Our entire evening had been blown to hell. “I was going to take you somewhere, but that didn’t work out. I picked up a movie earlier though as a plan B.”

“I’m so sorry. If I hadn’t gone to the cemetery with Chait—”

“You mean if Rena hadn’t tried to kill you? Don’t worry. We can go out another time. Tonight...” I held up the video I’d dropped on the counter earlier. “He’s your favorite actor, right? Hope you haven’t already seen this.”

“That’s a chick flick. You sure you want to go there? And how did you know I liked him?”

I grinned. “My secret.” She had his picture in her school locker. But I looked smarter if she didn’t know that I’d seen it.

* * * *

“Wow. That movie was powerful stuff.” Sarcasm dripped from my tongue.

She punched me in the shoulder and laughed. “I don’t know why you rented it.”

I rubbed my shoulder, wondering if she knew her own strength. Did witches get as strong as warlocks or were they weaker than men, like normal people? “Because I thought you’d like it.”

“I did.” She met my eyes. “I like you.”

“Then I’ll rent you a girly movie every night.”

“I’d rather have you.” Her fingertips caressed my cheek.

“Good. Let’s go to bed.” I stood and pulled her up, then kissed her. She melted against my chest and a fire blazed through me. I wanted to undress her right there and didn’t care if her five-year-old sister walked in. Or her parents.

But I’d made a promise.

I led Tessa to her bedroom, then gently pushed her to the bed. Leaning over, I kissed her again, my hands cupping her face. “Goodnight,” I said and backed away.

“You’re not staying?” Her brows rose, eyes wide.

I looked to the ceiling as if God were there and could help me. “Not if you want me to keep my promise.”

Her face fell. I froze, pondering the ramifications of staying and giving her what she obviously wanted. But what if she regretted it in the morning? Getting sex wasn’t worth losing her, especially with Chait close by to pick up the pieces. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

As I lay on the sofa, alone, my thoughts drifted to Tessa. Fear rippled through me at the thought of screwing things up with her. Knowing she could wake up any second and realize I wasn’t good enough for her haunted me.

Damn it. I couldn’t imagine my life without Tessa in it.

I loved her.

* * * *

Tessa jumped on top of me smelling of peppermint lips and vanilla hair.

“Mm…” Her hands snaked under my t-shirt. “You look yummy in your sleep.”

I chuckled, dodging her hands and feeling slightly violated, but amused. She kissed my neck and worked her way across to my temple, her tongue whispering at my ear. As she sucked my earlobe between her teeth, my hands found her butt. My body burned for hers. Was she crazy — mauling me first thing in the morning? Apparently, she didn’t understand male morning physiology. A thick blanket between us prevented her from discovering that kind of evil, but if she didn’t stop soon…

 “What are you guys doing?” Bree asked.

Tessa leaped off me. “Nothing, cutie. We were… playing.”

Bree grimaced. “It looked like you were kissing.”

Tessa giggled nervously, then checked her watch and disappeared. She made herself scarce while we all got ready to go. Just as we dropped off Bree at her school, Fawn texted Tessa and requested that we stop by before class.

“Hey,” Tessa and I said in unison as we entered the principal’s office.

“Good morning.” Fawn closed the door. “Boris has requested your presence for dinner tonight.”

Tessa looked at me and shrugged. “We can cancel with Chait, right?”

Hell no. I wanted to avoid Boris way more than I wanted to avoid Chait. “Yeah, sure. What time does Boris want us?”

“Six o’clock work for you?” the principal asked.

“Tessa, don’t you have to work tonight?” I asked, hoping she’d say yes.

“Oh.” She examined her fingernails, biting her lip. “I quit.”

“When was this?” I stared, shocked that she didn’t think that might be something worth telling me.

“I called my boss Saturday night before the party. I knew he did the schedule Sunday and I didn’t want him to plan for me.”

That didn’t explain why she hadn’t told me. Or why she quit.

Linton cleared his throat. “You two can work that out later. Shall I tell Boris that you’d be delighted?”

“Yes, please. Thank you,” Tessa answered.

“Lila and Frank,” I said, switching from Fawn to the principal, “are your real names, right? Mind if we use those? It’s less confusing.”

“Sure,” Fawn replied. “What happened last night? I understand they lost someone.”

“Yes,” Tessa answered. “Rena had been watching us at the park yesterday. She freaked over Boris being there. Apparently, he doesn’t usually take an interest in anyone so new. Why did he want to meet us?”

“He already told you. He’s curious why both you and your sister are witches.” Frank tapped the desk impatiently. “What happened with Rena?”

“A better question,” I interjected, “is why weren’t you guys there to protect Tessa? If it weren’t for Boris showing up at our meeting, Rena would’ve never attacked. If you’re going to put her in danger, make sure you’re there to clean up the mess.”

Frank’s eye twitched and he made as if to rise. He didn’t like me. Too bad.

“Take it easy.” Lila put a restraining arm on Frank. “Rena must have been a Blocker. And a damn good one. We didn’t sense anyone until Chait arrived. You must be worth a lot to them. Otherwise, why would they kill one of their own to save you?”

“Maybe it didn’t have anything to do with me. I think it was more a matter of Rena crossing the line.” Tessa shrugged. “Why would Boris make a special trip to see me? And I’m guessing he doesn’t live around here.”

“You have no idea why Boris would go out of his way for you?” Frank asked. He probably couldn’t figure out what his boss was up to any more than we could.

“I guess none of us do,” Tessa replied.

“We should ask Boris.” I smiled. “Over dinner tonight.”

Chapter Thirty-one


“He’s getting your lunch.” Nadia wiggled her brows. “Must be serious.”

“We have a long ways to go before we call it that.” I glanced at Hayden piling food on two trays. “We’re just hanging out.”

“You must feel safe with him,” Bryce added, taking the seat next to me.

I chuckled, remembering when Hayden had man-handled Bryce. “Yeah.”

“I’ve been exposed to him since ninth grade and I’ve never known him to spend so much time with one girl. Going on two weeks, right?” Corinne asked.

“We haven’t been together all that time though,” I said. “Only since the weekend.”

“So you’re together now?” Nadia grinned. “It’s official?”

I swallowed, the heat rushing to my cheeks. “Yes.”

Corinne squealed. Bryce groaned. He was a bit of a geek, but he was still a guy and I imagined the girl talk was getting a bit thick for him.

Hayden’s arms brushed my shoulders and a tray appeared in front of me. He dropped a kiss on my temple and eyed Bryce who scooted away. Hayden filled his spot.

“Thanks.” I smiled, aware of many eyes on us.

“Damn.” Hayden growled and took off toward Skyler and a couple of their friends. He pulled one of them off a smaller kid. “Guys, let him eat, huh?”

“I don’t like his attitude.” Sklyer straightened his own shirt.

“You’re not in kindergarten anymore,” Hayden said. “Try acting like it and don’t let me catch either of you picking on anyone again. I mean it.” He cuffed Skyler in the head and walked away.

I beamed at Hayden as he returned to our table.

That was it. I’d gone over the edge with him. Even Chait, with all his sweetness and physical perfection, wouldn’t be able to help me through the heartbreak once Hayden dumped me. And he would leave me. It was only a matter of time. My heart ached thinking about it.

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