“I don’t want to hurt you,” he said hoarsely. She pulled his head down and kissed him, cutting off his protests.

“The only way you’ll hurt me is if you stop,” she said against his lips. She drew her thighs up on either side of his hips, ignoring the pinch as she did. The pain wasn’t so bad now that she was used to having him there. She found herself wanting to feel more, so she put her lips against his ear and asked for it.

“Show me how to make you feel good,” she breathed. “Show me how to make you come.”

He shuddered, digging his hands into her hair. His throat opened on a long, low moan. His hips flexed and released in a sensual, masculine motion, and Lu encouraged it by arching her back in counterpoint.

“Yes. Like that.” His voice was strained. She kissed the strong column of his throat, opened her mouth over the throbbing vein, and sucked. He moaned again, and Lu thought she might really be getting the hang of this.

Slowly, with infinite care, he began to slide in and out, controlling himself with every movement, but his arms were shaking and his face was flushed. Lu, watching him, was growing more and more excited.

“Harder,” she coaxed, and smiled when he cursed.

In a swift, unexpected move, he rolled over, pulling her along with his arms wrapped around her so that he was flat on his back on the mattress and she was astride him, staring down at him in surprise.

He wrapped his big, calloused hands around her hips. “Go at your own speed,” he panted. “Make yourself feel good; that’s what will make me feel good, okay? That will turn me on more than anything else. I’ll try and last as long as I can, but I can’t promise—”

His sentence ended in a garbled low oath as Lu leaned forward, sliding the hard length of him almost all the way out of her. She sat back abruptly and took him to the hilt once again.

“Good?” she whispered. He growled his approval and slid his hands up from her hips to caress her breasts, teasing her nipples with pinches and firm strokes. She arched into his hands, supple as a cat, watching him watch her through hot, half-lidded eyes, his expression registering devotion and desire.

She began to rock atop him, slowly at first, faster when he drew his hand down her belly and pressed his thumb against the most sensitive part of her, rubbing small circles as she moved. Now it was her turn to moan because the feeling was exquisite, pressure and fullness and allness, her heart pounding out songs in her chest as blood surged hot through her veins.

If her heart was singing, her soul sang louder. A song of love and possession. A song of joy.

“Magnus,” she gasped as he plunged into her over and over, his breathing harsh, every muscle in his body flexed and beautiful. He was utterly engrossed, watching her ride him, and she’d never seen a man so sexy or virile or glorious.

“You okay?”

His voice was guttural, strained. She loved it. She nodded, drawing his hand up her body to caress one breast, shivering when he pinched her nipple. She drew his hand higher, and sucked on his thumb, needing something in her mouth.

He inhaled sharply. “You’re so fucking beautiful, angel,” he whispered. “And so . . . fucking . . . tight.” A shudder wracked his body, and Lu knew he was close.

“Let me watch you,” she said, breathless, lowering his hand to her hip where he grasped it, hard, sinking his fingers deep into her flesh. He took his other hand from between her legs and grasped her other hip, and then he shoved himself up into her so hard she gasped with both pain and pleasure. He registered it, slowing his pace. “No, please—as hard as you want. Do anything you want. I need to watch you.”

Groaning, Magnus finally let go.

His head tipped back into the mattress. His eyes slid shut. He pumped deeper and faster, moans working from his throat, a fine sheen of sweat glistening on his chest. His abs were all engaged, each one starkly outlined against his skin, as were the muscles in his arms and shoulders, and Lu trailed her fingers lovingly over them, a thrill moving through her as he shivered everywhere she touched. His pace increased until her breasts were bouncing and his hips were jerking rapidly. Then his hips stalled and he roared her name.

He sat up abruptly, sinking even deeper into her with the motion, and Lu moaned as he fisted his hands into her hair and slammed his mouth against hers. He came with powerful convulsions, a spreading heat, delicious throbbing against the soreness inside her. His kiss devoured her. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight against him through all the pulsing aftershocks, not breaking the kiss, until finally the convulsions calmed to random twitches and he was gently rocking into her, his kiss gentling with the easing of his breath.

Lu caressed his shoulders and neck, threaded her fingers into his hair. Her mouth and body felt bruised, wonderfully achy. He dropped his head to her shoulder and softly groaned her name.

“I’m sorry.”

She knew what he meant, but she wasn’t about to let it ruin the moment. “Say that again and I’ll shave off all your hair while you’re asleep, Seeker.”

He lifted his head and gazed at her through heavy-lidded eyes, the corners of his lips curved. “You think you could get the drop on me, hmm?” He slid his hands down her back and squeezed her bottom, inhaling deeply against her neck. He nuzzled her there, trailing soft kisses along her jaw and down her throat, until she shivered. A little convulsion made her clench around the hot hardness of him, still buried deep inside her.

“Oh, definitely,” she whispered, loving that little clench. She wanted another.

He chuckled in response. Dipping his head, he drew her nipple into his mouth and sucked on it, cupping her breast in his big hand. The sensation was incredible, racing from her nipple to her clit as if an arrow had been shot between them. She moaned softly, clenching again.

“You like that,” he murmured, moving to her other breast, his voice full of male satisfaction.

All she could do was make a small sound of pleasure as he cupped both her breasts in his hands and lavished his tongue on each of her nipples in turn, sweeping his thumb over the one his mouth was neglecting, his touch firm, his mouth possessive. She went breathless with the sensation because he didn’t stop, sucking harder and using his teeth when she responded with gasps and low moans, pushing her breasts harder against his hands. A coil of pleasure began to wind deep in her belly, drawing all her focus to that spot, to the sparks going off inside her body.

“Oh, yes,” whispered Magnus against her breast. “You like that a lot.”

Involuntarily, her hips tilted, bringing his still erect cock in contact with an incredibly sensitive spot inside her. She gasped, digging her fingers into the muscles of his shoulders. “Oh. Oh.”

Speech was becoming increasingly difficult.

He pinched one nipple, nipping the other with his teeth, and she jerked, a cry of pleasure on her lips. The movement dragged him against that sensitive spot inside again, and Lu moaned, her head dropping back. Magnus made a sound like a purr and flexed his hips, and she moaned again, but this time it was broken.

“Here?” he murmured, rocking slowly into her. The answering sound that came from her throat was primal, unlike anything she’d ever made before. Her entire body quaked. Her heartbeat went arrhythmic. He flexed into her gently again, and her brain blinked offline.

“My sweet, sweet angel,” he whispered, spreading his hands over her bottom. With his hands, he coaxed her hips into gentle motion, slow, small circles that kept her in direct contact with his pelvis, and kept dragging her across and around that incredible pressure point. He lowered his mouth to her nipple again, and Lu thought she would die with pleasure.

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