He looked around at the officers who were nodding agreement. But would they agree with him if he went further?

“I want to grant this cease-fire. What would you say to that?”

“Do it, General — by all means!”

“You must, there is no choice.”

“Every redcoat they whup is one that we won’t have to worry about.”

Their enthusiasm came naturally, was not contrived or exaggerated. But how far could he go?

“I am glad that we are in agreement on that.” Sherman looked around at his excited officers. Chose his words with great care. “I propose to render even greater aid to our common cause.

“If you agree with me, I am going to take a regiment of infantry and join General Beauregard in his attack on the British.”

The silence lengthened as they considered the impact of what Sherman was proposing. This went far beyond a single battle, a single joined conflict. There was the possibility of course that nothing would come of this decision other than a single battle — or it could lead to even more momentous events almost impossible to consider. It was Colonel Appier who spoke first.

“General, you are a brave man to suggest this without working up through the chain of command. I am sure that you have considered that and considered all of the possibilities of your actions. Well I have as well. I would like you to take the 53rd Ohio with you. The President has always looked for any means to shorten this war, to make peace with the Confederacy. I am in complete agreement with that. Let us aid in stopping this adventure, this invasion of our nation’s shores. Take us with you.”

A spark had been lit that burned all of them with enthusiasm. Captain Munch shouted agreement.

“Guns, you’ll need guns. My 1st Minnesota battery will go with you as well.”

“Will the men go along with this decision?” Sherman asked.

“I am sure that they will, General. They will feel just as we do — drive out the invaders of our country!”

While the orders were being issued Sherman went into his tent and wrote a report describing the actions he was taking, and why it was being done. He folded and sealed it and sent for General Lew Wallace in command of the 23rd Indiana.

“You agree with what is being done, Lew?” he asked.

“Couldn’t agree more, Cump. There is a chance here to do something about this war — although I am not clear just what will come out of it. After Shiloh and all those deaths I think I began to look at this war in a very different way. I do feel that what you propose to do is something that is well worth doing. Americans fighting Americans was never a good thing, even though it was forced upon us. Now we have a chance to do something bold — together.”

“Good. Then you will take command here until I return. And take this. It is a complete report of everything that has happened here today. After we have gone I want you to telegraph it through to General Halleck.”

Wallace took the folded paper and smiled. “Going to be busy around here for a bit. There are going to be some really great fireworks when this news arrives. I think it might be an hour or so before I’ll be able to get this out.”

“You are a sensible officer, Wallace. I will leave this matter to your discretion.”

The guns were limbered up, the horses fastened in their traces. An opening was torn in the defense line so that they could ride through. The men of the 53rd Ohio had been informed of what he planned to do and their reaction was important. They stood at attention as he rode up — then burst into wild shouting. Cheered him when he rode slowly by, waving their caps in the air on the points of their bayonets. Morale was high and no one seemed to doubt the grave importance or the correctness of his decision. Would the Confederates see it the same way? He looked at his watch: the hour was up.

He and Colonel Appier rode out to meet the waiting General Beauregard with the eyes of the army upon them.

Sherman chose his words carefully, fearful of any misunderstanding. “This has been a difficult and most important decision, General Beauregard, and I want to assure you that it is a universal one. I have told my officers about the British attack and we are of one mind. I have even spoken to the troops about what I plan to do and I assure you every man in my regiments is in agreement. The North and the South do indeed now have a common enemy.”

Beauregard nodded grimly. “I appreciate the decision. Then you do agree to a cease-fire?”

“Even more than that. This is Colonel Appier, the commanding officer of the 53rd Ohio. He, and every man in his regiment, agree with my decision as to what must be done.”

“I thank you, Colonel.”

Sherman hesitated. Was this the right thing to do — and how would Beauregard react? But there was no turning back now.

“There is more to this than just a cease-fire. We are riding with you, General. This regiment will aid you in your attack on the invading British.”

The General left him in no doubt about his reaction to Sherman’s decision. After one stunned moment of hesitation he shouted aloud and leaned over and grasped Sherman by the hand, pumped his arm furiously, turned and did the same with Colonel Appier.

“General Sherman you not only have the courage and courtesy of a Southern gentleman. But I swear by God on high that you are a Southern gentleman! Your years in Louisiana were not wasted ones. My call for aid has been exceeded in a manner I never thought possible. Bring your men. Bring your men! We march in common cause.”

General Beauregard galloped off to ready his troops. He never had a moment’s doubt about how they would react — and he was right. They cheered when he told them about Sherman’s decision, cheered louder and louder and threw their hats into the air.

They were ordered into ranks and stood at attention as the blue column of Yankee troops, Sherman leading the way, marched toward them, out from the defensive positions. A drummer to the fore beat the step while the fifes played a sprightly tune.

Other than the thud of marching feet, the music of the fifes and drum, there was only silence. Would it work? Could men who had been fighting and killing each other now march side by side? Yes, Generals Beauregard and Sherman were in agreement. But the soldiers — what about the soldiers? A few days ago they had been murdering each other. How would they react now at such close proximity? No one could tell.

The sound of the drum and the shrill of the fifes, the shuffle of marching feet. There was a tension building up that Sherman did not like and he meant to do something about it. He urged his horse forward, bent and spoke to the fifes who stopped playing. They nodded to each other — raised their instruments to their lips and began to play again in unison.

The shrill sharp melody of “Dixie” pierced the afternoon air.

There was pandemonium. Shouts and cries and shrill whistles. The Confederates broke ranks without order — as did the Northerners. They laughed and shook hands and pounded one another on the back. Like their troops, the two generals shook hands again, this time in mutual triumph.

Dear God, Sherman thought, it might work — it was going to work after all.

The drums beat for attention and the soldiers slowly reformed their ranks. Right faced in unison and marched off down the dusty road.


Admiral Alexander Milne had gone to bed a happy man. His bombardment of the shore positions had surely aided in their eventual capture. The Americans had put up stiff resistance but in the end they had been destroyed. Because of the shallow sea, and the fact that the surf had ameliorated, unloading the supplies and the artillery appeared to be going remarkably well. By midnight the boats that were returning with the wounded also brought word of victory.

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