Avalon nodded affirmatively.

“What happened to Zurich?” Ifinally asked bravely.

“We’ve been ordered,” Avalon pausedand cleared his throat irritably, “asked…. if we would oblige the CrownPrince by joining him in Geneva,” he couldn’t even look at me, but turned toglare out the window.

“It’s not a trap Avalon,” I saidquickly but quietly; my stomach filled with butterflies.

“I do not want to talk about it,”Avalon responded grumpily and I knew better than to push it.


A black sedan pulled up in front ofthe train station and Avalon took the initiative to approach. I followedbehind, shouldering my backpack once again. A man exited the driver’s side toopen the back door for us. Avalon stuck his head menacingly into the back seatbefore entering the car fully. I smiled apologetically to the driver andclimbed in behind Avalon.

Avalon sat with arms folded and hisback turned to me. I knew he was mad, but I also didn’t think I really deservedthe silent treatment for the last eight hours. I elbowed him roughly in thekidneys before the driver had returned to his seat, but he didn’t respond.

I was irritated with Avalon, butsoon my bad feelings turned to adoration as we drove silently through Geneva atnight. The streets were lit in the soft glow of streetlamps and from the brightwindows of buildings built before America was even a recognized country.

Our ride took us past Lake Geneva,glistening in the moonlight. A large fountain sprayed a cascade of water fromthe middle of the lake, and the Alps sat as a backdrop to the perfect postcardpicture. The streets were narrow, with historical buildings rising to eitherside. I marveled at their intricate architecture, and embellished buildingfronts.

When the car finally came to a stopin front of a charming palace, I was somehow not surprised. After witnessingthe grand architecture and style of the Citadel, I was finally able to wrap myhead around the words “Monarchy” and “Crown Prince.” I hadn’t really beenexpecting quite this grandeur however.

“Is this one of their palaces?” Iwhispered, hoping Avalon would answer.

“This is a hotel,” Avalon respondedirritably. I blushed, feeling very ignorant. “Ok, it used to be one of theirpalaces; now it’s just a hotel,” After feeling my embarrassment, Avalonconceded the truth.

The palace turned hotel wasexquisite. I was dumbstruck by the beauty and elegance of what was formerlyKiran’s family’s home. I followed Avalon out of the car and stayed timidlybehind him. I glanced down at my ill-fitting, makeshift outfit and feltembarrassingly under-dressed.

As we entered the foyer of thegrand hotel my mouth dropped open in awe. We were surrounded by marble pillarsthat reached from expansive marbled floor to vaulted marble ceiling.Intricately, upholstered furniture with golden thread filled the entrance hall.The only evidence that this was not a palace but indeed a hotel was the circulationdesk with uniformed employees standing behind it.

My nerves were on edge thanks toAvalon; although he appeared relaxed and calm, his magic was surging at highalert. Because of our connection my senses were heightened with his and ourmagic circulated in unison. He bypassed the hotel clerks and headed straight upa wide, winding, ivory staircase.

After walking up several flights ofstairs, Avalon led me into a long hallway. The hairs on the back of my neckrose suddenly when I felt the strong presence of other Immortals. Avalon slowedhis pace and I noticed him clench and unclench his fists regularly.

We walked the hallway slowly and Ididn’t complain. I was not sure what to expect but Avalon was so uncomfortableand tense that I regretted him coming. I felt like it was my fault andtherefore also felt guilty and blameworthy; but then remembered we were orderedto come here and I was even ordered specifically not to make any moredecisions. I sent this thought poignantly to Avalon; he returned it with adirty look.

At the end of the hallway Avalonpaused and took a big breath. He raised his fist to knock on the cream coloreddoor but paused again as if he couldn’t make himself do it.

“I don’t know what’s behind thisdoor Eden,” Avalon whispered fiercely to me and I was surprised by theapprehension in his voice. “We could be walking into a trap…. Eden,” He pausedagain and I waited nervously, expecting some type of brotherly declaration,instead Avalon continued, “Eden, let me have Kiran; I’ll enjoy killing him muchmore than you will.”

Before I could think of anyresponse Avalon knocked forcefully on the door. He gave me another nervoussideways glance and shoved his hands deep into his pockets to appear casual. Iwished he felt as calm as he was working so hard to look; his nervous energywas making me edgy.

Talbott opened the door and forsome reason that surprised me. He was dressed casually and his hair was alittle messier than at school. When he opened the door he was laughing andinvolved in a conversation. Avalon stared at him suspiciously, until hegestured with his hand for us to enter.

I was more than a little surprisedto find Amory in the extravagant room. He was sitting on a plush, periwinklesofa, holding a snifter full of a golden brown liquid. He was the one involvedin conversation with Talbott, and it appeared they were having a very animatedbut pleasant conversation.

Avalon grunted grumpily beforetaking a seat close to Amory. Although he relaxed his magic a little, he wasstill in a sour mood. Avalon reclined in his seat and slammed his feetcross-legged onto the gold, inlaid, glass coffee table. His movement made aterrible crashing sound although he managed not to shatter the fragile antique.

The attention of everyone in theroom was now on Avalon who smiled smugly in reply. Amory relaxed on the sofaand put an arm around Avalon in a very paternal way. I stood in the middle ofthe room not entirely sure what to do.

“I’m glad you’re safe, Eden,”Talbott said out of the blue. I was not the only one surprised by hisstatement.

“Thank you,” I replied humbly.

“Eden?” Kiran appeared out of thebedroom and said my name almost reverently.

I turned to face him and was struckferociously with emotion. He stood in the doorway, hair tussled and eyespiercing. His hands fidgeted nervously, but his gaze never left mine and neversoftened in intensity.

Moments ago, I hadn’t known whetherto sit or stand, but once I saw the look of pure desire cross Kiran’s face Iknew there was only one place I wanted to be. I closed the distance between usin seconds, sprinting across the expansive suite and leaping into his arms.

He caught me instinctively andfound my mouth immediately. My legs wrapped around his waist and my hands heldhis face firmly to mine; our magic mingled together in a perfect symphony ofall consuming power.

At this most passionate momentthere was no one else besides Kiran and nothing else existed besides our love.I was thrilled to find his feelings as intense as mine. My thoughts, my consciousness,my very blood filled with a desire bigger than me, bigger than I could evenhope to understand.

I could have lived in that momentforever, but like all good things it had to come to an end. After severalthroat clears from our audience and then a pillow to the back of my head thanksto Avalon, I relinquished my hold on Kiran. He set me down gently and thenkissed me one more time sweetly on the lips.

“Ok, that’s enough…. seriously,”Avalon interrupted in an irritated voice. “The rest of us are trying to existhere; we don’t need your crazy magic suffocating us.”

I turned around embarrassed, heatflooded my cheeks. Avalon could not look more disgusted and Amory and Talbottcouldn’t even look in our general direction. Kiran intertwined his fingersthrough mine and pulled me closer to him protectively.

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