“You felt it,” Naji said, looking over his shoulder at her. “The power. When your crewman died–”

“I don’t want to talk about that.”

Naji actually shut up. I guess Mama’s sharp voice can even scare a Jadorr’a. Or maybe it wasn’t Mama he was scared of.

“What’s going to happen to you?” I said. “When you hold them?”

He looked at me. “You already know.”

I shook my head. “It ain’t right. I mean, think about what happened when I… you thought the other thing was impossible, and it wasn’t at all.”

Naji’s eyes loomed dark and empty. Then he turned back to the starstones. I didn’t let that stop me.

“There’s gotta be something about you,” I said. “Cause you’re Jadorr’a, cause you can’t die, it’s in all the stories.” I knew I was babbling; I knew Mama and Papa were giving each other looks over in the corner. “None of the tasks are impossible, that’s the thing. You only think they are. It’s like how I thought it was impossible for me to do magic and then I did, and I saved your life on the river, and–”

He lifted his head. The glow in his eyes illuminated the tears streaked across his cheekbones.

“Naji?” I whispered, cause all other words had left me.

“I hope you’re right,” he said, and then he reached out with his bare hands and scooped up the stones.

Magic flared around us, bright white and stinging like the edge of a flame. Naji screamed. The stones filled with light. For a dazed second, I thought that Jeric yi Niru was right, that they really did look like the stars plucked out of the sky.

And then I heard Papa shout, and I was aware of him and Mama both drawing their pistols, and Mama saying something like not again. And Naji stared at me with hollowed eyes and a gaping mouth, the stones growing brighter and brighter. I realized I could see the outline of his bones beneath his skin.

“Drop them!” I screamed. “You’ve done it! Skin against stone! Drop them!”

The faint presence of Naji’s thoughts evaporated out of my head, leaving me empty and alone.

The stones clattered against the floor.

And then so did Naji.


I bounded on board the Nadir, screaming Marjani’s name. Tears streamed down my face. I couldn’t stop shaking.

“What is it?” She appeared at my side, one hand holding her gun, the other wrapped around my shoulder. “Where’s Naji? Dammit! I knew we shouldn’t have surrendered–”

“No!” I shouted, before she could call up the crew to arms again. “It wasn’t… Where’s Jeric yi Niru?”

Marjani blinked at me.

“Where’s Naji?” she asked again.

“He held the stones,” I said. More tears welled up behind my eyes. “He held the stones and now he’s… now he’s–”

“The stones?” Marjani shook her head. “Ananna, what are you talking about?”

“The starstones!” I shouted. “My parents had the starstones!”

“What?” Marjani stared at me. “And he… Oh, Ananna…is he…” She swallowed. “Is he dead?”

I shook my head.

Marjani closed her eyes and let out a long relieved sigh.

“But there’s still something wrong with him. He won’t get up. Jeric yi Niru!” I wiped at my eyes, suddenly ashamed of the tears, and turned toward the deck. “Where is he?”

“Here, first mate.”

He slunk up behind me. When I glanced at him his face twisted up into a mask of sympathy and he said, “Oh, my dear, I’d offer you a handkerchief, but it seems–”

“Stop it.” I dug the heel of my hand into my eyes. The salt stung. “What else do you know about the starstones?”

Jeric gave me his slow, easy grin. “I believe you’re in need of an Empire magician, not an Empire soldier.”

I slapped him.

“Uncalled for,” he said.

“You’re a noble,” I said. “Nobles don’t sign up with the Empire’s navy unless they get to be officers. But you ain’t no officer.”

The smile vanished from Jeric’s face.

“Right now I don’t give a shit what you did that got you condemned to sea. But I’ve half a mind to think it might got something to do with starstones.” I pulled out my pistol and pointed it at his chest. “Am I right?”

“Will you shoot me if I say no?”

I curled my finger around the trigger.

Jeric grinned again, although this time it wasn’t so easy. “You’re cleverer than I gave you credit for.”

“What else do you know about them?”

“You said the assassin is still alive?” Jeric’s eyes glinted. “I’ve heard of people surviving this long after touching the stones, but I’ve never met one. Of course, I’ve also heard that they never come back the same.”

Fear prickled cold and sharp down my spine, ice in the heat. I didn’t know if Jeric yi Niru was lying to me or not.

“Could you help him?”

Jeric shrugged.

“Come with me,” I told him. Then I turned to Marjani. “I’m going to bring Naji back on board and you need to tell Queen Saida to let my parents go.”

Marjani opened her mouth.

“Just this once. They’ll be back. I know Papa. She can do whatever she wants to them then. But please. Just let them go today.”

Marjani got real quiet, and then she gave me a short little nod, and that’s how I knew for sure that the queen’s fleet had been following behind us as we gave chase, all set to interrupt our parley and take my parents prisoner.

I grabbed Jeric yi Niru by the arm and dragged him to the rowboat. He stumbled along with me and didn’t say anything as we climbed in, just gave me that steady stare of his – though this time it was shot through with wariness. My pointing the pistol at him had been a bluff; it was just as likely he got sent out to sea for seducing some courtier’s wife. Sometimes you gotta take a gamble.

The boat splashed down, cold seawater cascading over my lap. I didn’t care. I didn’t care about anything except getting Naji back on board the Nadir, and then to someplace that could give him care.

“I’m putting you in charge of the stones,” I said. “We’re bringing them back with us.”

“Mercy, why?”

“My reasons are my own,” I snapped. It was because of the curse – I didn’t know if Naji touching them this time had worked or not. I wanted to cover all my bases.

“And how exactly do you plan to get them on board the ship?”

“They’ve got a box. Papa’s crew was able to transport ’em fine that way.”

“I imagine it’s safe to assume they’re not in the box now.”

I glared at him.

“I’m sure you know what my next question is.” He paused, eyes glittering. “How do we get them in the box?”

“I don’t know. That’s why I brought you.”

Jeric settled back and didn’t say anything.

Naji was still stretched out when we got to the Tanarau holding bay. Mama was sitting over him with a bucket of seawater and the big pink conch shell she used on fevers and nightmares. She had peeled his shirt away and set the shell on his scattershot scar.

His tattoos glowed.

The starstones were glowing too, although they were dimmer now, casting long, pale shadows. Mama looked up at me when I walked in, her face foreign-looking in the light of the starstones. Her eyes flicked over to Jeric yi Niru.

“If those stones knock you out, don’t expect me to treat you,” she said to him.

Jeric didn’t respond, not even to give her one of his mocking smiles. I knelt beside Naji and pushed the hair out of his face. I concentrated real hard, trying to see if I could peer inside his thoughts, to see what he was feeling. But I couldn’t.

His skin was cold to the touch, but when I pressed my fingers against the side of his neck I could feel his pulse fluttering soft and light.

“Do you know if he’ll get better?” I was afraid I would start crying again.

Mama didn’t answer, just handed me a little silk bag filled with the glass vials she kept her spellstuff in, the bits of coral and the sand from Mua Beach and the dried seaweed harvested off the coast of the ice-islands.

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