Afterward Alexandria had no idea how it happened. One moment she was sitting quietly, the next she had launched herself out of the bed and flung herself at him, unable to contain the rage racing through her. Aidan’s sensual features remained cool and calm even as he caught her small, flying figure. She was already desperately fighting to regain self-control, horrified at her behavior. She had never done such a thing before. Aidan restrained her easily, clasping her wrists behind her back so that she was held tightly against his hard frame.

And at once she was aware of the thin shirt covering her bare skin, her curves fitting against his body. She was aware of him as a man, of herself as a woman. That horrified her. Everything about the situation horrified her.

“Shh, piccola, cara mia, be calm,” he soothed her, one hand pinning her wrists while the other tangled in the heavy fall of hair at her nape. “We will get through this together. Hold on to me. Use me. Use my strength.” He released her wrists even as his hand tightened on her neck.

She thumped his chest once, twice, trying not to scream out her frustration. “I’m crazy. My mind is crazy. It won’t stop.” She rested her head against the heavy muscles of his chest, the only refuge, the only sanctuary left to her. Her brain was racing, a terrible, chaotic jumble of desperate thoughts. Aidan was solid, an anchor of strength, the calm in the eye of the storm.

“Breathe, Alexandria. With me, breathe.” The words whispered softly over her skin, seeped in through her pores, penetrated to her heart and lungs.

He seemed to be doing it for her, his breathing regulating hers. Aidan held her almost tenderly, not asking anything of her, simply holding her until the terrible trembling ceased and she was able to stand on her own two legs. Almost reluctantly, he released her, putting space between them, his hand trailing down the length of her thick braid until his arm once more dropped to his side.

“I’m sorry.” Alexandria pressed her fingertips to her temples. “I’m not normally a violent person. I don’t know what got into me. “ Itwas so unlike her, this craziness. The vampire’s blood must be still in her, and Aidan did not want to reveal the truth to her.

Aidan could read her fear, that the vampire was still in her, directing her actions. What nonsense. He shook his head. “Fear itself can make us act out of character. Do not worry yourself so. Are you ready now to see Joshua, to be calm enough to reassure him? I know you need more time to adjust to all this newness, and I will not insist, but your brother is beginning to worry. Young Joshua thinks of himself as your protector. As much as he trusts me, he needs to see you, to touch you.” Deliberately, he directed her thoughts to the child, the only one capable of taking her mind off her terrible transformation.

With a shaking hand, she reached for the jeans Aidan had had brought from her boardinghouse. “Fill me in on what I should know, what Joshua expects. I can’t remember everything you told me.”

Aidan couldn’t drag his gaze away from the slender length of her legs. His body hardened unexpectedly, his blood pounding and hot. He turned away from her to hide his hunger. Hunger for erotic, steamy sex. He had never felt its pull with such intense heat.

“Aidan?” He heard the whisper of the zipper as her voice skimmed over his skin. Fangs exploded in his mouth, and his body clenched with need. He was barely able to suppress a low growl of aggression. His fingers curled into fists, his knuckles white. As Carpathians aged, everything increased in intensity. Including emotions, if they could feel. Pain, happiness and joy, sexual need. He had known that, but he had never experienced it before. It was not easily controlled when it was so new.

He let his breath out slowly, the red haze before his eyes receding, the demon struggling for supremacy leashed and muzzled. He had an eternity to win Alexandria. She was bound to him, soul to soul, mind to mind. He would find the patience to give her time to come to him willingly.

“Aidan?” This time her voice trembled. “Is something wrong?”

“No, of course not. Let me review things for you. Joshua believes me to be an old family friend. He believes that the two of you had been planning for some time to move into the suite of rooms on the second floor and that your illness at the restaurant merely moved the schedule forward.”

Her large sapphire eyes glinted at him; then her long lashes swept down. “Just how good of friends are we supposed to be?”

A small smile tugged at his mouth, and for one brief moment he looked almost boyish. Then the illusion was gone, and he was a powerful predator once more. “Oh, I would have to say close. Very close. And, fortunately for me, Joshua likes it that way. He is my staunch ally.”

One eyebrow shot up, and the dimple near her mouth deepened. “ Youneed an ally?”

Again he glimpsed her mischievous nature, and it prompted another small smile. “Absolutely.”

Aidan had a way of tipping his head to one side and looking at her with such hunger that it took Alexandria’s breath away. It might have been a trick of the light, except there was no light. She concentrated on his words, trying not to react to his sensual looks or the mesmerizing sound of his voice.

“A rather odious friend of yours tracked you down here and demanded to see you. Aside from upsetting my staff, he did not get very far, he did return some property of yours. You are aware, of course, that both your friend Henry and little Joshua instinctively disapproved of this childish game maker. In fact, Josh has secret plans to make money so you do not have to sell your art to such a man.” Aidan reached behind his head to secure the thick mane of hair at the nape of his neck. “He has a smile reminiscent of a shark, do you not agree?”

Alexandria was held spellbound by Aidan’s simple act of securing his hair, finding the way he moved incredibly sexy. She shook her head, angry that such a ridiculous thought should even occur to her. “Are you talking about Thomas Ivan? Because if you are, show some respect. The man is brilliant at what he does. He actually came by here looking for me?”

She grabbed on to that notion. It was human and normal in a world gone mad. Thomas Ivan was someone she could relate to. Someone who had things in common with her. She ignored the fact that Thomas Ivan’s smile wasexactly like a shark’s toothy grin. She ignored the fact that this creature in front of her was the most purely masculine man she had ever seen and that hissmile alone held a fascination for her.

“The man’s story lines are idiotic drivel. He does not know the first thing about vampires.” There was contempt in Aidan’s voice, yet it still held such a purity of tone, she found herself leaning toward him and had to pull herself up sharply.

“No one knows anything about vampires,” she corrected firmly, “because they don’t exist. They can’t. And his work isn’t drivel. His games are brilliant.”

“I had not heard that about vampires not existing,” Aidan responded with a mocking grin. “I wish I had known earlier. It might have saved me a great deal of trouble over the centuries. As for Ivan, I fear I must agree with Joshua. The man is a pompous ass. In any case, he returned your briefcase, and I told him you would get in touch with him when your doctor says it is all right to do so.”

“I don’t have a doctor.”

Aidan’s white teeth flashed, and his golden eyes gleamed with wicked amusement. “I am your doctor. I am your healer.”

She could not meet that heated gaze. His amusement was as sexy as his sculpted mouth. “I think I’m getting the picture. So, what else has my little brother been told?” She glanced about the room. “Aren’t there any shirts of mine around here?” She lifted the tails of his elegant silk evening shirt. “Some that don’t reach my knees?”

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