I wondered if the less powerful sorcerers were the ones doing the accusing as a way of eliminating anyone more powerful than them. But what other powers did the divine sorcerers have? I wasn’t sure how much time I had in the library or if I’d get another chance to read that book. I continued skimming the pages. If my suspicions proved right, any powers were shared by my grandmother and me. And our group would soon include Bree.

While sorcerers had only one special ability, divine sorcerers had many, including physical strength beyond any other superhuman species in history. Moving a boulder was as easy for them as taking a breath.

Boris knows. That’s why he made comments on my strength. That’s why he’d taken such an interest in me. He either wanted to kill me for being a threat or he intended to use my powers to his advantage. Chills tickled my arms and my stomach lurched. I was in deeper than I’d thought possible. And I’d dragged Hayden right smack into the middle of it.

With that much power, they couldn’t be allowed to live. But killing a divine sorcerer proved to be more difficult than anyone imagined. When it was discovered that cutting off their heads eliminated them permanently, swords were sharpened and men trained vigorously to rid the world of what they deemed the greatest threat to plague the earth since the ice age.


In horror, I swallowed to keep from vomiting, my eyes blurring. I blinked tears away and wiped my wet cheeks, then dug out my phone to text grandma with simply, Get 2 the cemetery now. She’d know I wouldn’t demand it unless it was an emergency.

Finding Hayden to alert him would waste time. And what if he tried to talk me out of going? I bolted from Chait’s library, then slowed my pace, so I didn’t attract attention.

Outside, the car’s top was down. But the keys weren’t in the ignition. Hayden had them, but I couldn’t wait. I jumped in, not bothering to open the door. Laying my hands on the steering wheel, I closed my eyes and took in a long, deep breath.  In my mind, I saw the car start. A moment later, the Viper vibrated beneath me and I guided it down the driveway. I waved to the security guard and smiled. The red and white gate lifted.

Once on the street and out of view, I raced toward the sorcerer burial ground, the pressure against my heart and lungs straining my every breath. My hands trembled as I barreled down the street, praying a cop wouldn’t spot me.

The red light ahead commanded me to stop and I took a moment to wipe my sweaty hands on my jeans. The light turned green and I gunned the engine. The car all but peeled out. If I kept hitting red lights, it would be another twenty minutes before I met with Grandma. She’d wonder where I was. She might panic and come looking for me.

At last, I was freed by a green light and my foot stomped on the accelerator. When another light flashed red, I whimpered involuntarily. I whipped out my cell and quickly texted her again. I’m on my way.

I’d put Grandma at risk by sending her there. Oh, God, of all the magical abilities, why couldn’t teleporting be one of them?

The silver sedan was following me. Lila. I had to lose her — quickly. At yet another red light, I dialed her phone. “I want some privacy. It’s not as if I’m going anywhere. You know I couldn’t desert my little sister.”

“But Tessa, we want to keep you safe,” Lila’s tinny voice tried to soothe me.

“You’ve done such a great job of that so far.” I made a right when I needed to make a left. I couldn’t give her a clue to my destination. “You guys expect me to trust you and yet you can’t do the same for me. Just this once, I want to be alone.”

“Tessa, be reasonable. At least tell me where you’re going.”

“It’s none of your business. But if you must know, Hayden and I had a huge fight,” I lied. “And I’m going someplace where I can get a little space and think. Where people aren’t hovering over me and constantly kissing my ass. Get off me, Lila. If you’re still following me in five seconds, I’m turning around and coming after you.” I growled and hung up. In my rearview mirror, the silver car slowed and turned at the corner.

I’d wasted time. But I couldn’t afford to head in the right direction yet, in case Lila had somehow out-smarted me. I needed an open road where any cars behind me would stick out like one of Boris’s lies. But there was no such thing in Scottsdale. They had deserted roads on the way to Gilbert, but I couldn’t lead them that far. I made several more turns and hit a main thoroughfare.

Time was ticking by. I’d have to take my chances and run for it. Several minutes later, I entered Gilbert. The small town looked easy and inviting with dirt roads winding off in the distance. An open road lay before me and I checked all my mirrors. Behind me looked clear, not a car in site. I stepped on the gas and sped to the cemetery.

When I pulled over, I searched the vicinity and spotted Grandma right away. Four more sorcerers surrounded her. Thank God, she’d brought help. If Frank or Lila’s people managed to stay with me…

I bolted to Grandma and leaped into her arms.

“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” She stroked my hair. “What happened?”

My eyes found each of her people and noted how far away they were. I didn’t want anyone to overhear. “Centuries ago, there were these people, like witches, but more powerful. They were truly magical, not just extra strong or perceptive.” My throat thickened and I wanted desperately to begin digging. But Grandma needed to know. And I needed her help. “Back then, it was believed that their powers could be stolen. So they were hunted for that and, also, because other species considered them a threat.”

I swallowed, my voice rising with the urgency to spit it all out. I made an effort to lower it again. “They were eventually assumed extinct. But they weren’t, really. Any left alive must have hidden by blending in with the only species they could — sorcerers. They had the same sort of energy, so a Detector could easily mistake them for their own.” I held her hands. “I came across an ancient book that talked about Divine Sorcerers, which are essentially very powerful witches. It showed drawings of them. In every picture I saw, they were blondes and resembled us an awful lot.” A short sob escaped me. “And they were very fertile and only gave birth to girls.”

“Go on. What else?” she asked, her eyes boring into me.

“They’re like werewolves or vampires. To kill them, you have to cut off their heads.” I put my hand over my mouth, hoping to stave off the threatening hysteria.

She looked at me blankly.

“Do you feel Zoe? Here? Now? Don’t you feel her presence?” My hands clung to hers, the cool night air brushing against the wet on my cheek. “Don’t you get it? It’s the only way to kill them. To kill us.”

“Which means…” Grandma glanced at the gravestone. “We’re wasting time.” Throwing herself on the plot of earth, she cupped her hands and dug at superhuman speed, dirt spraying and quickly forming a mound beside her. I joined her. The earth over Zoe’s coffin disappeared rapidly. Finally, we reached the top of the casket. Grandma attempted to unclasp the large metal clamps. “The latches are stuck.”

Or the lid was nailed shut. I focused on the wood, imagining where the nails would be. I saw them in my mind, and melted them. The hot metal seeped through the cracks in the wood and relinquished their hold. I wrenched open the lid.

Zoe lay frozen and untouched by time, her skin grey and her arms crossed over her chest. How long had she been like that?

“Zoe,” I shouted, but she didn’t respond. I lowered my ear to her chest. No heart beat, no intake or release of air. But I could feel her. “She’s alive.”

Except for her coloring, she looked exactly the same. Perhaps her comatose-like state was the reason she hadn’t aged.

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