Hayden made it sound like a sibling-type affection. Maybe he only threw in the part about me getting naked so I wouldn’t get my feelings hurt. Somewhere deep inside, I was powerfully relieved that it might not be sexual. Because that would mean I wouldn’t be tempted to get involved with him. The other part of me wanted to crawl into a hole and eat three pounds of chocolate while wallowing in self-pity with a box of tissues in hand.

This type of situation — me wanting Hayden to like me and worrying that he didn’t — was exactly what I’d avoided since first seeing him in the principal’s office. Each time I wavered, I needed to remember that Hayden was not a nice guy. He should be with someone more worldly anyway, someone more experienced, like Back Up Plan.

I glanced over my shoulder and checked on Bree. She was still sleeping. A silver sedan caught my attention through the rear window. It looked like the same one that had been behind us at the freeway onramp. It also resembled the car that followed me some days to and from school. “I think someone’s tailing us.”

“Yeah, same guys that are always shadowing you. Don’t know why they bother. They obviously suck at their jobs or I wouldn’t have had to get you after the kidnapping.”

True. “You’re not worried?”

“Would worrying change anything? I’m starving,” Hayden said. “Let’s eat first.”

When we arrived at a cafe, Hayden toted my muzzy sister until she was alert enough to walk on her own. During lunch, they chatted it up and he playfully teased her. My chest tightened watching their easy camaraderie. I wouldn’t fall hopelessly in love with him though. It wouldn’t be long before he screwed up again and made it impossible for me to love him.

We finished lunch and he snagged the check and made a run for it. Before I could stop him, he’d handled the tip too. He was really racking up the brownie points. Probably trying to weaken my defense… which was crumbling. I should get away from him before he succeeded and I stopped caring about his motives. Once we were back at his house, I would make an excuse and escape with Bree — in my own car.

“That whole kidnapping thing really threw me off my routine. I forgot about my shift at Delia’s tonight.” I took Bree’s hand in mine as we walked to the ghost town.

He took Bree’s other hand. “Call in sick.”

“No way. In my world, you meet your obligations. You know, some of us don’t have family riches to fall back on. Some of us have to think about our future and supporting ourselves.”

“Sorry.” He glanced at me and rolled his eyes. “But I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to go to work. Tessa, it was only a few hours ago when you were…” He glanced down at Bree. “You know. White van. Deserted building.”

I sighed. He had a point. But… “I don’t think their intentions are bad. I’m too valuable to randomly…” I glanced at Bree too. “Eliminate. And they wouldn’t risk losing me for their side. Besides, what will I do tomorrow and the next day? I can’t hide forever.”

He stopped at the entrance to the ghost town. “I’ll let you go, under one condition.”

I squinted at him. This was going to be good. It had better not involve a body massage.

“I’ll drive you and Bree home then wait while you get ready for work. I’ll personally take you there and hang out. Probably call Skyler and Brad so I don’t get bored or look like a stalker. Then I’ll get you to my house. Call that guy and have him meet you there where I can keep an eye on him.”

“This is ridiculous.” My hands flashed to my hips.

“If you don’t agree, then I’ll take this guy out before he ever makes it to your bedroom window.”

I believed he’d do it. Psychic powers or not, I couldn’t see Mr. Perfect standing up to Hayden physically, or to the gun he might still have. “Fine. Whatever. But I’m not…” I reminded myself of five-year-old ears. “Staying there is not an option. After the meeting, I leave. I’m sleeping in my own room.”

“Maybe.” He grinned.

Damn him. I could feel my resolve melting. At the same time, I saw into the future and felt the inevitable ache when he betrayed me. Seriously, what would he do when lunchtime came on Monday? Sit with me and my friends? I doubted it. “Hayden…”

His smile slowly faded at my expression.

“What are you guys talking about?” Bree scrunched her face at me, then Hayden. “Standing here is boring. I thought we were gonna see ghosts.”

I smiled down at her before returning my gaze to Hayden. He took the hint and opened the door. Bree ran ahead of us, investigating everything as she hunted ghosts. I kept an eye on her but I wasn’t through with Hayden yet.

“I really appreciate you saving me and looking out for me. But after today, I’d like to keep our relationship business only. I’ll tutor you after school and you teach me to fight. That’s it.”

He nodded. “We’ll see.”

Chapter Fifteen


My mom’s joy knew no bounds. While I got ready and settled Bree, she gushed over Hayden. I could hear her higher-than-usual voice echoing through the house, all the way to my room. It was nauseating. I sped up my movements to get us out of there faster.

I felt like an intruder as I stood there in my work uniform holding my purse. They looked cozy facing each other on the couch, the tip of Mom’s index finger on the back of his hand. God, no, please don’t let the reason for her gushing be that she was cougaring him. “You ready?” I asked him in a steady voice, but my agitated fingers tapped my thigh. I had to get out of there.

He checked his watch. “Are you in a hurry?”

I looked at the ceiling then him. “Uh, yeah. If you’re not fifteen minutes early, you’re late. It’s called work ethic. Ever heard of it?”

He glanced at my mom with a look that said everything. Your daughter is an uptight bitch. Well, good. Maybe he’d stop hitting on me, stop tempting me.

“What’s wrong?” he asked once we’d loaded ourselves into my car.

“Didn’t you notice my mom coming on to you? Geez, Hayden, I know you’ve been around. Don’t you see the signs? Gross.” I looked out the window.

He chuckled. “Even if that were true, who cares? It’s not like she’s got anything on you. Plus, what is she, like… late forties? That’s older than my mom. You want to accuse me of wanting sex, imagine me with someone more like you.”

Interesting how he didn’t actually deny the possibility of hooking up with another woman. Why, why, why did I keep half-expecting him to change his man-whore ways? And even if he ever did, it wouldn’t be for someone like me.

“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m what some people might call a nice girl. You know what that means?” I didn’t wait for an answer. “It means that I’m not going to sleep with you or party with you. I’m certainly never going to drink if you’re anywhere near me because I am never going to kiss you again. You stick to your own kind and I’ll stick to mine. Everybody’s happy.”

Hayden remained quiet the rest of the way to Delia’s. When the car stopped, I got out without looking at him. I could sense him though, right behind me. I went inside and disappeared in the back to clock in. When I arrived at the counter, he wasn’t anywhere. As my predecessor cashed out, I counted my starting bank and put it in the register when she left.

Hayden reappeared at the counter. “I’ll have a cappuccino.”

“Coming right up.” I made his drink quickly and efficiently, hoping to get him away from the counter. Lord, but he was distracting. “That’s four-fifty.”

“Keep the change.” He handed me a ten, spun on his heel and went to the far corner of the room where he could see everything that went on in the place. I stared after him. Hayden had already bought lunch and paid for gas earlier. No way would I let him tip me that much. He’d get it back later.

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