“I came to see if you were Ok. Youhaven’t been at school all week; I thought maybe something terrible happened toyou,” he stepped past me into my house and I inhaled his scent, feelingsuddenly dizzy.

“Um, come in then,” I still managedsome sarcasm though my mind was swirling and I could feel the pin pricks ofelectricity start to return.

“So are you… Ok?” he turned backaround to face me, his smirk still playing at the corners of his lips. Hisvoice relayed no real emotion of concern and I could tell that he knew I wouldbe fine before he came.

“I’m fine,” I answered, or, atleast, I was fine until he showed up.

“Good,” he took a step closer. Ipushed the door closed and leaned back against it, not really sure what to donow. I glanced around the room, debating if I should ask him if he wantedsomething to eat, or if I should just kick him out.

“Yep,” I replied shortly, fillingthe awkward silence. I looked around the room again; hoping some piece ofinteresting information would come to me, and noticed he was still looking atme. “What?” I said half-laughing, half-humiliated.

“What are you wearing?” he tookanother step closer and lifted the hem of my sweatshirt with one finger,letting his other fingers brush lightly against my thigh.

I couldn’t move. I couldn’t think.I couldn’t do anything with him that close. Although his fingers were barelytouching me, they were completely weighing me down. The excitement his touchbrought, scared me and I found myself trying to remember how to breathe.

“Eden,” he breathed softly, almostwhispering. I willed myself to look up into his eyes. His gaze was so intense Icouldn’t look away; he smiled softly. “Why haven’t you called to let me knowyou are all right? After saving your life on numerous occasions, I think Ideserve at least a phone call…. A friend would have called,” he poutedsarcastically but leaned his face in closer. It was too bad for him that I sawthrough him.

“I apparently need to remind youthat we are not friends,” I retorted quickly, snapping out of my daze. “Plus, Idon’t your phone number….” I mumbled hastily. His eyes flashed with something thatlooked like frustration, but instead of offering his number, he softened hisgaze and refused to look away. A wave of embarrassment washed over me; heshouldn’t be able to manipulate me so easily just because he was the mostgorgeous thing I had ever seen.

I tore my eyes away from his andwalked across the room, leaving him to face the door alone. Maybe he would takethe hint. I definitely did not need to be reminded of how often I fainted inthe last few days.

I didn’t care if I had to stand tenfeet away from him at all times, I was not going to let him get to me soeasily. His face flashed with frustration, before he put his seductive maskback on. Apparently, he thought I would be easy.

“Oh come on,” he crooned, “We’refriends. I thought we were going to try to get along.”

“You thought wrong,” I said flatly.Now that my emotions had calmed down, I could feel the slow tingling ofelectricity making its way through my veins. It was days since I had to dealwith the energy, I almost forgot how uncomfortable it was.

“Eden, what do you have against me?Why all the hostility?” he gave me a playful smile and walked over to one ofSyl’s oversized, leather couches and plopped down. Great…. How did you get ridof somebody who refused to be gotten rid of?

“What hostility?” I questioned,feigning innocence.

“I just don’t understand why youwon’t confide in me,” although his posture was relaxed, his gaze remainedintense and I watched his jaw flex and un-flex. I wondered at his use of theword “confide.” Weren’t we just talking about my gratitude?

“Kiran, there is nothing toconfide. I have no idea what you are talking about. If you want a thank you,well then, thank you. I appreciate all of the concussions you saved me from,” Ilaughed a little, trying to pretend he was as ridiculous as he sounded.

“You’re lying. You are more thanwhat you seem,” he sat up straight and folded his arms across his chest. Helooked like a little kid pouting. “I could help you, you know.”

“Oh, you want to help me?” Imocked, mimicking his accent, although it came out very badly. I wasn’t sureexactly what ethnicity I just impersonated… Indian, perhaps?  “Now, I’ll tell you. Oh wait, there’s nothingto tell.” I finished sarcastically.

“Are you expecting someone?” hestood up abruptly and glanced around the room.

“My aunt,” I said, looking aroundas well. We were standing at opposite sides of the room, but the electricitycoursing through my blood grew steadily stronger.

“No, someone else,” he squinted hiseyes and walked around the room. “I’m getting tired of this, old man,” hemumbled it so quietly, and his accent was so thick that I was not sure what orwho he was talking to.

He turned away from the window andwalked straight over to me, dropping all pretenses. His eyes were hungry andhis face said something I didn’t recognize…. maybe desire? I backed slowly awayfrom him, not sure what he was about to do. My foot bumped into the fireplaceand I knew that I was pinned. Electricity and anxiety washed over me.

Kiran let me struggle; I saw thefamiliar smirk returning to his lips. He looked over me until his eyes finallysettled on mine. I lost myself in the depth of his ocean-blue eyes and worriedthat I would say or do anything he wanted now.

“You’re not crazy, you know,” heplaced his hands on my arms and pulled me slightly closer. My stomach eruptedwith butterflies, making me forget about the energy that nearly knocked me offmy feet.

“I wish I knew what you weretalking about,” I lied, but I knew the conviction didn’t reach my voice.

“Sure,” he leaned in closer,hesitating for a moment, our lips just barely apart. Kiran looked at me for asecond longer before changing his mind and kissing me tenderly on the cheek. Helet his lips linger on my face, while the warmth of his body heat warmed me allover. I felt my body tremble as his sweet breath tickled my face.

I was not sure how to react, oreven if I could react. Since this was the first kiss I had ever received from aboy, ever…. I was completely frozen. His lips left my cheek burning, and mybody began to overheat. I couldn’t tell if it was from his kiss or theelectricity surging through me at an alarming rate.

He looked into my eyes again,watching my reaction. Unfortunately, for him, all I could do was stand perfectlystill while willing my body under control. He laughed gently, then turnedaround, and walked out the front door.

I placed my hands behind my backand pointed them towards the fireplace. Not entirely sure why I felt the needto be discreet in my own home, especially now that I was alone, I let theenergy escape through my palms and into the open hearth. Thankfully the onlydamage was to my ears, from the loud popping noise of the small explosion thatI created; otherwise, a large fire was the only evidence of the electricity Ilet escape.

I heard the garage door open andknew that it was my aunt coming home for sure this time. I was tooshell-shocked from Kiran’s surprise visit to want to see or talk to her, so Iheaded for the stairs. My weak body and a stomach still full of butterflies,affirmed that I didn’t understand my feelings for Kiran. It was no wonder thatI could barely control my actions either. A shiver ran over me, and I couldn’tdecide if it was from excitement or fear.

Just as I passed by the living roomwindow, however, I saw somebody or something move from behind a tree in thefront yard. I stood there staring for a few seconds, one foot on the staircase,one on the wood floor, expecting Kiran to jump out from behind the large oak orsomething. But instead of Kiran, a tall, masculine figure walked out frombehind the tree, clearly not Kiran.

In a long trench coat and bowlerhat, he walked slowly and purposefully across my yard and down the street. Ashiver once again traveled up my back, but this time I clearly recognized it asfear. Somebody was watching me.

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