“I’m sure you could help dear,”Angelica looked at me with a deeply concerned expression and I didn’tunderstand her emotion. “But we couldn’t risk losing you, it’s bad enough yourbrother insists on going,” she turned to look at Avalon with the same painedconcern.

“It’s not necessary Eden,” Amoryput his arm across my shoulder again and I felt him try to use his magic tocalm me down. I shrugged it off, persistent that I would go. “Really, our teamsare trained in this type of mission; you would only slow them down.”

“But Avalon gets to go. Wouldn’t Imake him stronger?” I asked, feeling naïve.

“You cannot go,” Amory repliedfirmly. “It’s too dangerous. I won’t allow it.”

“Can’t I just tag along then? Icould learn from this trip. I won’t get in the way,” I pled my case, desperateto save Lilly.

“Enough. You cannot go. That is theend of it,” Amory said quieter, but with scary finality.

This time I kept my mouth shut,silently brooding, watching the other members of the Resistance nod inagreement with Amory. I knew I was wearing a scowl, frustrated at my lack ofindependence. It would have been nice to be treated as an equal, just once.

Chapter Thirty-Four

Avalon wrapped up the meeting, butI heard nothing else he said. I had to figure out a way to get to that trial. Ihad to figure out a way to save Lilly or at least testify on her behalf. I wasdetermined to do it, even if I had to do it completely on my own. Avalon hadsaid something about Kiran going, maybe he would help me.

“Are you ready for the mark?” Amorybrought me out of my silent plotting and back to the center of the Resistance.

“What mark?” I asked, completelyunaware of what he was talking about.

“She doesn’t want to join,” Avalonjoined our conversation as the others milled about in groups of two or three. Igot the impression they were all trying to listen to our discussion.

“Why is that?” Amory asked Avalonsharply; apparently not interested in any explanation I would give him.

“Why do you think?” Avalon repliedsardonically.

“Eden, you have a lot to learn,young lady,” he said it much like a parent, and I felt instantly resentful.

“What is the mark?” I tried tochange the subject away from what I feared was a long lecture onresponsibility.

“It’s this,” Avalon pointed to hisarm; his school uniform was rolled up to the elbow and revealed the tattoo of asnake wrapped around his forearm eating its own tail.

“You want me to get that?” Iexclaimed. There was no way I would cover my body in a hideous image of amasochistic serpent.

“No, not that,” Amory shook hishead. “Avalon is a little…. devoted. The usual symbol the Resistance wears ismore subtle,” he turned his head to the side and pulled his ear lobe away fromhis neck. I saw only clear flesh until he touched the part of his neck justbehind his earlobe and injected a little magic to reveal the same serpent. Theimage was much smaller, almost miniscule, but was clear and obvious until heremoved the magic. Once the magic was gone, the small tattoo vanished.

“And you all have those?” I asked,enamored with the trick. A dozen Resistance members turned to show me theirs,including Jericho and Avalon. Angelica’s was a brilliant shade of orange, whileConrad and Terrence’s were an army green color. Amory’s was a deep crimsonshade of red. And all of the members of Avalon’s team wore ones in white, whichstood eerily off their skin, except for Avalon whose tattoo was royal blue.

“What color would mine be?” Iasked, with no intentions of actually getting one.

“I am guessing it would matchAvalon’s, but we won’t know until you decide to get one,” Amory answered myquestion, sounding slightly frustrated.

“What do you mean?” I asked,confused.

“The magic we use to apply the markchooses your color. The magic, in a way, determines the color you deserve. Notthat one color is greater than the other; rather it defines the magic you aremade of,” Amory put his hand on my shoulder one more time before leaving whathad turned into a circle of people, containing mostly Avalon’s team.

“You don’t get to join the teamuntil you have the tattoo. There will be no more fighting for you,” Jerichosaid as if taunting me.

“She doesn’t get to join the team.Tattoo or not,” Avalon interjected threateningly. He gave Jericho a hard lookthat Jericho seemed to understand even though I didn’t.

“Avalon doesn’t want me to join theteam, because I would easily replace you Jericho,” I deflected my frustration,by turning it against Jericho.

“Oh you think so? Maybe we shouldhave a rematch,” his voice was sarcastic, but his eyes smoldered and I onceagain noticed how attractive he was. He was taller than Kiran, but his darkerhair and darker eyes made him appear mysterious somehow. Any thoughts ofattraction I had for him though were quickly forgotten once I remembered Kiran,and then my heart hurt with emotion and a type of longing I didn’t expect.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t catch yournames?” I turned off the charm, and turned to face the other members ofAvalon’s team, but not before catching a confused look cross Jericho’s face.

“Sorry. Eden, this is Xander,Xavier and Titus,” Avalon made the introductions. I shook each of their handsconsecutively, memorizing the magical imprint they left in my fingertips.

Xander and Xavier must be relatedsomehow because they looked nearly identical and their magical current was onlymarginally different. Xander was slightly taller, but they both had to be closeto 6’5 or 6’6. Their hair was long like Jericho’s and Avalon’s and dark likemine. They both had facial hair, but Xander seemed to be a little bit olderthan Xavier.

Titus was also an imposing figure,only a little shorter than the other two. He also wore scruff on his face; onlyhis brilliant red hair and stockier stature made him look more like alumberjack than a well-bred Immortal.

“Are you twins?” I asked withhonest curiosity.

“We wish,” Xander repliedenthusiastically. “Unfortunately, only you two get to carry that cross,” hiseyes darted between mine and Avalon’s. When I gave him a puzzled look hechanged the subject. “This is my kid brother.” He grabbed Xavier around theneck and pulled him into a headlock. Xavier zapped Xander’s foot with a shot ofmagic forcing Xander to let go and let him stand up. They pushed each otherplayfully until Titus stepped in, grabbed both of their heads and slammed themtogether. I cringed when I heard the crushing sound the impact made. Theyseemed unharmed however and shook it off, rejoining the circle with smug smileson their faces.

“So why haven’t I met you before?”I tried to refocus the group away from physical violence.

“Technically you have met us before,”Jericho spoke up. “Remember the rooftop?”

“I mean properly,” I clarified mymeaning, but I was sure they understood that from the beginning.

“Because we didn’t know if we couldtrust you,” Avalon said simply and the other boys averted their eyes at theawkward pause Avalon’s comment caused.

“And yet they trust you,” I saiddisdainfully, only half kidding.

“Cute,” Avalon mumbled under hisbreath. “Eden, do you mind? We need to go over some logistics before we headback. I’ll be ready soon though.”

“Sure,” I said a littledisheartened. I offered a small wave and walked away aimlessly. Avalon wasobviously important and Amory seemed to be mad at me; I wondered at the reasonI even came to this meeting. I hoped they didn’t expect me to really join theircause. How could they?

“You look just like your mother,dear,” Angelica’s soft voice summoned me out of my pity party.

“Do I?” I was instantly drawn intoher conversation by the very mention of my mother. She patted the hay bale shewas still perched upon and I joined her, pulling my skirt down behind my legsso the straw would not scratch me. “Did you know her?”

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