He let go and I relinquished my hold. As his body slowly got further away, I became aware of what happened. I’d kissed him again.

And I liked it more than ever.

Damn. Without a word, I spun and raced to my class.

Chapter Thirty-nine


Every time I looked at Tessa, I remembered how I’d given her up. How I lost her. We still had all the same classes together, which made her hard to avoid. For four weeks, I tried to forget her and failed — probably because I didn’t really want to.

She was a good sport, always ready with a smile. But that was Tessa — kind to everyone even if they didn’t deserve it. Deep down, it terrified me to think she thought I was a creep for forcing a kiss on her earlier. I shouldn’t have even asked her to the movies. It was stupid. It’s not like she would’ve thought I was sincere, not after my stellar performance that showed her what a parasite I was. Maybe once school was over, months from now when we saw each other less often, I’d eventually get over her.

Maybe not.

School had become brutal without her to talk to and laugh with. Even if I couldn’t have Tessa the way I wanted her, it was still easier being around her than not. At least I got to see her now and then, when I trained Queen Jane and a select few others part time. The queen had offered me a full-time position, which would throw Tessa and me together more often in the long term. I seriously considered saying yes.

Since I suggested to Brad and Skyler that they stop picking on little people and grow up, they seemed to have matured somewhat. Today, however, was not one of those days and they jabbered endlessly about girls. I doubted there were many who could plunge to their depths of crassness.

Me, on other hand… I couldn’t indulge in that sort of thing, especially about Tessa. I hadn’t been with anyone else nor did I want to be. I just wanted Tessa back. To the guys, I could act like she wasn’t worth talking to, but I knew the truth. She deserved better than any of us.

During lunch, I sat where I could watch her, thinking about the kiss I’d laid on her that morning.

“I heard some of the guys talking about Tessa,” Skyler began. “Apparently they’ve got a pool going to see who hooks up with her next. I’m going to put twenty on Joey. I think he’s got the best chance since he’s got that clean-cut thing going on.”

“They’re taking bets, huh?” I asked. “Well, do me a favor and spread the word — first guy that goes near Tessa is going to get his ass beat. Tessa is off limits to every guy in this school. Got it?” I patted Skyler on the back. “I saved you twenty bucks.”

Chapter Forty


“Tessa, wait up!” Nadia yelled.

I stopped before the limo and grinned, anticipating another round of ‘You have two gorgeous guys to choose from. Why are you wasting them both?’ “What’s up? Come to ogle my hot driver?”

“No. I mean, yeah. I’ll be forever in debt to your rich long-lost relative for giving him a job, so I can gawk at him every day. But, no.” She shook her head. “That’s not why I’m here. I have to tell you something.”

Corinne caught up, out of breath. “This is good.”

“There’s a pool going around on who’s going to be the first to sleep with you.” Nadia beamed.

They would all lose. Who knows when I’d feel like dating again — it would be a long, long time. I knew that much.

“Get this.” Nadia rubbed her hands together. “Hayden spread the word that you were off-limits and the first guy to try would get pounded.”

Corinne’s eager eyes widened. “Nadia and I think he’s madly in love with you. Do you ever look at him during lunch? He’s turned into this tragic brooder, always watching you.”

If only that were true. No way I would buy into that and let my hopes fester. My dreams would get shot down proportional to the amount of hope I’d built up.

Hayden seemed to magically appear and suddenly Corinne and Nadia had other things to do.

“What’s up?” I asked, restraining myself from fidgeting.

He ran his fingers through his hair and looked at his feet. “Uhm… never mind.”

I watched him bolt to his car, completely baffled as to what he’d wanted.

Chapter Forty-one


“Why haven’t you asked her out yet?” I asked Chait. He and I were supposed to be training, but my mind kept drifting. Knowing Tessa was only a few rooms away made it even more difficult to concentrate.

“Are you referring to Tessa?” His leg struck out, aimed at my knee.

I dodged his kick. “Who else?”

“God. You’re blind.” Chait paused to wipe sweat from his temple. “Maybe Tessa is the only girl existing in your little universe but, in reality, she has a very beautiful older sister.”

“Right. I keep forgetting that.” Zoe was pretty, but not for me.

“Why haven’t you asked Tessa out?” Chait fired back, throwing a left punch that connected with my side.

I grunted at the impact. “I did. She thinks I’m playing games.”

“Tell her the truth. That you broke up with her because, you know, you’re a total wuss and you were terrified you’d get her killed.” He punched me in the face and my nose burned.

So Chait had caught on. I struck out, hitting him in the stomach. I immediately followed it with a kick, clipping his chin.

“Good one.” He wiggled his jaw. “Tell her you’re in love with her.”

“Maybe I’m not good enough for her. Maybe she needs a guy more like you,” I said. As the words left my mouth, I wanted to shoot something. “Let’s take a break.”

“Sure. If you need one.” Chait grinned and used a nearby rag to wipe the perspiration from his neck. “My mentor used to say that no one can make us feel badly about ourselves unless we allow it. He lectured me endlessly that the biggest offenders to shrink our self-worth weren’t others, but ourselves.”

I stared at the ground, knowing he was right. Sam told me over and over that I wasn’t worth a crap. When he’d stopped, it didn’t matter, because my inner voice had taken his place. Hell, the last few years, I’d gone above and beyond trying to prove him right. I spun to avoid eye contact with Chait. But the mirrors stretching along almost every wall made it impossible to hide.

“You’re not garbage, Hayden. Honestly, I thought it would be a piece of cake snagging Tessa right from under your nose. You made it so easy at first. After seeing how you felt about her and how you handled yourself, I backed off. You’ve been completely honorable in every way. I can’t tell you how relieved I am that you won’t be competing with me for Zoe.” Chait sighed and tossed the rag on the table. “You’re going to make me say it, aren’t you?”

“Say what?” Now this I had to hear.

“You’re a good guy, Hayden. If we’re ever in battle again, I want you on my side.” He shuddered. “You and Tessa are making me go soft. Stop being stupid and go tell her you love her. She may not believe you, but you’re going to be patient and fight for her. Because you deserve her. Got it? Now get the hell out of here.”

Chapter Forty-two


I usually did my homework in the living room where the occasional foot traffic would distract me. Schoolwork paled next to combat training and telekinesis practice, so I welcomed any interruption.

Behind me, I heard footfalls. Without looking, I knew it was Hayden. The training room was at the other end of the building, yet today, it seemed like no place was safe from him. Why did I keep running into him? After his kiss earlier that morning, the need for more nearly overwhelmed me. “What’s going on?” I asked, fighting to maintain my focus on the pages in front of me.

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