Hayden chuckled and quickly surveyed the nearby houses. “This is hardly the slums. Your parents do okay.”

I rested a fist on my hip, brows raised.

“I have to get to school early, so I don’t miss you when you get there. Rather than stand around, I may as well come straight here. Then I only have to keep track of you from the front door to the driveway.”

“How did you know my address?”

“I asked around.” He shrugged, a smile teasing his lips. “Why? Is it a secret?”

“Whatever. I’ll be back in a minute.” I shook my head and turned on my heel. His explanation didn’t make sense, but my curiosity over the sports car and its soft leather seats trumped all reason.

My mom waited for me inside the front door. “Is that Sam Anders’ boy?” She said it with awe, like they were deities or something.

Of all the mornings for my mom to be home and awake, she picked this one. At least she could drive Bree to school which would free me up to go off with Hayden.

“Yes. He’s driving me to school.” Just because they were probably the richest family in the state didn’t mean they had morals or integrity. Hayden was proof of that. It took more than a flashy car to impress me.

“Are you dating him?” A hint of interest lit up her eyes.

I found it sad that the possibility of me dating an heir to millions was what inspired my mom to have an actual conversation with me. Was it the money or did she have a genuine interest in my love life? Definitely the money. Otherwise, she would have been there for me last year when Blane dumped me and I lay curled up in fetal position, heartbroken and crying. I checked my anger. Telling her to stay out of my life wouldn’t do any good since she was about as removed from her children as a living mother could be. She’d never change. “No. We’re just friends.”

“Oh.” She wandered off without saying goodbye.

I scooped up my backpack, sweater and purse, then headed out to the waiting car. With each stride, my good sense warred with my anticipation of driving in a car so much cooler than my own. I slid into the passenger seat determined not to get gooey at Hayden, because he drove me to school in his epic ride.

Hayden reached toward the keys then halted. “You want to drive?”

My head whipped around. “Drive this?”

He laughed and got out. When he arrived at my side and opened the door, I didn’t move. “Scoot over.”

I awkwardly scrambled over to the driver’s side. After adjusting the seat and mirror, I reverently touched the steering wheel with my fingertips. Baby soft.

“It’s only a car.”

“To you.” I took a deep breath, partly to ease my nerves and partly to bask in the glorious scent of the gorgeous yellow beast.

“My mom’s a stickler for insurance. If you wreck it, the insurance company will get me another one. No big deal. Drive. Or we’ll be late.”

I turned the key and felt, rather than heard, the low hum of the engine.

“You want the top up?” Hayden reached toward the dashboard.

“Dude, it’s a convertible.” I swatted his hand away. “Top stays down. Are you crazy?”

He laughed. “Maybe a little.”

I knew that already. “When everyone sees us arrive together, what are you going to tell them?” I glanced over to see him frowning. “You didn’t think ahead, did you?”

“They’ll think the truth — that I picked you up. They can fill in the blanks if they want to. Who cares?”

“That works for you, doesn’t it? They’ll assume we’re sleeping together. Feeds your ego,” I said evenly.

“My ego is already glutted. Like I need another notch.” He snorted. “Trust me, hanging out with you does nothing to further my social life. But so what if they think we slept together? It’s not like you’re a virgin. And I don’t talk about the girls I date, so they’ll never know for sure.” He glanced sideways. I could feel him watching me, but kept my eyes glued to the road. “It might open some doors for you. Let it go, Tessa, and reap the benefits.”

Now I felt dirty. How did he know anything about my sex life anyway? “Earlier this year, you told everyone about Heather.”

He shook his head. “Only because she had it coming—”

“Really?” I squeaked, appalled at his lack of compassion.

“I wouldn’t have said a thing, but she spread lies about me. I had to set things straight.”

“Whatever.” I concentrated on the purr of the engine and the smooth handling of the car. A few blocks later, I eased it through the gate of the chain-link fence and found a spot near the school entrance. Grabbing my books, I tossed him his keys and got out without looking back.

I didn’t even notice whether anyone stared and didn’t care. It didn’t matter if he watched over me today or not. I wanted to be away from him.

As if that were possible when we shared every class.

* * * *

Eating lunch became a chore. It wasn’t enough that so many people stared or that they assumed I’d slept with Hayden. I knew that’s what they were thinking, because their pictures of us flooded me during each class and in between. It was a cruel joke. All the effort I’d put into resisting Hayden and not kissing him and then I had to face this barrage of images of us doing exactly that. I got a looping reminder of what I missed out on.

Each visual seemed more realistic than the last and they built in my belly, forming a lump of fire. My body pumped adrenalin, forcing me to take off my sweater. It was almost as if I’d really made out with Hayden. In a way, I felt cheated, because I hadn’t.

But God, I wanted to.

Since the first day Hayden had hit on me, I’d laid down the law. And he’d been pretty decent. Except I knew he shouldn’t have roughed up poor Bryce. I should’ve felt badly for my friend, but the only thing going over and over through my head was that Hayden had thought I was in danger and had come to my rescue. If he didn’t do something despicable soon, I might stop fighting the urge to make out with him and take the plunge.

My dry spell — no dates or kissing in months — made me more susceptible to Hayden and his steamy yumminess. If it came to that and I succumbed, my dying wish would be that Hayden kissed sloppy, like trying to swallow my whole face and slathering me in saliva. I’d kissed a guy once who did that. It didn’t matter how hard he tried afterward, I could never go there again. If Hayden did that, I’d never be tempted again.

“Well?” Corinne’s eyebrows rose expectantly.

Apparently, my reprieve was over. I had hoped Corinne and Nadia would continue scowling at me in silence.

“Why are you holding out on us?” Nadia asked. “That’s so not cool.”

“Because I don’t know why he drove me.” I threw my hands in the air. “He showed up at my house and offered.”

“At least you said yes this time or I would’ve seriously questioned your sanity.” The furrow between Nadia’s brows disappeared.

“Only because of the Viper.” I snickered. “Impossible to resist.”

“Word on the street says he let you drive,” Corinne said.

“So I guess he likes you?” Nadia asked. “I mean, that’s not a stretch. You’re gorgeous. But, you know, they usually stick to their own kind. Hayden doesn’t seem like a guy who’d go against his peeps.”

“Or…” Corinne sneered. “The bastard has some bet with them. You know, like in the movies. He’s betting he can get you to fall for him. But maybe he’s fallen for you instead.”

“Wow.” I held up a hand. “You guys are blowing this way out of proportion. He only hit on me once, and that was days ago. The party isn’t a date. He probably gave me a ride this morning out of obligation or maybe he just happened to be in the area. Who cares?”

“We do,” they said in unison.

I groaned.

* * * *

“Meeting with Linton?” Hayden asked after our PE class.

“He said to go ahead and work with you then see them after. Fawn will drive me home so you don’t have to worry about it.” I scanned the vicinity, noting many students still milling about. “You’re brazen these days. Driving me to school, walking next to me and even talking to me. What will people say?” I asked, injecting a little bite to my tone.

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