But me, the social outcast andresident freak, Kiran wouldn’t leave the hell alone!   Either this was just some really messed upgame he was playing, or he wasn’t as attached to Seraphina as she was to him.It didn’t really matter which one it was, I was getting sick of being in themiddle. And I was definitely tired of providing tonight’s entertainment.

I pulled my knees closer to mychest and laid my head between them. My dark hair spilled over and made a poolon the ground. Normally I would have worried about dragging it through thedirt, but since it was probably dirtier than the ground, I decided not to getupset about it.

I contemplated revenge againstSeraphina, but I couldn’t think of anything legal. I was already in enoughtrouble with Mr. Lawly anyways and I was pretty sure his list of rules saidsomething about an ongoing prank war being forbidden. A small jolt ofelectricity shocked my system and made me sit upright; I looked over to seeKiran about five feet away and coming closer…. great.

“Go away,” I picked up a rock andthrew it at his legs.

“Don’t be so grumpy,” he caught myrock effortlessly and tossed it back at me.

“You’re going to get me intotrouble again,” I complained, catching the rock and throwing it back at hisshoes. He didn’t try to catch it that time, but I doubted he could even feel itthrough his thick hiking boots.

“You are trouble,” he sat down nextto me, a little too close for comfort. Electricity shot like sparks in my veinsand gave me goose bumps all the way up my arms. “Listen, I’ve negotiated acease fire on your behalf. Seraphina has agreed to stop this nonsense as longas you can agree to as well. I think you officially owe me now.”

“I don’t owe you anything, you’rethe reason I’m in this mess,” I stood half way up and moved the rock I wassitting on over, away from Kiran. I didn’t need this right now; I didn’t needhim right now. And it irritated me that he was right: I was grumpy.

“Eden…” he scolded tauntingly. Icouldn’t help but love the sound of my name when he said it with his seductiveaccent. I laid my head back down between my knees to hide the smile I washaving trouble keeping off of my face. The roller coaster his presence sent myemotions on was overwhelming.

“What are the terms?” I asked, myvoice muffled underneath my massive amount of hair.

“Oh, right. You leave them alone,they leave you alone.”

That was way too easy. I peaked atthem through my wall of black hair and realized that none of them were lookingthis way. Seraphina and all of her groupies were laughing, but not at me, theywere thankfully completely absorbed with themselves. It seemed I had faded intooblivion once again. Thank God.

“What about you? I’m sure this issome breach of contract,” I turned my head to the side and laid my cheek on thetops of my knees, allowing me to have a full view of Kiran. He was still in thewhite undershirt he was wearing earlier, after I destroyed his polo. The soft,cotton t-shirt clung to his body. His arms were strong, each muscle clearlydefined from bicep to forearm. His tanned skin looked faultless in the fadingsun; he could not have been more perfect.

“I do what I want Eden, Seraphinaknows that and you should too,” he looked directly and deeply into my eyes,causing me to blush.

“So she is really going to leave mealone, even if you won’t?” I asked, not sure if I really wanted him to at thatmoment. I inhaled deeply through my nose, willing my nervous body to relax.

“Yes of course, I asked her to,”still looking into my eyes, he smiled.

“Oh, I see, your girlfriend obeysyour every command.” I asked sarcastically. Obviously he was deluded.

“She is not my girlfriend, but Ithink you get the gist of it.”

“Sure she’s not,” I rolled my eyesbefore positioning my face back into my knees. I couldn’t look at him anymore;I was finding it hard to think straight. Energy was vibrating through my heartat an accelerating speed, feeling more and more like a defibrillator.

“She’s not,” he softened his voiceand sounded dejected, like he didn’t really believe what he was saying either.

Dusk turned to dark and the airbecame cool. I was still in my muddy tank top from earlier and shivered underthe night breeze. I looked up to notice the fire was getting smaller because ofthe wind and silently wished I knew how to “kindle” it.

My blood suddenly began to boil andthe energy became pin pricks underneath my skin. I felt a little faint and thenthe fire burst out into a larger version of itself. I stared after it stunned,thankful for the warmth and even more thankful I didn’t injure anyone.

“Did you do that?” Kiran halflaughed at me.

“What? No. That’s weird,” Imumbled, still unable to accept the fact that it was me. I mean, was it me? Iwas certainly thinking about the fire, my body had the strangest reaction rightbefore it happened; but it couldn’t have been me. A person cannot do thingslike that. I mean, I may have been a freak, but I was certainly no magician.

Kiran laughed longer. He scootedover closer to me and I realized for the first time, that he was not freakedout by me at all. In fact, in some weird way all of my strangeness was makinghim more attracted to me. I decided the poor thing loved crazy people.

“What are you laughing at?” Idemanded, determined to prove it wasn’t me. The heat felt good on my bare skinand the energy that was strong inside of me just moments before had dwindleddown to a soft buzzing.

“I want to know who you are,” Kiranreplied cryptically.

“Me too,” I muttered under mybreath. He looked over at me and smiled. I was coming to terms with the factthat I was comfortable around him and it actually felt good. He seemed tounderstand me in a way that I didn’t even understand myself.

“Hey, let’s go for a walk,” hejumped to his feet excitedly; realizing that I had let my guard down, Iinstantly put it back up.

“Why?” I asked, eyes narrowed, feetplanted firmly on the ground.

“Because a walk will be fun, we canexplore the great Nebraska Wilderness,” it was hard to say no to his accent, orhis eyes, or the child like excitement he was suddenly full of.

“I’m not so sure. Are we evenallowed to leave?” I looked over at Mr. Lawly who was exiting his tent, guitarin hand. I panicked a little. There was no way in hell I would be singing“Kumbaya” with this group of people.

“We won’t get into any trouble, Ipromise. I am pretty sure Mr. Lawly is scared of you,” he smiled wider and Isaw he had already made up his mind. Lilly, whom I had nearly forgotten aboutwas looking at me like I was crazy if I didn’t go.

“Fine. Let me get my sweatshirt.” Iducked into my tent and grabbed a gray hooded sweatshirt from one of my oldschools out of my backpack. I threw it on over my dirty tank top and knotted myhair high up on my head. I contemplated lip gloss, but quickly disregarded it.

I had no idea what I was thinkingsaying yes, but I supposed there was no turning back now.

Chapter Fifteen

I exited my tent, energy buzzingand a little nervous, but ready for my walk with Kiran through the woods. Inoticed that Talbott and Lilly were standing close together at the edge of theforest, whispering to each other and giggling. Apparently it was a double date.

I exhaled and realized I had beenholding my breath. Kiran waited for me by the fire and I joined him, followingthe ‘love birds’ into the dark woods. Hello “scene from very scary movie.”

I stumbled my way around, unable tosee anything through the crowded trees. The night was cloudy, but the highcanopy of branches would block out any light from the stars or moon anyways. Istayed close to Lilly, grabbing on to her for support every once in a while.She didn’t seem to have any problem making her way in the dark; in fact, noneof them did. I was the only one staggering around blindly.

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