don’t even need to hold it at all. Retaking the wheel, Exton gives me a quick smile before turning his full attention back to the freeway. I get lost in thought as I play the memory of what just happened over in my head. I can hardly believe any of that just happened to me, the most boring girl on earth.

“We’re here, Beautiful. Don’t open the door; I’ll come around for you. Remember to breathe—there are photographers here.”

I startle at his words because I was so deep in thought that I completely forgot we were still driving. Getting myself together, I smile as he opens the door and holds his hand out to me. Stepping from the car, I naturally lean into him when he puts his arm around my waist.

The flashing of the cameras going off is blinding and I worry about my ability to see enough to walk. I hesitate for a second before realizing that I just need to let Exton guide me. According to him the press expected here tonight was a “small” group. I’d guess it’s probably less than twenty but it feels like a thousand.

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