“What is it?” Angela asks, coming up beside me. Her voice breaks the spell the sorrow was casting on me. I back away from the window.

Christian is suddenly by my side, and he puts his hand on my shoulder, making me jump again. His green eyes are wide with alarm.

“Do you feel it?” I gasp.

“I feel you. What’s wrong?”

“Samjeeza is here.” Somehow I have the presence of mind to keep my voice low, so I’m not shouting this thing to the entire school.

“Here?” Angela repeats in a stunned voice from behind him. “Seriously? Where?”

“In the field behind the school. I think he’s in a different form, but I can feel him.”

“I feel him, too,” Christian says. “Although I can’t tell if it’s coming on its own or through you.”

Angela’s eyebrows come together. She concentrates for a few seconds, then exhales.

“I don’t feel anything.” She glances down the hall toward the side door, in the direction of the field. She wants to go out there. She wants to see this angel.

I squeeze her arm, hard. “No.” I reach into my pocket for my cell, then realize Samjeeza still has it. “Do you have your phone?”

She nods and drops her backpack on the floor to pull her phone out of an outer pocket.

“Call my house. Not my cell,” I say quickly, before she dials. “Billy will probably answer. Tell her what’s going on.”

I turn to Christian. “Go get Mr. Phibbs. He usually eats lunch in his office. Go find him.”

He nods once, then sprints back toward the exit. Angela starts talking excitedly into the phone.

“Where’s Tucker?” I ask, ice forming in my chest at the image that flashes through my brain of Tucker heading out to the parking lot, off to rodeo practice. Samjeeza knows him now. He knows that I love him.

Tucker’s not at the cemetery, I think again.

“He’s right over there,” Angela answers quickly, seeing the terror in my face.

I whip around, spot Tucker immediately, and everything inside me goes limp with relief. He stands up when he sees me coming, crosses toward me, and puts his arms around me without me even having to ask.

“What’s up?” he asks. “You look like—”

“The angel’s here, out in the field behind the school.” I shiver.

“Right now?”

Oh yes. It’s still there. The sorrow weaving its way to me, wrapping tendrils around my heart, Samjeeza’s sad loneliness like the aching notes of a siren’s song.

“Yes,” I say. “Right now.”

“What do we do?” he asks grimly.

“Stay inside. He can’t enter school grounds. It’s holy ground.”

In spite of the dire situation, a side of Tucker’s mouth twists in a wry smile. “School is holy ground. You’ve got to be kidding me.”

Angela, still on the phone, holds her hand up.

“Billy wants to know if we’re all accounted for,” she says.

No, I realize. We’re not. One of us isn’t here. Jeffrey. He stormed out.

Toward the parking lot.

“Clara, wait!” Tucker calls after me, as I run. “You’re running toward him?”

“Stay there!” I yell over my shoulder.

I don’t take any more time to explain. I don’t think about how it might look to the other students. I just run. I barrel out of the cafeteria and down the hall, burst out of the side door, run straight toward the parking lot, following the sorrow. Then I see Jeffrey, walking between the cars, head lifted like he’s listening to something. Curious. Following the call.

“Jeffrey!” I cry.

He stops, glances over his shoulder at me. Scowls. Turns back toward the field. He’s so close to the end of the parking lot. I run, as fast as I’ve ever run, not caring if people see. I focus on closing the distance between my brother and me. I focus everything I have on saving him. And right at the edge of the low wooden fence that marks the beginning of the field, I reach him. I grab him by the shoulders and tug him backward so hard we both lose our balance and fall. He tries to push me away from him.

“Jeffrey,” I gasp. “Stop.”

“God, Clara. Calm down. It’s just a dog,” he says, still trying to shake me off.

I scramble to my feet, still hanging on to him. I look out into the field. He’s right. It’s a dog, a large black dog, about the size and shape of a lab, but with thicker fur. Something wolfish in the way it’s sitting there so completely still, looking at us, one ear erect, the other slightly bent. Something definitely human in its yellow eyes.

“It’s a dog, see?” Jeffrey says again. “It’s hurt.” He steps toward the fence. “Here, boy.”

I yank him back, put my arms around him, and cling. “It’s not a dog. Look at its ear. See how the right one’s mangled? That’s because I pulled it off last summer. He had to grow it back. See on its shoulder, where it’s bleeding? That’s where Mr. Phibbs got him with the glory arrow.”

“What?” Jeffrey shakes his head like he’s trying to clear it.

“It’s a Black Wing.”

The dog stands up. Approaches the fence. Whines. A low, plaintive sound that stirs the sorrow up to an even higher intensity. Come. Come.

“That’s Samjeeza,” I insist, pulling back on Jeffrey’s shoulder, but he’s stronger than me. I’m not moving him.

“I think you’ve officially gone off the deep end,” Jeffrey says.

“No, she hasn’t, son,” comes a voice. Mr. Phibbs, walking up briskly behind us. “Come away from there now, children,” he says.

Jeffrey stops pushing against me. We turn and walk slowly to Mr. Phibbs. He keeps his eyes trained on the dog. It growls.

“What, do you want another one?” Mr. Phibbs asks. “I can put one right between the eyes this time.”

It growls again, a sound full of so much hate it makes the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. Then it vanishes. No poof or magic words or anything. A chill in the air, a hint of ozone, and he’s gone.

We all take a minute to catch our breath.

“Crazy,” Jeffrey says finally. “I would have taken him home if you hadn’t stopped me.”

Chapter 15

Angel on My Doorstep

From then on I can feel Samjeeza in that field almost every day. He doesn’t always call to me, that sad seductive music that I can’t keep out of my head. But he shows up even if it’s just for five minutes. He wants me to know he’s there.

He doesn’t cause any trouble, doesn’t harm any of the students, doesn’t show himself. He doesn’t attack us coming and going to school, but he knows where we live now. He follows us home. I can’t usually feel him while I’m in the house, since our land is all hallowed and there’s so much of it, from the main road to the woods to the stream behind the house. He can’t come close enough to bother me. Still, if I try, if I listen for him, I can sometimes hear him. Waiting.

I wonder if Mom can feel him, too.

“You have to learn to block him,” she says when I ask her. “It would be a good idea to learn how to block your empathy completely, because there are times you’re going to need to.”


“It’s like closing a door,” she answers. “You erect a spiritual barrier between you.”

“A spiritual barrier?”

“You close yourself off from the force that connects us to each other. It’s not good for you, in the long run. It will make you numb if you do it all the time, but it might be the best solution for now. Just so you can get through school without so many distractions. Try it.”

“What, you mean right now? With you?”

“Yes,” she says. She reaches out and takes my hand. “Use your empathy on me.”

For some reason this scares me a little.

“I don’t know,” I say. “I can’t control it. The only times my empathy really works when I ask it to is when I’m with Christian. And sometimes . . . it’s not just feelings I get from people. It’s thoughts, too. Why is that?”

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