“Don’t even start with me!” hespoke softly, but his voice was full of venom. “I told you not to come, Iordered you not to come. What the hell are you doing here?” he began to pacefrantically, glancing at the door every several seconds.

“Somebody had to stand up forLilly!” I felt like shouting, but I used the volume example he set instead,although I filled my voice with as much irritation as I could muster.

“Well you did that, didn’t you? Andmade a fool of yourself! And now you’ll probably be sentenced to a worse fatethan she would ever have been! How could you be so reckless?” he continued topace, and glance at the door, but eventually he added a nervous glance in mydirection. His eyes were filled with fear and anxiety and the way he looked atme made my anger melt away despite the verbal lashing I was receiving.

“All because of a stupidinterruption?” I asked, finally taking the situation seriously.

“Because of who your parents areand because you look exactly like your bloody mother!” he finally stoppedpacing and walked over to me, bringing me into his arms. I let him, confusedonce again, but comforted by his affection.

The door opened and he pulled metighter into him, shielding me from the intruder. I could feel him hold hisbreath and when I looked up at him his eyes were shut tight, but as soon as thedoor closed and it was clear the only person that entered the room was Amory,he relaxed and exhaled. I was so confused by his behavior; I had no idea whatto feel.

“What are you doing here?” Amorywhispered, clearly enraged. “It doesn’t even matter now. What are you going todo with her?” he turned his attention to Kiran, practically pleading with him.

“I can’t….” Kiran’s voice broke andI heard the emotion in his voice. Tears came to my eyes as my emotions were sotied up in his, I couldn’t bear to see him so upset. “You have to take her; youhave to get her the hell out of here. You have to save her, Amory,” Amorystared, wide eyed and clearly in shock at Kiran’s demands. “You can’t let himtake her. Please…. I can’t lose her,” his voice broke again and I saw that hiseyes were full of tears.

“I don’t know what to…. I won’t. Iwon’t let him anywhere near her,” Amory’s confusion disappeared and I watchedhim mentally set his mind to a plan.

“Do whatever Amory says, Eden,”Kiran turned his attention back to me, gazing into my eyes and hugging mytighter. “You have to get as far away from here as possible.”

“No,” I said simply, unwilling tobe as melodramatic as these two.

“Don’t you understand what he willdo to you if he finds out who you really are? He is most likely alreadysuspicious, you look just like her,” Kiran pulled me closer still, pressing myhead against his chest. He rested his chin on the top of my forehead. Iwondered at the “he” they referred to.

“I don’t know what you’re talkingabout,” I said softly, but firmly. “There is no way I am leaving Lilly! Do youknow what I went through to get here?”

“I don’t care what you wentthrough!” he pushed me away with his arms to look me in the face; but his handsnever left my body. “He will kill you, Eden, do you understand that?” Kiranwhispered fiercely to me, and I was physically taken aback. I looked over atAmory hoping for answers, but he simply nodded in agreement with Kiran.

“Then you save her,” I demanded,glaring at Kiran, firm in my solution.

“You can’t be serious! I will belucky if I can explain you away. My father will never allow that!” his accentwas thick and crisp and every bit of irritation and frustration was evident init.

“I am completely serious. If youcan’t protect Lilly, then I will stay and fight for her myself,” I struggledfrom his grasp and folded my arms stubbornly.

“No, you will absolutely not,”Kiran crossed his arms in an equally defiant pose.

A knock on the door leading to thecourtroom startled Kiran and he once again took a defensive pose in front ofme. Amory opened the door just enough to reveal a beautiful woman with long,dark auburn hair, adorned by a dainty golden crown. I watched as Kiranstiffened in front of me and I felt the surge of magic that flared beneath hisskin.

“I’m sorry for the interruption,”the woman began, “But your father has requested that you join us once again,”she smiled congenially at him, never looking beyond him. Her eyes stared at thefloor just before his feet.

“I’ll be there in a moment mother,”Kiran responded softly.

“Is that her?” the woman’s voicewas strained and almost too soft to hear.

“Of course not.” Kiran’s voice wasmasked by cheerfulness but he took another step backwards in my direction,shielding me further from sight.

The woman’s eyes flickered once inmy direction before she quietly shut the door and we were once again alone. Amoryopened a wooden door parallel to the door leading to the courtroom and I sawthat it led to a dim hallway. The floors and walls were made of the same stoneas the courtroom.

“Take her to my room,” Kiranannounced loudly and suddenly.

Amory began to pull me out of theroom, and I understood that Kiran’s demand was only for show. Wherever Amoryplanned to take me would most likely not be Kiran’s bedroom. I fought Amory,but only weakly, I knew I had no choice in the matter.

“Please, Kiran,” I begged. “Pleasesave her.” Tears welled in my eyes and I wasn’t for sure if they were for Lillyor Kiran.

He let out a soft grunt offrustration, but I could see that his eyes were resigned. He would help her. Heput his hand on the door handle opposite ours, but turned around quickly as ifhe forgot something. He took the length of the room in two long strides andsuddenly I was wrapped in his arms and his lips were against mine.

Kiran pressed his mouth on minedesperately. He dipped me back so that I was fully in his embrace. I gave upall fight and let his lips melt into mine. Our magic mingled together in afervent, passionate, overwhelming force that left me breathless and wild. Hishand grasped at my hair, tangling his fist into my dark locks.

When he finally released me, theemotion in his face was indefinable but I understood it since it was theemotion mirrored in mine. He pushed me out of the room towards Amory and Ifound myself swept up in Amory’s tight grasp as I fought to return to him.

“Promise me nothing will happen toher,” Kiran commanded Amory, and when Amory hesitated out of confusion, Kirandemanded louder, “Promise me!”

“I promise,” Amory whisperedquietly and with steady resolve.

Then the door was closed and I wasrunning down a dark hallway, Amory practically pushing me to move faster. I wasdone asking questions. Nothing made sense; nothing was ever explained to me.For now I would do as I was told because Kiran asked me to, but there wouldcome a time very, very soon when I would get my answers.

I glanced over my shoulder at theclosed door and the room that only seconds ago housed the most intimate momentKiran and I had ever shared. As I ran blindly in the dark, my feelings forKiran were finally clarified. I loved him, with every breath I had, with all ofmy soul, I loved him. And I would do anything it took to be with him.

Chapter Forty-One

“Through here,” Amory ordered,pushing me through another darkened passageway.

We had been running through thebowels of the castle for at least twenty minutes. Amory seemed to know exactlywhere he was going and I tried to trust him, but remained skeptical. I was onceagain a sweaty mess and wished we could stop for a moment so I could remove mysweatshirt. My hair flew wildly about me, sticking to the perspiration runningdown my face.

“Where are we going?” I asked, outof breath, stumbling a little in the dark.

“As far from here as possible,” heresponded, pushing me forward with his hands. “And through here,” he suddenlyturned right and took the lead. I struggled to keep up with him.

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