Both sets of arms immediatelydropped from mine and I found myself back on the floor, wishing I were dead. Ihad no idea what was going on, but I soon realized that everyone staring at mewanted an explanation. I wished I had one to give them; one that wouldn’tcompletely brand me as nuts.

“Maybe I should go to the nurse,” Iconceded as I struggled to get up once again. I could see both sets of armsreaching out to help me in another attempt of chivalry and I overreacted alittle by shouting, “That’s Ok, I can do it on my own!”

I knew that I sounded like a lunatic,like certifiably crazy; but for whatever reason these two boys were bringingout the scariest part of me and I didn’t want them or anyone else to get hurt.I looked up at Kiran apologetically, but instead of looking concerned for thiscrazy person, like I expected, he just gazed back entertained, almost like hewas about to laugh.

“Can someone help Ms. Matthews tothe Nurse’s Office, please?” Mr. Lambert sounded exasperated.

“I can,” Kiran volunteered.

“No, that’s all right,” I blurtedout; for fear that I’d faint again. “I’m sure I can find it on my own,” I gavea weak smile, but finally stood up. I actually had no intention to find thenurse, I just needed to calm down and get some space. I grabbed the back of mychair to steady myself, and inhaled deep breaths of air.

“Lilly, can you take her?” Mr.Lambert turned to look at a fragile-looking girl with short, vibrant, red,curly hair.

“Sure,” she answered sweetly. Shetook a few steps from the back of the crowd of students to wait for me by thedoor.

I grabbed my backpack, terrified tolook at anyone until I was almost to the safety of the hallway. Once I reachedthe door, I took a brave look back only to see Kiran smile and wink at me fromhis desk. This had been the most bizarre day, and, unfortunately, it wasn’teven the end of first hour.

Chapter Three

Once the door closed behind me, Iheaded straight to the nearest bathroom. Kingsley was a school for theprivileged; the girl’s bathroom reflected this. The stalls, sinks and handdryers were all made of the latest bathroom technology and porcelain, Iguessed. The mixture of class and technology seemed a little strange,especially in a bathroom. Conveniently, there was a plush sitting room adjoinedwhere I could hide my shame in private.

I plopped down on the nearest divan,pulling my knees to my chest. I rested my head in my hands and let out anaudible groan. What was wrong with me?

“Ugh. What is wrong with me?” Iechoed loudly.

“Is there something wrong withyou?” a soft, sweet voice asked. I had forgotten all about the girl who wassupposed to take me to the Nurse’s Office. I would have rather not had anaudience during my impending breakdown, but it was a little late to think up anexcuse now.

“It seems like it,” I looked up andgave her a small smile. She was pretty, with bright green eyes and clear, paleskin. She was shorter than me, maybe 5’6 or 5’5, and had impeccable posture;which I was sure, was a sign of her upbringing. I expected her to look back atme as if I was crazy, but to my surprise, she only looked concerned. Herforehead had creased in worried lines and her plump red lips were pressedtogether in a frown.

“What happened back there?” She satdown beside me and waited for an answer. At least she hadn’t tried to consoleme by assuring me everything was Ok. We both knew everything was not Ok. Shesounded genuinely concerned though, and I was suddenly grateful not to bealone.

“I wish I knew. Sometimes I just,uh, faint,” I knew it was a weak explanation, but I didn’t think she wouldbelieve me if I told her that sometimes I felt my body turn into a giantmicrowave. “I am a freak show; I was kind of hoping to avoid drawing that muchattention to myself today…. or like ever,” I started to laugh; this wasabsurd.

“I’m Lilly Mason, by the way. And Iknow exactly what you mean,” she thankfully didn’t ask for more of anexplanation, but I was one hundred percent positive that she had no idea what Imeant.

“Nice to meet you,” I said with agenuine smile. “Thank you for volunteering to help me. I know that you didn’thave to, but I would have just died if Kiran witnessed anymore of my meltdown.”I rolled my eyes, expecting her to understand.

“Oh, do you know him?” Her questioncaught me off guard because clearly I was new to this school.

“No, not at all.I don’t know anyone here. I ran into him in the Administration Building.”

“That’s so strange. He’s new today,too.” The worry lines reappeared on her forehead.

“Why is that strange?” I rememberedthat Talbott was worried about Kiran being late on his first day. But if he wasnew too, then why would he offer to take me to the Nurse’s Office?

“Well, Kingsley doesn’t usuallyallow anyone to start classes late, let alone three students in one day. I canunderstand Kiran Kendrick, but why did they let you in?” Her question could betaken offensively, but the way she asked it seemed only curious. Her voice wasso pure; and her eyes so innocent, that I could hardly believe this girl couldever have a hurtful thought about anyone.

“I’m not sure, actually. I’m notwhat you would call the ideal student,” I confessed with a cynical smile, butoffered no explanation to my statement. I wanted at least one friend in thisplace; admitting that I was practically a ticking time bomb seemed like thewrong way to make one. “You said three students, who is the other one?”  “Talbott Angelo. He was sitting on the otherside of you.” Lilly started blushing as soon as she said the word “Talbott.”Her cheeks turned a crimson red against the pallid tone of the rest of herskin, yet somehow it enhanced her beauty instead of diminishing it.

I gave her a slightly knowingsmile. I had barely noticed Talbott, other than his size and stature, yet,Kiran’s blazing blue eyes flooded my memory. I couldn’t help but blush too, asI thought about his perfect features and the way he seemed amused at mydiscomfort. I should have been offended, or at least irritated, but I couldn’tblame him.

Instead of being offended, I wasmore embarrassed at my body’s reaction to any close approximation to him.First, I stared unabashedly; then I acted clumsy and erratic. Next I hadphysical reactions that no one could explain and eventually I fainted.  Clearly I needed a class on how to behave inthe presence of the opposite sex, which I was sure they offered here at theprim and proper prep school I now attended.

The bell rang in the hallway, andwe started to gather our things. I noticed that Lilly was wearing the best ofevery designer imaginable, which was hard to do considering we all wore thesame, plain uniform. But her book bag was designer, her shoes were designer,and what little jewelry she was wearing screamed expensive. I looked down atthe backpack I had carried since junior high and laughed at its…. um…. wear andtear.

I stopped to glance at myself inthe mirror. My black eyeliner was smudged in the corner of my eyes, but Ididn’t bother to fix it. I probably had laid it on a little too thick to beginwith; I had been in a hurry this morning. The black from the eyeliner matchedthe color of my dark eyes, making the white of the pupil appear almost neon. Igrabbed my pink lip-gloss out of my pocket and applied it quickly, unsure ofthe reason behind it.

“What is your next class?” OnlyLilly’s clothes screamed snob. Her demeanor and voice were so sweet that Idoubted she belonged at a place like this.

“Um, Drama with Mrs. Woodsen,” Ireplied, looking at the class list Mrs. Truance handed me earlier.

“Oh, good, I have that too.Hopefully we’ll have most classes together,” Lilly smiled again and I couldtell that she was truly happy we had the same class. I already felt relaxed nowthat I had a friend or at the very least someone who didn’t utterly hate me;the rest of the day didn’t seem so impossible.

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