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We got home to our new apartment in the morning. The thought of home and Emmett brought a warm, happy feeling to my heart. I smiled as we brought his things inside from his room at Riley and Quinn’s. I was surprised how many of my clothes had been left in his bedroom. Emmett laughed and said he’d been planning to hold it all ransom if I hadn’t taken him back. I smacked him on his fine, mouth-watering ass and ran past him into our apartment.

As Emmett unpacked in our bedroom, I was excited and felt such peace about us officially living together. He felt like my home.

Passing by in the hallway, I peeked into the bathroom to find Emmett stashing his things away. I remembered the last time he’d done so, and the fight we’d had because I couldn’t handle seeing his things where Alec’s had once been. The memory I had with Alec’s things was painful, because it was a stark reminder of his hope for me to take him back. Alec’s memorial had changed everything. I was happier, more understanding, and excited about my future with Emmett.

I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind. He looked up at the mirror, the corners of his mouth lifting up in a smile. I relaxed into him when he turned around in my arms and leaned his head down to kiss me. It started out so softly, almost reverently, but, like everything with Emmett, soon turned heated and electrifying.

He walked me backwards out of the bathroom, toward our bed and leaned his body into mine, nibbling on my ear as he lowered me down. I smoothed my hands down his back, settling my fingers in his waistband and pulling him in to me. I opened myself up to him, to the passion that consumed us both.

We fell asleep after making love and woke up to hungry stomachs. I prepared sandwiches, and we ate in comfortable silence, stealing glances and smiles.

When we were done eating we drove back to Atlanta, and my parents’ house to pick Gage up and bring him home with us. I couldn’t wait to see them. As we pulled into their driveway, I saw Gage lying on the front porch. I chuckled as he yawned, lifting his head to see who interrupted his nap. He jumped up and wagged his tail with such enthusiasm, his entire back end wiggled back and forth. Emmett parked and walked around to open my door, but Gage was already there, greeting me with slobbery doggy kisses. Emmett laughed when he received his own Gage kiss.

Mom stood on the porch with a glass of tea, and as I climbed the steps, I could smell dinner roasting in the oven. My mouth watered just thinking about the meal she’d prepared for us. I hugged her close and kissed her on the cheek.

“Hey, Mom.”

“Hello, Mrs. Lang,” Emmett said, pulling her in for a hug.

My mom giggled. “Emmett, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Maggie? You’re practically family now.”

Emmett smiled as he held the front door open for us. “Okay, Maggie, it’s great to see you. Is Vance around? I’ve been meaning to catch up with him. There’s a car show in Atlanta next week. I wanted to see if he’d like to check it out with me.”

“Yes, dear, he’s just finishing for the day, in his office upstairs.”

“Good deal, ladies, I’m going to go have a chat with him.”

I watched as he climbed the stairs and shook my head, wondering if he was up to something. But I’d seen the ad for the car show in the paper, so I let it go.

“Well, are you excited to be moving in with Emmett?” Mom asked.

“Oh my God, yes. It’s awesome!” I looked up and saw her soft smile. We giggled like young schoolgirls until her face turned serious.

“Now, Samone,” she started.

I tensed, knowing something important was on her mind.

“I hope you and Emmett are being careful,” she finished.

I sighed. “Yes, we’re always careful. I did actually pay attention when you had ‘the talk’ with me.”

“Oh thank God.” She exhaled a deep breath as she wiped her hands down the sides of her apron.

“Mom, do you need any help with dinner?” I asked as she walked to the oven.

“No, honey, I have it all taken care of. It should be ready soon. Why don’t you take Gage for a quick walk? He’s been itching to go for the last hour, but with your Dad working upstairs and my cooking dinner, I haven’t been able to get him out,” she replied.


I grabbed Gage’s leash and harness and went out to the front porch to get him ready to go. As I walked the neighborhood with Gage, I thought about him being a part of my home with Emmett. Something about it gave me a sense of completion, like having my own little family all in one place. It felt good to feel the burn in my legs, as we jogged up the hills. We walked back to my parent’s house, and I heard hushed voices as I walked up the front steps.

When I walked inside, everyone was downstairs, and the curious side of me couldn’t help but wonder what they’d all been talking about. They were laughing about something, and it just felt off. As I turned the corner and tip-toed into the kitchen, my parents, each in turn, peered at me with content smiles. Emmett looked like the cat that ate the canary. I planned to ask him about that later. He always found ways to distract me from things like that.

“So, are you kids all moved in and set up?” Dad asked as Emmett was packing up Gage’s supplies.

“Yes Sir, we are,” Emmett answered. “Maggie, dinner was delicious, as always.”

“Thank you, dear.” She grinned. “And let me know if you two need anything for your kitchen. I have so many pots and pans and other stuff, I could probably stock at least half of yours.”

“I think we’re good, Mom. But thanks,” I said as I cleared the dished from the table.

“Well, let us know if there’s anything we can help with,” Dad said, handing me Gage’s leash.

“We will. Thanks, Dad.”

As the sun was setting on the drive back home to Auburn, Emmett was quiet. I thought it the perfect opportunity to ask a few lingering questions.


“Yeah, Peach?”

“What were y’all laughing about when I came back in from walking Gage? Y’all looked happy, but you looked like you were up to something. It kinda seemed, I don’t know. Just weird. What was that all about?”

“Oh, nothing really. I was telling them a joke I’d heard on the radio. So are you happy to have Gage coming home with us?”

“Yeah, I really missed him.”

He changed the subject, so I let it drop. But something still felt off.

We got home and took everything inside. Emmett walked Gage outside around the apartment. I was so tired and couldn’t wait to go to bed. Emmett brought Gage into our bedroom and he settled in nicely on the floor at the foot of our bed.

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I woke up before Sam and just lay there watching her sleep. She was so peaceful. Sometimes I was still surprised we’d finally moved in together. But we were finally ready, and I was more than ready for the next step, as well. I hoped she was, too. Just thinking about it made me feel complete. I couldn’t wait to ask her. But I knew I had to make it special. I wanted it to be memorable, something she would forever look back on with happiness.

The night before, at her parents’ house, I’d gone upstairs to talk to her dad, and ask him for his blessing to marry Sam. He said of course and was very happy and excited for us.

When we went downstairs to tell Maggie, she couldn’t contain her happiness. We heard Sam and Gage coming back from their walk and changed the subject quickly. I wasn’t sure when I was going to ask her, but I knew the right time would come, and I would know. I wanted to have the ring ready for whenever that may be.

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