Wow. The girl had an attitude. Funny, but her inferiority wasn’t what came to mind with those words. I got a vivid visual of her on her back with nothing covering her but me. It was an unwelcome thought considering our differences in personality and reputation.

She took a seat in our next class while I waited to find out where the teacher would place me. I ended up right beside Tessa.

And I couldn’t get that image of her underneath me out of my head.

* * * *

I whipped out my cell on the way to the cafeteria, powering it up. I’m behind you, I texted Beneath Me. Damn, I’d have to change that to her real name. But until then, I’d play along. If u were beneath me, I’d know.

Must u b so creepy? she texted back.

I chuckled and picked a seat with the guys where I could see her without craning my neck.

“Saw you with Blondie earlier? Hit and ditch?” Brad grinned. He may have lacked compassion toward his inferiors, but he always had my back. Pure mean with a side of dimples. The girls dug him — probably because he treated them like garbage. “And what’s with the class changes, dude? Lab was totally lame without you.”

The principal didn’t request confidentiality but I didn’t feel right telling my friends the whole truth since that involved telling them why Tessa needed protecting. If she wanted it known that she and her family were being stalked, it was her story to share, not mine.

“Mr. Linton suggested I ask Tessa for help. You know, get some tutoring. He thought it might be easier if we had the same classes.” I shrugged. “I don’t get it but whatever.”

Linton hadn’t actually suggested that Tessa help me but it was the only excuse I could think of. Certainly, my eyes would appreciate having her in front of me instead of one of the school nerds. But would she be willing to do that — or at least pretend, so my friends would buy it?

 From the corner of his eye, Brad checked out Tessa who sat several tables away. “If you happen to get her naked, all the better.”

“I wouldn’t mind hitting that.” Skyler grinned, his white teeth practically the only thing visible underneath the mass of long blond, wavy hair.

I cringed at the thought of Brad or Skyler going near her. A girl like Tessa would be eaten alive by the guys I associated with. But that wasn’t my problem. My responsibility ended at preventing bodily harm.

Skyler was right though. She was hot.

“Neither would I,” I said.

Chapter Four


Hayden and his friends sat across the cafeteria. I would have preferred eating off campus but all seniors were restricted to school grounds for the next month due to a mysterious incident involving “some of the seniors,” the principal had announced. My guess was those seniors were associated with Hayden or his friends.

Nadia jerked her head toward them, her black bangs falling over her brows. “What’s with the parade of jackass stares? They’ve ignored us all year. Now they can’t take their eyes off us. Well, mostly you.”

Hayden was doing what he was supposed to do. It wasn’t personal. The only reason I had his friends’ attention was because I already had Hayden’s.

“Creepy.” Corinne grimaced at the guys.

Bryce cast a quick glance at them. “Yep. Creepy.” Then he returned his gaze to his food and continued eating.

Just great. Hayden made himself look bad enough without my friends thinking he was stalking me. Not that I should care but I had to tell them something since we’d eventually be seen together. I focused on my sloppy joe while deciding what to say.

The sound of clattering trays and thrown dishes interrupted my thoughts. Brad held a skinny boy by the throat against the surface of a lunch table. “What did you say?” Brad’s voice carried over the stunned silence in the cafeteria.

Skyler sneered. “Dude, I think you’d better apologize to the man.”

“I-I said I don’t have any lunch money. My mom prepaid.” The dark-haired boy struggled under Brad’s hold. Judging by the size of him, I’d guess he was a couple years behind us.

I looked on in disgust. Lunch money? The guys were like one big cliché. Worse, they didn’t need the money since their parents were rich. For them, it was a game.

I scanned the lunchroom. Not a teacher in sight. I wished I could help the kid. One day, if I ever really did have magical powers, I’d do something about those bullies.

That would be never.

“I’m supposed to care?” Brad held out his other hand palm up as if waiting for the cash to materialize there. “You gotta have some cash on you. Hand it over.”

Even if I could do what Agent Phillips had done, how would picking up on their mental pictures help me defend the kid anyway? It’s not as though I could take on Brad by myself. So I sat there and felt useless, focusing on my lunch while Hayden and a couple other guys at his table scarfed theirs.

Come to think of it, that’s the way things usually went down. Brad and Skyler — Brad, mostly — pushed the little people around while Hayden and the rest stood by and watched. Bystanders. In the eyes of the law, being an accessory was a crime too. Just as it is in school. All three of them were scum.

Brad and Hayden’s table quieted. I assumed the kid coughed up the money, but I didn’t look.

“All three of them are staring now.” Nadia shuddered. “Any idea what’s up with them?”

I shrugged, trying to play it off like it wasn’t a big deal and wishing I’d prepared myself better for my friends’ probing. “Principal Linton suggested I help Hayden with calculus.”

“You’re going to do it?” Corinne asked, shaking her head.

“Smartening up a guy like that couldn’t be a good idea,” Bryce chimed in.

“Yeah…” I cringed, sneaking a quick peek at the boys. “But maybe if he’s smarter, he won’t act so dumb.”

* * * *

I left a few minutes before the end of lunch and stopped at the restroom. In my peripheral vision, I saw Hayden get up as I passed through the cafeteria doorway. Somewhere deep down, I was impressed he kept his end of the bargain. How long it would last, I couldn’t know. I glanced back at him.

He nodded. “Hey.”

I stopped so he could catch up then stared at him.

“I was wondering… you think you could help me with my school work for the next few days until Agent Phillips replaces me?” He shoved his hands in his pockets and eyed his shoes. “The guys asked why I was looking at you. I told them you were tutoring me. Sorry.”

Exactly what I’d been afraid would happen. But how could I blame Hayden when I’d used the same excuse? “I guess.” I spun around and escaped into the bathroom.

When I’d finished putting on my lip gloss, he was waiting outside the door, checking his cell. I walked on, sensing him following me. Knowing he was there, on the lookout, made me feel secure. It also lessened my disgust for him. But only a little.

My phone vibrated. When’s my 1st lesson? Maybe start with calc?

I slowed until he caught up to me. “Calc is fine. How do you want to work it? Stay after school?”

“Sure. Meet you in the library after last class?”

Nodding, I sped up to get away. I had an unfamiliar urge to hang out with him — possibly because of his amazing face and killer body. But, as with all things superficial, the attraction would probably die soon enough. Hayden would see to it, just by being himself.

* * * *

Hayden walked me to the auditorium then went on to PE. Three seats had been placed around a small table by the big double doors. I claimed the only empty one and turned to Ms. Phillips. “So, you’re not with some secret government branch of superhuman people used for special missions?”

“No.” She chuckled softly. “And call me Fawn.”

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