Hunter breathed out.

‘There’s no two ways of looking at this, Robert. That’s just fucked up. Some people out there have lost track of everything. Especially of how valuable a life is.’

Hunter’s long silence told Garcia he agreed. ‘How is Anna?’ he finally asked.

‘Alive because of you.’

Hunter said nothing.

Garcia drew in a deep breath. ‘She’s very shaken up, and still a little dopey from the drugs Graham pumped into her. But in a way that was a blessing. She doesn’t remember anything that happened after she was drugged. If she’d been conscious throughout that whole ordeal yesterday, the psychological damage she’d be facing would’ve been far worse than what she’ll already have to overcome. You know that better than anyone else.’

The next few seconds felt more awkward than it had ever felt between the two of them.

‘So where are you going?’ Hunter asked, indicating the suitcase.

‘We’re going to visit a few relatives up in the mountains in Oregon,’ Garcia replied. ‘Just get away from everything for a while, you know? It will be good to take Anna away from this city. It will be good to be just the two of us for two weeks . . . No interruptions . . . No phone calls in the middle of the night . . .’

Another awkward silence.

‘Will you be back?’ Hunter asked.

Garcia knew Hunter was referring to the Homicide Special Section. He was pensive for a long moment. ‘I’ll be back to the force,’ he finally said. ‘I have to decide if I can come back to Homicide Special.’

Hunter said nothing.

‘I’ll be truthful with you,’ Garcia said, meeting Hunter’s eyes. ‘I’ve never been as scared as I was yesterday, Robert. Anna has always been everything to me. Without her, I’m nothing. I’ve always feared losing her. But you know the kind of fear I’m talking about, right? The kind that happens to every couple in love.’ Garcia shook his head. ‘Not yesterday. Seeing Anna tied to that chair with a gun to her head made it real. It made me totally realize how fragile and vulnerable she really is. And you as well as I know that the only reason her life was put in danger was because I’m a Homicide Special Section detective. In other words, I put her life in danger by doing the job I do.’

Hunter studied his partner in silence.

‘You know that threats to my life don’t scare me. I don’t even mind being nailed to a human-sized cross, as you well know. But this is the first time that a threat has branched out to Anna, and I won’t lie to you, Robert. It’s forced me to rethink things. To rethink my priorities.’

Hunter knew it would.

‘I was so scared, that I wasn’t thinking clearly,’ Garcia admitted. ‘If it had been me instead of you in that room yesterday, I don’t think I would’ve seen the chance you saw, and even if I had I don’t think I would’ve had the nerve to have taken it. I would’ve simply shot myself to save Anna.’

Hunter said nothing, and the silence stretched for several seconds.

‘But I’m not making any decisions right now,’ Garcia said. ‘Things are still too vivid and fresh in my mind, and therefore I’m not thinking one hundred percent straight.’ Garcia put on a brave smile. ‘The break will do me good. It will give me time to sort my head out. It will do you good as well. Are you going anywhere?’

Hunter shrugged. ‘I haven’t decided yet, but I was thinking maybe Hawaii.’

Garcia smiled. ‘That would really do you good.’

Hunter smiled back. ‘Yeah, I really do need a break.’

‘Whatever decision I come to,’ Garcia said at last. ‘You’ll be the first one to know, partner.’

Hunter nodded.

Without any warning, Garcia took a step toward Hunter and hugged him as if he would never see him again. ‘Thank you for what you did yesterday, Robert. Thank you for saving Anna.’

Hunter smiled awkwardly.

‘Now why don’t you come up?’ Garcia said. ‘I know Anna would love to see you.’

‘Give me a minute,’ Hunter said and quickly returned to his car. From the passenger’s seat, he retrieved a bouquet of white and yellow roses before following Garcia into the building.

One thing Hunter was certain of. Whatever decision Garcia came to in the next two weeks, it would be the right one.


Many people have contributed in so many different and generous ways to this work and, though a simple acknowledgment page cannot fully express my gratitude, I’d like them to know that this novel would never have been possible without them.

My friend, and the best agent an author could ever hope for, Darley Anderson. Camilla Wray, Clare Wallace, Mary Darby, and everyone at the Darley Anderson Literary Agency for their never-ending strive to promote and sell my work anywhere and everywhere possible.

My fantastic editor at Simon & Schuster, Maxine Hitchcock, whose comments, suggestions, knowledge and friendship I could never do without. Emma Lowth for double editing, and making sure that everything makes sense (because it usually never does). My publisher, Ian Chapman and Suzanne Baboneau, for the tremendous support and belief. The amazing team at Simon & Schuster for always doing their best, and going way beyond the call of duty.

Samantha Johnson for patiently listening to all my crazy ideas, and for being there.

Most of all, thank you to all the readers and everyone out there who have so fantastically supported me and my novels from the start. This one, and all my novels are written for you.

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