The contempt in her voice fanned the pain burning his insides. The emotion was totally unfamiliar to him.

“I have neither the time nor the inclination to spar with you, Savannah. Feed.” He set her on her feet.

“Do you think I will do so only under compulsion?” She tilted her chin at him, a clear challenge. “I do not need your help.” Without looking at him again, she turned toward the taller of the two males.

Gregori stepped back, wary of her reaction. His silver eyes glittered. She was baiting a tiger.

Savannah moved forward, a sensual curve to her mouth. Her enormous eyes were so dark, they were violet, mysterious, and sexy. Her gaze was on another man. Inviting. Enticing. The human smiled, his entire focus on her as he stepped toward her. She lifted her arms to him, her body moving seductively beneath her clothing.

A low growl of warning rumbled deep in Gregori’s throat. Unexpectedly he snarled, his white teeth gleaming dangerously. He was fast, his solid frame inserting itself between his lifemate and her prey. It was instinct, not thought. This man could not touch Savannah, not even to supply her with nourishment.

She raised her beautiful eyes, mesmerizing and taunting, to his pale ones. “Isn’t this what you want of me?” Her voice, pitched so low, played over his skin like fingers. “To use my voice and body to draw my prey to me and feed?”

“Do not start something you have no hope of winning, Savannah,” Gregori warned with dark menace. He yanked the male to him and bent his head to the exposed neck. Her eyes never wavered from his as he drank his fill. When he lifted his head, he dropped the man on the ground, where he lay sprawled between them. “Come here to me,” he ordered her softly.

Unexpectedly her heart somersaulted, and butterfly wings fluttered in her stomach. She never should have taunted him. Why had she been so silly? Gregori didn’t even bother to pretend to be civilized. Making him jealous wasn’t a smart idea. She held up a placating hand. “Gregori.”

“Come here to me, Savannah.” His voice was brushed with softness, purity. Impossible to ignore.

Reluctantly, she moved around the man on the ground and put herself into reaching distance. Gregori’s hand circled her upper arm and drew her against his hard frame. He bent his dark head to hers, his warm breath stirring tendrils of hair by her ear. “You will take what you need from your lifemate.” He whispered the order, but the deceptive softness of his voice only increased its impact.

She attempted to pull away from him, frightened that he was so powerful. His hold on her tightened. She could feel the imprint of his body on hers, hard and aroused. “You will do as I say.” His thumb was feathering back and forth across her pulse, wreaking havoc with her senses. As always when he touched her, her body softened, became liquid. She didn’t want the heat and excitement of his touch.

Her mouth was pressed against his chest, but he bent closer so that she could nestle her face in his shoulder, his neck. He smelled of wood and spice. His skin was hot, and beneath her moving mouth was his pulse, strong and beckoning. His thumb brushed again, insistently, provocatively. Savannah moaned, her breath coming in a little rush. “Why are you forcing me to do this, Gregori?”

“You need, I provide.” His hand cradled the back of her head, holding her against him.

She couldn’t help herself, couldn’t stop herself from stroking her tongue across his pulse once, twice, in a small caress. It was the way his body was against hers, at once protective and sheltering, yet aggressive and demanding. The combination was exhilarating, temptation itself. How could she resist Gregori? He was so powerful. Savannah sighed and closed her eyes, then pierced his neck.

She felt his jolt of pleasure, of pain, the whip of erotic lightning flashing through his bloodstream. His body moved against hers, hard and urgent, only their clothing separating them. Heat curled and pooled low in her body, and the essence of his life poured into her, filling her, strengthening her as it was meant to.

Gregori’s arms tightened around Savannah, and he gritted his teeth. The feel of her silky mouth feeding was so erotic, he could barely contain himself. He wanted to drop her to the earth right there and take what was his. He wanted her so badly, his body was going up in flames. It was heaven and hell holding her against him, so much pleasure and so much pain. And, damn her, she was never going to touch another male as long as either of them lived. Never.

He bent his head and brushed her silky hair with his mouth, savoring the feel of her against his jaw, his skin. She was so small and delicate, so curved and soft. All heated satin and silk. He closed his eyes and pretended she loved him. That she could love him. A monster. Gregori. The Dark One.

Savannah heard the echo of his thoughts, the taunt of all Carpathian children to their friends. Who would come out of the night and turn them to stone? Gregori. The Dark One.The one with the power to heal—or destroy. In that echo she caught from Gregori a deep sorrow, a belief in the tightness of the cruel accusations against him. There was no bitterness, just acceptance.

She felt a stone on her heart, heavy and oppressive.

Very carefully, she closed the pinpricks at his throat and rested her head against his chest. She could hear his heart, strong and steady. Dependable. Mysterious. Sexy. Frightening. That was Gregori.

The hand in her hair closed for a moment, bunching long strands together into his fist; then, abruptly, he let go of her. Without looking at her, Gregori hauled the second of the humans to him, bent his dark head, and fed voraciously. When he had replenished himself, he allowed the man to sit down in the tall grass. He lowered the woman to join her companions.

Savannah stepped back uncertainly. Gregori hunkered down to check each human. He stared into their eyes, his hands gentle as he laid them carefully on the ground to recuperate. “They will be fine,” he said, unaware of the husky note in his voice. He straightened, then turned his head slowly to look at her with his glinting silver eyes. “You will not touch another male. Not of any species.” Each word was distinct and pronounced in a low growl.

“Don’t you think you’re overreacting, Gregori?” she ventured.

He stepped close and loomed over her so that the heat of his body enfolded her. “I would be unable to prevent myself from harming them.” The admission was made in his usual calm manner.

“I thought your claim on me removed all threats.”

“Evidently it brought about new ones. Until I am able to assess and control all that is happening to me, what you are causing me to feel, it is best if you do not defy my will.”

Her blue eyes darkened to violet and smoldered as she glared at him. “Your will? I should not defy your will? It isn’t like I’m given free will around you, Gregori. Don’t you always dictate how I should think and feel? I live only to please you.” She curtsied.

A growl rumbled in his throat. He reached for her and brought her up close to his body. “How I wish that were true. I think you live only to drive me crazy.”

“That could be arranged,” she said sweetly. “I have things I have to take care of, Gregori. They’re important to me.”

“Such as?” Those pale eyes burned over her upturned face.

“Peter. I have to take care of Peter. I’m his only family. He had no one else. And because of me, he’s dead. He was trying to protect me.” She crushed down the need to sob, to scream, to pound Gregori into the earth.

He was silent for a moment. “The police will want to speak with you. The story is probably already in the newspapers. Are you ready for the repercussions of that?”

She tilted her chin at him. “I loved Peter like a brother. I owe it to him.” Her hand swept through her hair in agitation. “I have to do this. I have to. Please, Gregori. Stand with me on this. I know I can’t fight you and win. I need this.”

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