“Wow, you look—incredible,” he breathed.

My cheeks felt hot. “Thanks. I . . . was hoping you’d like it. I just bought it this afternoon after your text.”

“Well, you did great picking it out,” he said as his eyes roamed all over my body.

I felt tingles and heat everywhere.

“As much as I want to just stand here and look at you, we should probably head over, before they start staring at us.”

“Okay.” I laughed nervously.

“Hey, everyone,” I said as we walked over to them.

Alec sat down on a big tree stump and he pulled me onto his lap. His hand was running up and down my back, finally resting near my waist. His touch left a heated trail all along my skin.

“Who’s in first?” Alec asked

“Always me!” Marchello yelled as he jumped on the rope swing and dropped into the water, leaving a big splash that soaked Emily and Heather.

We laughed as the girls shrieked from the cold water hitting them. We each took our turns swinging from the rope and dropping into the water, swimming and having fun. As it got later, Alec whistled for my attention. I swam over from the girls to meet him, and he wrapped me up in his arms.

“We should get going,” he said between kisses, “if we’re going to make our dinner reservation.”

“Oh.” I smiled. “Let’s go.”

We made our way to the bank where the others had gathered.

“Hey, we’re gonna take off. I have dinner reservations and definitely don’t want to get stuck in traffic,” he said.

“Okay, we’ll see you guys next time,” Peter said, and the others waved.

Alec climbed up the bank and helped me out. He ran over to his truck and grabbed our towels, meeting me halfway back. I wrapped the towel around me and warmed up. Drying off, it occurred to me I had nowhere to change or deal with my wet hair.

“Alec, where am I going to change?”

“I thought we could drive a little down the road and you could change in the truck. I’ll change outside behind the truck bed.”

“Oh, okay. That’ll work.”

We drove down the road to an overgrown section of woods. He got out and grabbed a duffle bag out of the truck bed. I dried off the excess water and changed into my dress.

I couldn’t stop myself from peeking in the side view mirror and gasped when I saw Alec pulling his pants up over his cute ass. He turned around and caught me looking, and I threw my hands up over my face. It was my own fault I peeked and he’d caught me looking.

He turned to me “I brought an extra towel for your hair. It’s right here in my bag.”

“Oh thanks. That’ll help.”

He always thought of everything.

“Thanks, Alec. It’s been an awesome afternoon. I can’t wait for dinner.”

“You’re welcome. I can’t wait either.”

I couldn’t help but notice as his voice sounded nervous, and the way his thumb tapped the steering wheel as he drove.

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Love's Secret Torment _6.jpg

We got to the restaurant and rode the elevator up to the top of the building. It was beautiful seeing the city lights through the walls of glass.

“Wow, it’s so pretty here. Look at the view,” I whispered.

He smiled at me. “I was hoping you’d like it.”

“Have you been here before?” I asked. “I wonder what’s good. I bet everything’s delicious.”

“No, I haven’t eaten here before. But I’m glad my first time is with you.” He smiled softly, taking my hand in his.

“Me, too. It’s just so beautiful with the sunset. You couldn’t have picked a better time to come.”

My eyes locked back onto Alec. “This is so romantic. Thank you for such a fun day and amazing dinner.”

“Anything for you, Samone.”

My heart warmed, and I felt the smile spread across my face. The way he looked at me, his intense stare, made me feel complete.

“I love you.”

“Love you always.”

As we ate our meals, I kept peeking up to catch him watching me. I felt like we were passing on to a new phase. I just wasn’t sure what that phase was yet.

When we left, Alec took the highway home. He passed the exit for my house.

“Where are we going?”

“Well it’s pretty early still, and . . . Aunt Robin is in Europe, so I thought we could hang out at my house for a few hours, maybe watch a movie before I take you home,” he said in a shaky voice.

I wondered what could have affected his usual confident mood.

“Oh, okay. That sounds great.”

We pulled up to his house. I’d only been there once before to meet his aunt. It was strange though. There weren’t any family pictures on the walls. There was artwork, the walls weren’t bare, but maybe they didn’t want the constant reminder of the loss of Alec’s parents. In my house, we had family pictures scattered all around.

Alec put his truck in park and things began to suddenly feel very real. With his Aunt out of town and his brother away at college, we’d be alone. In his house. Quite possibly . . . in his bedroom.

I felt flushed with anticipation that tonight could be the night we gave ourselves to each other. I loved him with every ounce of my being. If it felt right for him, too, and we both wanted to, I decided then and there that I would do it. I loved him. I wanted him. I wanted this next step in our relationship.

As he unlocked the front door, my nerves skyrocketed. He held my hand in his as we walked inside, smiling back at me, and I felt relieved.

That’s how Alec was; he could wind me up and calm me down all at the same time. I followed him into the kitchen, the big empty house silent. He poured us both a glass of sweet tea.

“Would you like to watch a movie?”

“Sure. Whatever you want,” I said as my hands started to fidget at my sides.

He got that sexy smirk back on his face. “Whatever? So—anything I want, is that what you’re saying?”

I felt my cheeks flush as I slowly nodded.

“All right then,” he said as he tilted his head in thought, “Let’s . . . watch a movie.”

He led me to the couch in the living room. Sitting down I looked around and saw a chaise lounge near the fireplace. It’s funny, the things you notice, and focus on when you’re nervous.

It had gotten chilly outside, so he lit the fireplace. As the fire crackled, we sat on the couch.

“What sounds good?”

“I don’t know. Anything really,” I said

“Well, let’s see what’s on. Hmm . . . how about The Notebook? That’s one of your favorites.”

“Yes, I love that movie, Alec, but it’s as chick flick, as chick flicks get. Not exactly one you would like. We can find something else.”

“Nah, that’s okay. We’ll watch this. It doesn’t really matter to me.”

My stomach fluttered. I looked up into his eyes as he held my gaze.

“I just want to spend time with you, and hold you in my arms for a while, before I have to drive you home.”

We settled in to watch the movie, but I couldn’t get comfortable on the couch, so Alec moved us to the chaise lounge by the fireplace. I snuggled onto his lap, his long legs stretching out beneath me. While the movie played, his fingers weaved through my hair, and he occasionally kissed the top of my head.

I felt safe and loved in his arms. I leaned back against his chest, and he tipped my mouth up to his, kissing me softly.

“I love you Samone,” he said as he stared into my eyes.

“I love you, too,” I whispered.

He ran his hand up and down my back, into my hair, and settled on caressing my face. “I want to make love to you. I want us to be our firsts.”

My breath caught in the back of my throat. “I . . . I want that, too Alec.”


“Yes, but . . . I’m not on birth control.” I said nervously as I twisted at my bracelet.

“It’s okay. I have it covered.”

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