I let my hair fall quickly back infront of my face, and slouched a little lower. My cheeks burned with the memoryof my dream from the night before, being near Kiran with my hand in his, hiseyes piercing me, as if he was looking into my soul. Thoughts of how invitingand seductive Kiran appeared in my dream conflicted with my fears of himfinding out how crazy I was, more specifically about the trashcan. I heard himlaugh softly, and a surge of electricity made my blood feel hot beneath myskin. He completely confused my emotions. I didn’t know what I was feelinganymore.

The bell finally rang and I took mytime standing up out of my seat. I gathered my books slowly; all of the time mydark hair masked my face. Eventually, the next class started to file in. Ilooked up, relieved to be the last junior left. I headed slowly for the stairs,afraid of Drama.

Unfortunately, I didn’t need towait until class for the drama to begin because Kiran was casually sitting onthe black and white marble staircase, blocking my path. He sat in the middle ofthe fifth step, looking like a model waiting for the photo shoot to begin. Hisface wore the familiar smirk I had grown accustomed to seeing as he watched meawkwardly approach. I was not totally sure I understood his infatuation withbothering me.

“I was worried you would get lost,”he said smugly as I walked closer.

“Where’s Talbott?” I asked,realizing his absence was strange.

“He didn’t want to be late forclass,” Kiran rose to his feet, waiting for me to ascend the steps.

“Me either,” I breathed, picking upmy pace, but brushing shoulders with Kiran as I passed. As soon as our bodiesconnected, the strong shocking sensation seized my shoulder, forcing me to grabit with my other hand for support. I gasped for air and pulled my body away,but I still felt the impression of his skin hot underneath my shirt.

“Are you alright?” he asked, hisEnglish accent sounding more like mockery than concern.

“I’m fine,” I steadied myself andcontinued up the stairs as quickly as I could, although I was still out ofbreath from what felt like tiny lightning bolts in my blood. The shockingsensation encompassed my entire circulatory system and I cursed underneath mybreath, determining that I would not faint today.

“Eden, you are ridiculous!” Kiransounded exasperated as he caught up with me on the stairs and grabbed my wristwith his hand.

The force of his touch was too muchto handle. The electricity surged through my body at an alarming rate, causingmy heart to beat wildly. I forced myself to focus, but my vision blurred and ahigh-pitched ringing sound pierced my ears. I tried to say something but theworld darkened around me. I felt myself falling and wondered for a moment iffainting down a flight of stairs would hurt.


“Eden…. Eden…. wake up, Love….” asoft, foreign voice pulled me out of darkness.

I opened my eyes slowly, but shutthem swiftly when blinded from the light of the crystal chandelier hanging froma lofty ceiling. My blood flowed at a rapid pace and burned with a strongcurrent of electricity. My heart, beating quickly, but somewhat controlled,made me realize that I was lying in someone’s arms.

“Come on…. let me know you are allright,” the voice turned stern. Obeying, I opened my eyes slowly and let themadjust to the light around me.

I groaned audibly when I looked upto find Kiran looking back at me. His expression read concerned, and when Ifinally focused on him, I watched his facial muscles relax. His piercing aquacolored eyes gazed into mine; I started to remember what happened and how Iended up in his arms.

“Did I faint again?” I mumbled asmemories slowly started to come back.

“Mmmm…. hmmm….” Kiran smiled and Irealized that we were still positioned on the marble staircase. He must havecaught me before I fell down the entire flight.

“Thank you,” my voice was a littlehoarse. I found that I was very comfortable lying in his arms. Despite thetemperature and activity of my blood, I was hesitant to get up. I groanedagain, milking it just a little longer.

“How can you really not know whatyou are?” Kiran’s voice was soft and soothing, and although I didn’t understandhis question, he seemed to find it amusing and laughed a little.

“Mr. Kendrick, Ms. Matthews Ibelieve you are supposed to be in class right now,” Principal Saint hollered atus from the middle of the lobby. Unaware that anyone was around, my cheeksblushed with embarrassment.

I tried to sit up quickly as I heardPrincipal Saint’s footsteps come closer, but Kiran held me down. I looked athim with pleading eyes, mortified by the predicament Principal Saint had foundus in. Kiran laughed again, but slowly helped me into a sitting position.

“I apologize, sir,” Kiran addressedPrincipal Saint, disdainfully. “You see, we were on our way to class, when Ms.Matthews fainted and nearly took a tumble down the stairs.” I could hear theamusement in his tone and felt like punching him in the shoulder.

“Is this true, Ms. Matthews?”Principal Saint stopped walking when he reached the bottom of the stairs, andeyed me skeptically.

“Yes, it is true.” I defended,terrified of the consequences I was about to face.  “Luckily, Kiran, um, Mr. Kendrick was here tocatch me,” I stood up, shakily and looked as grateful as I thought I felt;although I realized it was all Kiran’s fault to begin with.

“Hmmm…. I suppose it was lucky,”Principal Saint did not look completely convinced and eyed Kiran with moresuspicion. “Ms. Matthews, are you all right to continue on to class?” I noddedsilently. “Fine, then go on. I will inform Ms. Woodsen of the incident. Mr.Kendrick, please come with me, I have an errand for you to run.”

Principal Saint turned on his heelwithout waiting for a reply from either of us and headed for the doors thatexit the building. Kiran gave me a roguish look and a familiar smirk beforefollowing behind Principal Saint. More confused than ever, I stared after them,before turning in the opposite direction to Drama class. Electricity stillrushed through my veins, leaving me overwhelmingly weak and shaky.


By the time I arrived at lunch, Iwas exhausted. My nerves were completely fried and my hands could not stopshaking from the violent current in my bloodstream. Every small physicalcontact with another student sent more electricity running through my body, andmy head buzzed from trying to function through it all.

When I finally took a seat next toLilly at a table in the corner of the lunchroom, I was physically ill from thetrauma that racked the inside of my body. I knew that I looked like a terriblemess. Beads of sweat dripped down my temples and the back of my neck. My hands,shaking so violently, caused me to clasp them together tightly to keep from makinga scene.

“Are you Ok?” Lilly looked at me,concerned.

“Um, I think I might be coming downwith something,” I lied, but knew there was no better explanation. This feelingdefied explanation and I preferred not to let Lilly know just how crazy I was.I tried to think of a way to sneak back into the theater after lunch. I neededto blow something up, before I blew up instead.

“You’re lying,” Kiran’s stern voiceaccused unexpectedly. I nearly jumped out of my seat. He sat down next to me,so close that our bodies almost touched. Electricity pulsed through me in wavesnow and I realized I could be sick at any moment. The close proximity to Kiranhad sweat pouring down my face and I could feel my blood boiling.

“About what?” I deflected. Myshoulders begin to shake more violently. It was hard to believe; I was still trying to play this off. My handreached up instinctively to wipe my forehead, but I quickly brought it downagain when I saw how badly it was shaking.

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